Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Meet Your Future - The Art of Success

Meet Your Future - The Art of Success

Plan for Success, Commit to Daily Discipline, have patience, measure progress, constantly improve

There is a really great way of foretelling exactly how your future will turn out. It does not require that you visit a clairvoyant, sit under a pyramid and chant or even that you gaze into a crystal ball. All that is needed is a good set of plans detailing how you want your future to turn out and the commitment and discipline to take action every day to carry out your plan.
You can never successfully build anything unless you have a plan. Would you attempt to build a house without first drawing a plan? You know that you could attempt to build the house without a plan, but how do you think it will turn out? The house would be flawed and unstable. If you would not attempt to build a house without a plan, then why do we travel through the journey of life, without a plan? If the house we would build without a plan would be unsatisfactory, why do we think our lives would be any different?
If you just started laying bricks to build a house and somebody asked you what you were building. You would answer that you have no idea. Are you laying bricks in the wall of your life every day, with no idea why you are doing what you are doing? If someone asked you why you are laying the bricks into the wall that is creating your future, one brick at a time, would you be able to tell them? Or are you just waking up every day and throwing bricks into your wall of progress and expecting things to turn into the success you desire.
This talk is designed to help you to explore your unique circumstances and to discover everything that you need to become and do, to create and apply the perfect plan, which will allow you to begin and sustain your journey to the success you desire.  The process is simple; you are guided to create a plan that sees you finish your year before it even starts. You need a plan that completes your month before it even starts and a plan that completes each day before each one even starts. When you commit to do this, each brick you lay has a purpose and creates exactly the structure you want in your future.
Once you have created your plan for the future, you practice sufficient patience, to allow your actions the time they need to deliver the results you desire and you commit to take and measure your actions daily, weekly, monthly and quarterly. You have the foundation for becoming the person you need to be, to attract the success that you desire. Now all that is left for you to do is to pull the trigger and commit to apply a dirty four letter word consistently in your life. That word is “WORK”.
Give yourself time to learn and grow, it takes time to build great health, wealth, success and to create the dreams you hold so dear. Achieving anything worthwhile is simply a combination of well laid plans, a sustained commitment to daily discipline to carry out the plan, the patience to allow things to develop and an on-going commitment to regular measurement of your progress.
Get Off the Treadmill of Perpetual Busyness
We often get so wrapped up in the cycle of being busy and doing to survive that we never find time to reflect, think and plan. Allowing this to continue unabated will see years get added to your life but never any meaningful positive change. If you are not satisfied with anything or in some cases everything in your life. Then the solution is not to cram more into your already overloaded schedule. The secret is to include time in your schedule to step off the treadmill of perpetual “BUSYNESS” so that you have time to work on creating the future you desire.

This time which I call “MEETINGS WITH YOUR FUTURE”, is time you schedule every day to devote to making a meaningful difference to the way your future will turn out. If you fail to do this the years will continue to fly by in a mist of dissatisfaction and each December, you will reflect on another spent year, another year where nothing has changed.
All that is required to see meaningful, positive changes begin to appear, almost effortlessly, in your life, is that you need to make the decision right now that you are going to make a small shift in the way you plan and schedule your life going forward. When you choose to include this very simple plan for creating a new success habit set in your daily schedule and you commit to apply your willpower to carry out the plan, until it is part of your daily routine. You are equipping yourself with a tool that will help you to create long term almost effortless success.
You can choose to do nothing, where you carry on living your life the way you are and allow the years to continue to fly past in a blur of dissatisfaction. Or you can choose to make this small shift toward creating the success that you desire, where you learn a new success habit set and you schedule time into your day, to give you a window in your day to work on your life, so that you can create the future that you have dreamed about. Your new success habit set, combined with the small actions you will take every day during your “MEETINGS WITH YOUR FUTURE”, over time will compound into the success you desire. What are you waiting for, get off the treadmill of mediocrity and climb onto the Steam Train of success.
Author: Andrew Horton Time Management Training

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Does the State of the World Economy Really Affect Me?

