Sunday, November 25, 2012

Andrew Horton Inspirational Speakers: How to turn goal setting into goal achieving

Andrew Horton Inspirational Speakers: How to turn goal setting into goal achieving: 2013 is fast approaching, are you willing to unleash the creative power of your dreams and allow them to project the kind of business you ...

How to turn goal setting into goal achieving

2013 is fast approaching, are you willing to unleash the creative power of your dreams and allow them to project the kind of business you want to have and the quality of life you want to lead. Now is the time to create a positive mind-set, where you orient yourself to constantly be on the lookout for fortuitous situations or circumstances. It is extremely difficult to identify opportunities, when you are not looking for them and impossible, if you do not believe in yourself, your abilities and the potential that any opportunity offers.

Stop making any more excuses about delaying taking the action you know you need to take to live your dreams? Become enthusiastic about your potential today and create a crystal clear picture of exactly what you want to achieve in your life and business in the future. This vision will serve as the starting point to begin setting meaningful goals and creating an action plan to make just that possible for you, during next year and beyond.

Everything starts out as only a Dream

Anything outstanding that has ever been achieved started out as only a dream, an idea in someone’s head. You too can create wonders with your dreams and hopes, if you commit to nourish them, by investing in your personal growth and that of your key team members. You protect them by creating a set of realistic goals for your business and you commit to nurse these goals to fruition, by building meaningful action lists, which are consistently acted upon daily.

What is Possible for you?

The size and scope of your dreams determines what you can achieve and permits you to preview what could be. Clarity of purpose coupled with consistent, planned and focused action by all team members in your business, allows you to convert this probability, into possibility and finally your new business reality. Dare to dream, create a vision and goals to deliver on your dreams and you will get to create the business of your dreams.


All the super achievers and extraordinary businesses, which I have followed and researched, do not possess any special super powers, or unique talents. The one thing that I have noticed they do have in common is a very clear vision about what they want to achieve in the future. This vision is written down and converted into an easy to understand and apply mission, which they and their team can act upon daily.

Action Idea: Explore your vision and mission for your business. Once you have clarity on exactly what you want to create in your business, ensure that everyone in your organisation understands your vision and their role required to deliver on your vision.

Clearly Understand and Communicate your Businesses Picture of Possibility

Vision is a picture of possibility for the future, a direction the organisation is going to travel in. So it is of little value to write out a difficult to understand vision statement, which is plastered on the wall of the reception area of your business, which looks really pretty, but no-one in the organisation understands or feels passionate about. Vision is something people must be able to easily see and connect with.

I recently worked with the Information Technology department at one of the large universities in South Africa. They have had a really flowery and eloquent vision, which has been displayed throughout the corridors of the university for many years now. When we started the strategic planning session for 2013, I asked who knew what their vision for the future was. Only two people in the room had a vague idea of the content of the vision statement and even they did not feel that it had any meaning for them.

After exploring what they really saw as important for the future, which was to become a real value adder, to their students and the community at large, delivering top quality students and internationally recognised research in the Information Technology arena. We created a pictorial representation of what that meant to them. This pictorial representation was made of various analogies and pictures which allowed them to all grasp exactly what was required of them. This picture of possibility, will also serve to allow them to easily communicate this picture to all the other stakeholders in the university. The feedback from the university has been extraordinary. Everyone now understands the vision and most importantly their role in delivering the vision.

Creating your Vision

Action Idea: Get clarity around exactly what you want to create in your business in the future. Then invest time with your team to get their input towards, understanding of and buy-in, to this vision. Now all that is left to do is to convert this into understandable pictures and phrases, which your team can comprehend and most importantly one they feel committed towards using. To make this work in the long term, it is important to consistently remind your team about the vision and their commitment towards it.


Work with your team to convert your vision and mission into understandable and achievable goals. These goals must be easy to understand, written down and each team member must clearly comprehend their individual responsibility to deliver on the organisations goals. The way to make this process really work requires you to take the big picture and for you to break it back into smaller pieces, which individual team members can take action to achieve.

Each organisational or departmental goal must be broken back into individual projects or smaller bite size goals, which must then be allocated to individuals to achieve. These individuals must commit to a reasonable time frame to complete each project and they must create a set of measurement criterion, to measure their progress daily, weekly and monthly.

Action Idea: Each individual project must then be converted into action lists, which each individual can use daily to guide them on exactly what actions they need to take to achieve each project. These action lists are the input documents each team member uses to drive their daily activities.

