Friday, June 1, 2012

Turning your Dream into Reality

Description: ir?t=froreltorelth-20&l=as2&o=1&a=1401301304What must you do every day to finally live your goals?
To get from where you are to where you want to be or should I rather say “where you passionately NEED to be”.  You must firstly be certain that you really need and want, whatever goal you are attempting to achieve in your life. You must have a deep inner desire to live that new reality and you must be certain that you are prepared to make the sacrifices, which living that goal will require.

Once you have total certainty and clarity on exactly what you want, you must then create a clear map in the form of a daily goal specific action list, which you are committed to carry out every day. This goal specific action list will guide you to “where you passionately NEED to be”. Completing everything on your Daily Goal Action list, must become one of your major priorities each day and you must try not to let your head hit the pillow each night until you have facilitated these actions.

When you begin to follow this very simple strategy and you give finding the path to living in the magic of life the priority status it deserves. You are guaranteed to realize all your goals and dreams. The strategy for realizing your dreams is very simple and when applied daily, it is extremely effective.  The challenge you have though, is that you will need to apply your willpower and discipline until you develop a habit set to support your efforts. This habit set will ensure that you keep the daily commitments with yourself and consistently complete all the required daily actions.   

Action Idea: Explore your Goal Action Plan, if you have one or create one if you don’t. You can easily create a goal action plan by using Mind Mapping as a tool to assist you to put your thoughts down on paper. Once you have an effective goal action plan, ensure that you consistently take the required action, every day, to get to where you want to be.  Use your Goal Action Plan every day when you are doing your daily review to check off all the goals that you have achieved that day and give yourself a huge pat on the back for your daily successes.
Your goal action plan is the source of all your daily goal action ideas. Use it every night during your planning session. Transfer a realistic number of tasks from the list to your Daily To Do List for action the next day.  I recommend a minimum of 5 each day.  Applying the rule of five, where you carry out 5 goal specific activities every day, will deliver amazing results in a very short space of time.

The Power of Visualization

Are you using the power of your sub-conscious mind?

Create goal specific affirmations, which are aligned with the goals you want to achieve. These affirmations must be stated in the present tense and really inspire you to take the daily action you need to take, to achieve the goals you have set for yourself. Consistently use your Goal Specific affirmations, twice a day to create structural tension between your reality and what you are telling your subconscious mind with your affirmations.  By stating these Goal Affirmations (beliefs) in the present tense, as though they are your new truth, you trick your subconscious mind into thinking that it is true.  Your subconscious mind is not constrained with truth or fiction or past or future.  Everything the subconscious mind receives is in the here and now and is taking as truth.

Remember repetition makes permanent, by repeating these Goal Affirmations twice a day, first thing in the morning and last thing at night, you make your subconscious mind see your goal as your new truth.  When facilitating your Goal affirmations, it is crucial that you see yourself actually living each goal, how will you feel, what will you see, smell, touch, hear? The more clarity you can create when doing this the greater the impact of this practice.  The more emotion you can instill into the practice and the more energy you give to the process, the greater the benefit and results.  A very effective way to assist with this practice is to make an audio recording of you stating your affirmations in your own voice and then to listen to this when you do your twice daily practice.

Yes affirmations are important and they are an effective tool to help you achieve your goals. There is however no substitute for good old hard work and a daily commitment to take action on your goal specific activities every day. Success is a process of knowing what you want; creating a vision of exactly that, building a blue print to get you there and then simply taking action on that blue print daily. When you see success as a process and you stay committed to the process. The question is not “Can I be successful”, but rather “when will I be living the life of my dreams”

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