Does the State of the World Economy Really Affect Me?
The challenges and on-going changes, we have been facing over the past few years, is most certainly not going to determine how the next five years of your life turns out. There is however one factor, over which you have 100 % control, which will determine where you will be five years from now, that factor is you. You are responsible for your current reality and the choices you make about uncovering and utilising any future opportunities, will determine how things turn out for you in your future.
The choices you make, attitude you project, determination you show and your willingness to adapt to and create the type of change you want in your life, is going to create the foundation for your future. Nobody is willing or able to do any of this for you, so stop wallowing in self-pity and pull the trigger today, start to make a few better choices and commit to change and control the one thing you have 100 % control over, namely yourself.
Accept that the economy is what it is, interest rates will continue to rise and fall, presidents will come and go, inflation will continue to increase and people will still go on consuming. None of these elements will determine how your future turns out; these are variables that everyone experiences. The way your future will turn out is only related to how you view these variables and more importantly how you choose to respond to them. It is such an empowering moment when you realise that only you have 100 % control over how your future will turn out.
Jim Rohn had a fantastic way of saying this “It is not what happens to you that makes the difference in how your life works out — what happens to you happens to all of us; it’s how you respond to what happens to you that determines the major outcome of your life.”
It is time to take stock of your life and business and to accept that it is now more crucial than ever, to commit to re-invent, both yourself and your business by design. This will allow you to adapt and mould yourself and your businesses, to adapt to and utilise the vast amount of change that surrounds us every day. This process of re-invention, where you choose to alter things by design, allows the wise business professional, to take control of their unique and evolving circumstances, so that they manage and mitigate the challenges that arise, as a result of the rapid rate of change.
It is time to stop pretending that you are immune to change or that you can resist change, now is the time to commit to a process of re-invention, so that both you and your business can start performing and finally take steps to embrace and utilize the inevitable change to your advantage.  Accept the prospect of on-going and inevitable change and although change is always daunting and makes us feel uncomfortable, know that it is here to stay. So if you want to shine, you must accept that you must be committed to undergo a process of re-invention. Learn the art of planning for change, working with change and strive to make change your ally. This small shift and commitment to an on-going process of re-invention will become one of the most important resources, in any super achievers toolkit for on-going sustainable success.
As Brian Tracey so aptly says” Whatever got you to where you are today won’t get you to where you want to go” Re-invention is the key that will allow you to take the next step to greatness. Life is always changing and evolving, it is never stagnant. If you are not striving to improve and grow, you will be going backwards and missing the opportunity to live your dreams.
Author: Andrew Horton Time Management Course

Monday, September 26, 2011

Turn Meetings into Victories

Turn Meetings into Victories
How much of your productive work time do you waste in pointless unproductive meetings that seem to meander in a rudderless fashion down a meaningless path of unnecessary blathering and brain numbing pointlessness? These types of meetings are the thief of one of the most valuable tools available to any organisation, namely the ability to use a gathering of minds, as a powerful tool for brain storming and productive activity.
Turn pointlessness into productivity
There must be a clearly defined purpose for holding any meeting. This must be clearly written down and circulated to everyone attending the meeting before commencing any meeting. The clear purpose, objectives and clearly defined outcomes required, when written down and collated, very often highlight the fact that a meeting is unnecessary. This clarity of purpose makes every meeting far more productive and will help you to achieve far better results, each time you convene a meeting.
Complete focus and engagement from every attendee.
Phones off, no laptops or distractions at all. Treat every meeting as though you were meeting with your most important clients. The only reason people fiddle with their phones or computers, is because they are attending an unnecessary meeting, with no point or purpose. With 100 % focus and attention from all attendees, meetings can be concluded and the objectives achieved in far less time.
Who must attend? -Time Management program
Be ruthless and only invite people to meetings, who will contribute to the outcome that you are trying to achieve. All hangers on that would only delay the progress in the meeting or who only need to be made aware of the proceedings, can be given a copy of the meeting summary. Only the key participants need to invest time to attend the actual meeting, time is your most valuable possession, stop wasting it on meetings you do not need to attend.
Schedule appearances at meetings
It is unnecessary that everyone attend every second of every meeting. If someone has a contribution that is only required 30 minutes into the meeting and will only take five minutes. Then have the foresight to call this person into the meeting, only when they are required and then have them leave once their contribution is complete.
Circulate a draft agenda to everyone asking for input before the meeting
Send a draft agenda to all participants and ask them for feedback and input. Their suggestions and input will help you to streamline proceedings even further. When everyone has some kind of input onto the agenda they are forced to think about the purpose of the meeting and they have a clearer understanding about why they need to attend any meeting.
Everyone attending must send their preparation material before the meeting
By distributing all reference material and background information to all participants before any meeting, you save on buckets of time, during the meeting, as the meeting does not need to waste everyone’s time discussing background issues that are of little or no value to the proceedings. This leaves all attendees with the opportunity to focus all their attention on valuable discussion, which is aligned with the objectives of the meeting.
Convening the meeting - Time Management program
The person running the meeting must open the proceedings, by reminding the group of the purpose of the meeting and the concluding objectives of the meeting.
Timing and Control
Strict control must be maintained at all times. The time frames as defined in the agenda must be adhered to and someone must be appointed as time keeper, they must give 2 minute warnings that a session is ending. This makes people get to the point and stops the unnecessary banter and rhetoric. There is nothing like a pending deadline to get people to perform and deliver. The chair person must retain strict control at all times and should the meeting begin to meander off the subject matter, they must quickly bring the meeting back into focus. This can be done by suggesting that unnecessary conversations be continued in a more suitable forum or at a different time.
Encourage debate - Time Management program
It is the role of the chair person to encourage debate, manage dispute and direct disagreement. There is really no point to convene any meeting, if everyone agrees about everything. The challenge when engaging in any rigorous debate, is to ensure that you confront ideas and never people, attack challenges and never anyone’s character. The chair person must encourage this debate and interaction, but must keep control, to ensure that the objectives of the meeting are always on the table.
Post Meeting
Clearly communicate the post meeting deliverables to all attendees. Everyone must be 100 % accountable