Make it Fun and Don’t Give Up until you Succeed

To successfully fulfil all your business goals, requires consistent and persistent effort on the part of every team member. So if you want to make the journey more pleasant and sustainable, find ways to create an atmosphere of fun, excitement and real deep passion around this process. When you do this, it changes the concept of that dirty four letter word called work, into something people enjoy, is fulfilling and something everyone will eagerly want to participate in doing daily.

I know it sounds counter intuitive, where you make work fun, but when you can find creative ways to make your team members enjoy their work every day, they become far more passionate and driven to deliver their best. Many organisations such as Zappos shoes, Caribou Coffees and Google have introduced the concept of fun in the workplace. They encourage people to enjoy their work daily. As you know all these businesses have shown exponential growth since they opened their doors for business.

Making this work in your Business

Action Idea: Introducing fun as a concept in the workplace is not as simple as walking in one day and telling everyone they must have fun at work. It is a long term investment into creating a new culture, where people feel empowered to deliver their best and are encouraged to enjoy the process. This can only happen in an environment of openness, support and understanding. So to start the process, you need to ensure that everyone understands the vision, their role in delivering it and they must be supported and encouraged to be autonomous, master their abilities and enjoy the process.

Make Time Available

Each team member must be allowed to be at the helm of their own job and commit to implement their part in achieving the overall plan daily. They must be supported and encouraged to take inspired action daily, which will help the team achieve the desired results. To do this, they will need a system to make them both effective and efficient. This means that each team member will need a system to help them manage their time, activities and energy productively.

Action Idea: The first and most crucial element, when introducing a system to support your team to become effective, must ensure that they are clear on exactly what actions need to be taken. Once each team member is certain that they are taking the right actions, introduce a system which allows them to improve their efficiency, or in other words one that allows them to allocate how they will utilise their available time daily. The system you introduce must be flexible and must be suitable to support each team member’s unique circumstances. Allowing them to allocate time to their top priorities, whilst ignoring time wasting things, which do not serve their purpose or fit in with the overall vision.

Whatever Gets Measured Gets Done

When on the path to achieving your organisational goals, you will need to have consistent and regular checks, to ensure that you and your team remain on track. Each team members commitment towards monitoring their progress on a regular and frequent basis, will allow them to constantly measure their daily actions, to see if they are delivering the desired results. Should the individual or collective actions not be aligned with where you want to go, you can quickly change or improve them to ensure that you eventually do achieve the desired results. When each team member monitors their actions daily, the team leaders monitor the their teams activities weekly and the organisation monitors their progress monthly, it means that only small corrections are necessary to ensure that everyone stays on track

Action Idea: During the planning process, ensure that each team member’s goals or projects are time defined and their progress is easy to measure.  Each team member, department and organisation needs to have a predetermined set of measurement criterion to help them regularly measure their individual and collective progress.

Have Fun

If you want to invite sustainable long term success into your business, then you and your team must commit to have fun and deliver your best every day. Encourage them to look at their own mirror of assessment and to enjoy what they do. When everyone commits to the businesses’ success and they take bold focused and prioritised actions every day, success is inevitable. This daily commitment to take the right inspired action daily will make you and your team unstoppable.

Author: Andrew Horton a Motivational Speaker

Monday, November 19, 2012

Andrew Horton Inspirational Speakers: You Can Never Exceed Your Own Expectations

Andrew Horton Inspirational Speakers: You Can Never Exceed Your Own Expectations: Regardless of your age, gender, ethnicity or even how big or small your dreams may be, self-confidence and self-esteem, coupled with a hea...

You Can Never Exceed Your Own Expectations

Regardless of your age, gender, ethnicity or even how big or small your dreams may be, self-confidence and self-esteem, coupled with a healthy dose of belief in your potential, are the crucial ingredients for inviting any level of sales success into your experience. No matter how amazing the product or services you are selling may be, you are ostensibly selling yourself. People buy the full value proposition, which obviously includes the products and services, but most importantly they buy the value you the sales professional ads to the offering. The final buying decision is always an emotional one, in which the buyer’s final decision is based on the value the sales person adds to the deal. You can only bring great value to any sales experience if you believe in yourself and what you have to sell.

You get Branded everyday

We all know that people should not judge each other and that they should look beyond the obvious outside appearance of other people. But unfortunately people do judge each other. Just as products or services are branded as “the best”, “cheapest”, “Ineffective”, ”good value for money”, or “unreliable”, so too are individuals branded too. They are either branded as “winners” or” whiners”, which one are you?  The picture you project to the world about who you really are, speaks volumes. You cannot project a self-conscious doubting image to the world and expect people to have confidence in you or the product or service you are attempting to sell.

People Buy your Confidence and Belief

Everybody loves to be around people who exude an air of healthy self-confidence and who believe in what they have to sell. They are able to then see the full value proposition you offer, which includes the product and service you are selling, but most importantly, they can see your quiet confidence and belief in yourself and what you have to offer. We all love to buy from confident winners, who believe in themselves and what they offer. Are you confident and do you believe in yourself and what you are selling, because until you can acquire confidence and real authentic belief in what you are selling, no one will buy from you.

Nature or Nurture

Yes some people are naturally more confident than others, but I do not believe that we are born with self-confidence. I believe that we develop our self-esteem and self-confidence daily, by keeping all the commitments we make with ourselves and everyone around us. The challenge we face when trying to develop our self-confidence, is that many of us were forced to play inferior roles to adults as children.

 These adults frequently reminded us of our faults and shortcomings, instead of supporting us to see our strengths and abilities. This has made us doubt ourselves and instead of keeping the commitments we make with ourselves to lose weight, improve our knowledge, and achieve any goals we set for ourselves. We instead doubt ourselves so much, that at the first obstacle we give up, reinforcing our lack of belief in ourselves. This forces us to doubt ourselves even further.

Your Opinion Matters the Most

No one else is responsible for you or how your life unfolds or for that matter how many sales you make or fail to make. It is for this reason that no one else’s opinion about you matters. You are ultimately responsible for all your daily actions or lack thereof, so do not listen to the opinion of anyone else, other than as a means of gathering feedback. The only opinion, which matters, is your own opinions and beliefs, which will ultimately inspire you to take action daily. 

Conversations with Yourself

Whether you are conscious of it or not, you are engaged in a running conversation with yourself all day. Your thoughts and ideas are talking to you, encouraging you to believe in yourself, guiding you to take positive actions to help you achieve great success or discouraging you by filling your head with all the reasons you may fail throughout the day. It is time to wrestle back control of these conversations and for you to teach yourself how to constantly speak to yourself in a supportive and re-enforcing fashion. You know the value of spending time around supportive people, who genuinely believe in you, praise and reward you. It raises your belief in yourself and makes you see possibility. Try to instill the same qualities into the conversations you have with yourself every day and you will gradually begin to grow your self-belief daily.

Believe in Yourself and your Potential

There is no greater driver for inviting sales success into your experience, than your own belief in possibility and your ability to achieve it. It is seldom, if ever that you will exceed your own expectations about what you can achieve. You can never build or create great expectations, unless you believe in yourself and your abilities. So is it not time to start removing those nagging doubts and to unlock your unlimited potential to become the best person possible, by finally believing in yourself. You are truly magnificent, dare to finally see it.

Author: Andrew Horton Sales Training


Andrew Horton Inspirational Speakers: Dare to Unleash the Creative Power of Your Dreams ...

Andrew Horton Inspirational Speakers: Dare to Unleash the Creative Power of Your Dreams ...: 2013 is fast approaching, are you willing to unleash the creative power of your dreams and allow them to project the kind of life you want...

Dare to Unleash the Creative Power of Your Dreams in 2013

2013 is fast approaching, are you willing to unleash the creative power of your dreams and allow them to project the kind of life you want to lead. You will only get to unleash this amazing power, when you clearly define them as crystal clear, pictures in your mind, which are stronger than any obstacles, which you will encounter along your path to success. Your vivid dreams will help power your success and allow you to skip over any obstacles, which will cross your path.

Converting Your Dreams into Reality

The process for converting one of your nebulous dreams into reality begins, when you combine them with, desire, planning, effort, perseverance and you commit to work this process, until you see the magic begin. This commitment to daily action and consistent effort, will allow your dreams to unfold and materialise before your eyes. Anything becomes possible when you have the courage to believe in yourself and your dreams and you commit to apply your energy daily to make things happen for you.

Break Free From the FEAR

Are you murdering your dreams of greatness because you are allowing yourself to be paralyzed by fear? Take steps today to begin overcoming any fears, which are trapping you in mediocrity and allow your new boldness to break the bondage of irrational fear. When you challenge your fears and become willing to face calculated risk fearlessly, you empower yourself to realize your excellence and open yourself to live your full potential.