Sunday, September 25, 2011

You can never Manage Time

You can never Manage Time

Time is only a concept that allows us to rationalize linear changes in our lives. The only reality that makes any sense to me is that we live in a universe without any beginning or end and that we are all an important and integral part of this eternal universe. We exist as intelligent energy within this infinite continuum and as energy can either be destroyed or created, only converted from one form to another, we must be eternal.

Time is therefore only a concept, over which we exert no physical control and as we cannot control the passing of time. We must therefore become as effective and efficient as possible at utilizing our available time. Effectiveness is all about discovering the right actions to take, that will deliver the future you desire and efficiency is applying a system to ensure that you carry out these actions as time effectively as possible.

You have 86400 seconds each day, if you don't use them, you lose them. This makes your time your most valuable asset, as it can never be saved, it can only be invested into creating the future outcome that you desire. Something this valuable should always be spent really wisely and invested into creating the life of your dreams. After you make this realization, you will have mastered your life and have a powerful tool that will help you to move your life in the direction of super achievement. Always remember that you can never manage time; you can only manage your use of your available time.


Spend your time very wisely as you can never save time, you can only choose to SPEND it more wisely. There are a couple of philosophies we can adapt, which  will either keep us trapped in mediocrity or allow us to begin moving down the path to super achievement. The first option is to spend our time on frivolous pastimes that offer fleeting enjoyment at best and just remain trapped in a life of mediocrity. Or we can finally make the choice to invest our 86400 seconds into taking the right actions every day that will deliver on our dreams.

When you make the choice to begin investing your time and energy into preparing for opportunity, you have started the crucial process of preparation, which is fundamental to developing self-confidence, a resolute belief in your abilities and the best way to acquire the skills and knowledge you need to grow and develop, into the person you need to be to attract the success that you desire. This is one of the best investments that can only keep growing and is free from the ravages of negative sentiment.

Make the shift today and make better choices about how you intend to utilize the withdrawals, you are forced to make, every day from your “BANK of Time”. You don’t get to manage the size or frequency of the withdrawal; you only get to manage how you make use of them. I choose to allocate each withdrawal to activities that fulfill me and make me happy, how do you choose to invest yours?   