Believe in Yourself

Nothing can or will happen in your life, until you begin to unequivocally believe that your dreams are not only possible, but they are possible for you. Your dreams are achieved in the NOW, one small inspired action at a time. Dream of the future you desire, set goals that will help you realize your long term vision to manifest those dreams in your life, but strive to always live in the present and take action daily.

Dare to Dream Big

Real, meaningful success awaits you, if you dare to dream big and yet keep your dreams rooted in reality. Always work with focused purpose and always think positively, yet constantly strive for harmony in every facet of your life and believe you can have it all, just not all at once.

Daily Discipline Drives your Dreams to Reality

Desire tells you what you want and dedication and discipline are the engines that drive your dreams and turn them into reality. Therefore the secret to creating sustainable success and living your dreams must start with you first developing a deep rooted desire to succeed and then all you need to do is add copious amounts of dedication and daily discipline and you will achieve those dreams and desires. Success only comes to those that are willing to become top class “DOERS

Play Full Out

If you want to invite sustainable long term success into your experience, then you must commit to “PLAY FULL OUT”. Give your best at all times. Take a real hard look at your own mirror of assessment and try to reawaken those desires and ambitions, which you have abandoned a long time ago. Commit completely to your success and begin taking bold new actions every day, which will deliver your dreams. This daily commitment to success will make you unstoppable. Dare to unleash the power of your dreams and  allow yourself to soar to new levels of awareness and success.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Andrew Horton Inspirational Speakers: Motivational Speakers - Success comes to those who...

Andrew Horton Inspirational Speakers: Motivational Speakers - Success comes to those who...: One of the best methods you can use to dramatically increase the level of success you currently enjoy, is to start looking beyond your own...

Motivational Speakers - Success comes to those who are Willing to Give to Others

One of the best methods you can use to dramatically increase the level of success you currently enjoy, is to start looking beyond your own personal self-interest. Start to look around and explore your world and discover a cause bigger than you.  This crucial shift, will see you take a much larger view of your world and allow you to remove the selfish inward view you currently hold and get you to start looking outside yourself. This shift will allow you to move from selfish internal self-interest, to an external selfless view of your world.

This one very significant shift, will radically change how the world responds to and receives you. To make this process work for you, it is crucial that you change from being someone, who is focused only on your own success and that you begin to look look beyond yourself. When you change your focus from self, toward helping as many people as possible achieve the success they desire. Your world opens up and resources and people, who seemed distant and unobtainable, almost miraculously become available to you. As Zig Ziglar puts it “You can have anything in life that you want, if you will help enough other people get what they want.

How Does this Work?

When you are no longer focused on your own self-interest and you are looking around your world, focused on something bigger than you. You see a very different world. One which is far larger than the limited world you will see, when you view it through a restrictive set of eyes, which are focused only on self. This allows you to program your mind to see many opportunities, which would have seemed too large or ominous, when viewed from a restrictive viewpoint.
Commit to Teach what you need to Learn

Action Idea: One of the most powerful processes for learning any new knowledge or skill is to commit to teach those skills or knowledge to others. This simply means that if you are lacking any attributes, in your strength zone, necessary to succeed, you then invest time to find people, who need to learn these skills or acquire this knowledge and then commit to assist them to develop those attributes too. This will allow you learn, grow and become more and at the same time look beyond self, where you can support others

If you need to Grow, Commit to Help Others Grow

If you need to become, more confident, bolder, courageous, more positive or stronger, then commit to help other people develop these attributes and you will learn and acquire them too. As you give commit to give to others, you are gradually giving to yourself too and you are growing. Everyone wins, there is a great modality of fair exchange.
Making this work for you

Action Idea: Explore your own life and business, try to identify areas where you need to improve. Once you have identified what attributes you will need, identify someone, who you can assist to develop exactly those attributes. This shifts you away from a mentality of what can I get, to one where you focus on, what you can give. This shift will see a massive shift in the way your world sees you and as if by magic, you will see the resources you desire beating a path to your door.

Focus on Others, to Help Yourself

It is astounding how focusing on someone else and teaching them how to develop the very attributes you need to develop in yourself, will help you to develop exactly those attributes in yourself. Not only do you learn the attributes necessary to attract the success you desire, but you get to help someone else get what they want too. This is really rewarding and contributes to improving your level of satisfaction, happiness and contentment and will help the whole world get better too.

Author: Andrew Horton Motivational Speakers