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Using logic as a tool to persuade your prospective clients

The secret to success is not found by trying to shout louder than everyone else out there. The secret is to move away from the crowd and the noise and to begin the process of building connection with the right people, in the right place at the right time. This is a case of going back to basics and instead of trying to spray your message out into the world and sitting back and praying that someone will hear it and miraculously get to know like and trust what you have to offer. You must clearly define who your target clients are, find out where you can connect with them so that you can begin to build connection and trust with them.
These changing times, where we have so much going on around us all the time, has forced us to take a step back and to change the way we market our businesses. People have not changed, they still choose to buy from businesses they know, like and trust and can offer them the best opportunity to get maximum value. It is time to stop shouting a message that people don’t want to hear, in places where your prospective clients aren’t listening as this is totally ineffectual and just a waste of energy. Commit to begin the process of communicating, connecting and influencing people so that they can easily see that what you have to offer is what they need.
Learning the art of effective persuasion and influence is best understood by revisiting some ancient wisdom that was given by Aristotle, many centuries ago. He suggested that there are three levels of persuasion, namely Logos, Pathos and Ethos.
Logos or as we would call it “Logic” - Motivational Speakers
The first step in the process of influencing others that what you have to offer is perfectly suited to meet their needs, is to appeal to them on a basic, logical level. This is a process in which you communicate a logical message to your prospective client showing them that your market offering is the most obvious choice. This is a process in which you are persuading people that what you have is exactly what they want and need.  
This is best illustrated by an example: - Motivational Speakers
Appealing to your prospects logic, is a process in which you ask them a few questions, in which you highlight your unique selling proposition and the incredible benefits your product has to offer. If you are attempting to persuade someone to use your services, as a time management consultant, then you would use the following questions to show them that, what you offer is the only logical solution to their current circumstances.
1)      Do you agree that if you focused on improving your effectiveness and discovered the right actions to take every day, so that you would stop spinning your wheels, you would significantly improve your results over the next twelve months?
2)    Is it true that you arrive home from work every day exhausted, yet you feel that you have not accomplished much at all?
3)    So you want better results, but you feel like you don’t have sufficient time, is that right.
4)    So what if making this small investment will allow you to identify the exact actions that you need to take every day and then give you a set of tools and techniques, which would improve your efficiency so dramatically, that it would feel like you gained a couple of hours each day, Would you be interested? Would that give you a huge advantage over your competition? Would it help you to make far more money?
This method of persuading people that what you have to offer is exactly what they need is perfect, for communicating your message to people on a one to one basis or when speaking to small groups of people.
The challenge that we all face when attempting to influence people is that there is a very fine line between persuasion and manipulation. You can never build a successful business by manipulating people; they will eventually see right through you and will no longer trust anything that you have to say.
The way I define the difference between influence and manipulation is:
When someone is trying to manipulate someone, they have a negative intent and are selfishly looking at the interaction from their own selfish perspective only. This is a one sided transaction, where there is only one winner.
On the other hand when you influence someone the intent is always one of offering a mutually beneficial solution to satisfy a need. Persuasion always results in a mutually beneficial outcome, where both parties feel like they have received fair exchange. The best way to persuade someone, that what you have to offer is exactly what they need, is to always ask yourself these two questions
1)    Why should this person want what I am offering?
2)    Is it the best option for them, will this transaction be a fair exchange?
When you ensure that what you are attempting to persuade people to buy, is aligned with their needs and that there is always a fair exchange, where everyone wins, you have created the foundation for great success.
Author: Andrew Horton Motivational Speakers

Five Keys to Overcome Procrastination

1.         Consider these two natural laws:
Natural Law 1:  We tend to procrastinate and avoid tasks that are complex, unpleasant, or uninteresting, regardless of their priority.
Natural Law 2:  We do what we value most at the moment; the more we invest ourselves in something, the more we value it.
2.         Identify specifically what tasks or issues you are procrastinating.
3.         Determine why you are procrastinating (remember the natural laws!).
4.         Choose some strategies to accomplish the task. (See list overleaf.)
5.         Schedule the task in your planner and celebrate when you do it!

Strategies for Overcoming Procrastination - Time Management Workshop

These strategies are not listed in order of effectiveness—choose the ones that you find most helpful and resonate with you.

A.         Delete, delegate, purposefully defer, or do the task.
B.         Become accountable to yourself or to someone for doing the task. Having to account for your action
            can motivate you to do the task.  Commit to someone to do it by a certain time or day, and ask them to
            follow up with you. (How about asking your Personal Coach to act as your accountability partner?)
C.         Reward yourself for doing the task. For example, do something you're looking forward to only after
you've done the thing you're procrastinating.  Celebrate when you take the first step and when you take the last step.  If it's complex, make the reward your last intermediate step.
D.         Change your paradigm about the thing procrastinated:
            (1) Choose action not delay—think of the Nike slogan, "Just do it!"
(2) Realize that it’s better to start on the task even if you have to change your plan than to postpone the task. For instance, don’t put off a complex task because you worry about doing it incorrectly. 
            (3) Identify the value that is tied to the task. If the task is not important, delete it.
E.         Brainstorm ways to make unpleasant tasks fun, complex tasks simple and uninteresting tasks
F.         Do unpleasant tasks with someone or something you enjoy. For example, exercise to music or with
G.         Start complex projects right away by breaking them into smaller pieces that you can start on easily and
            quickly and that contribute to the end result. Small, simple tasks provide momentum and involve you in
            accomplishing the project. 
H.         Schedule and block out time for the task. You’re allowed to postpone the task until then, but decide
            ahead of time that when the scheduled task comes up, you’ll do it.
I.          Focus on the benefits that will come to you when you finish the task.
J.          Ask yourself:  “If I’m going do the task anyway, what are the costs of delaying it?”
K.         Set the timer for 15 minutes and get started!  You can do anything for 15 minutes. 
L.         Give yourself permission to decline a task someone gives you, especially if it doesn’t contribute to your
            roles, mission, values or goals. Be courageous and considerate in saying no. If people continually bring
            you unimportant tasks or projects, you may need to change the culture or system.
M.        Schedule time to do the task when you have the most energy. 
N.         Listen to yourself. (The solution you seek is already within your thoughts!) 
O.        List all the ways that you can accomplish your task.
P.         Do it as the first task of the day.

Follow the link below to download a worksheet to guide you on how to conduct your daily review.


When should I get started? Time Management Workshop

Make a determined decision today to stop dawdling, avoiding taking the actions you know are necessary to succeed and accept responsibility for success in your life. Make a start right NOW and begin taking consistent small steps every day that will deliver your bliss. As you begin to see results, you will begin to absorb confidence and the positive feelings about your potential will grow, which will encourage you to take even more baby steps. This may feel uncomfortable, but this is one of those RISKS in life you cannot afford not to take.

Author: Andrew Horton Time Management Workshop

Your Energy and Time management system is the place to store your plan

Forward planning allows you to seldom react to the events of the moment and avoids the necessity of using your memory to meet commitments.  A blunt pencil is far better at remembering things, than the sharpest memory. 
  • Your system must assess how you wish to allocate your time, toward achieving your daily tasks, it helps you to think further ahead and thus avoid wasting time on crisis management. 
  • Without an effective time management system we never prioritize important tasks that must be completed to move us toward achieving our commitments. 
  • We need to commit to our future and avoid allowing other urgencies to scream so loudly that we neglect our priorities.
Follow the link below to download worksheet 10 to assess your current time management system or lack thereof.

What Makes a Good Time Management system?

Time Management Skills

An effective time management system will help you to:
  • Capture and retrieve needed information. You’ll need not just a place to write things, but a system for locating them again later when you need them.
  • Create, prioritize and track tasks, things you will do that don’t need to happen at a specific time.
  • Create and refer to appointments, things you need to do at a specific time.
  • Visualize, strategize, reflect and evaluate.
This last function of a Personal Time Management System is one we may not think of often. However, it is what makes the other functions work effectively. It takes your System to a whole new level and connects it to your vision and what’s most important to you.

Follow the link below to download a worksheet to guide you on how to conduct your weekly, monthly and annual review


Why is it so important to focus our energies to develop a great time management system?

Stop focusing your efforts on performing minor tasks that keep your accumulative achievements minor and finally commit to invest your precious time into major projects that will contribute to your breakthrough achievements. When you remove the clutter from your life, you focus your energy on a few major priorities and you commit to consistently apply inspired energy to these priorities, anything is possible for you.

Author: Andrew Horton Time Management Skills

Friday, September 23, 2011

Time Management Courses - Manage Activities within Available time

Effectively Managing your Activities within the available Time

We have now invested our time very wisely and developed an effective, meaningful list of activities that when consistently actioned will deliver the future we desire. To begin moving on the path of success, we must now commit ourselves to persistently carry out these actions every single day.
Equipped with this list we are now able to introduce you to our system for leveraging the maximum value from the available time. This system is designed to allow you to become far more productive, efficient and effective and once you have learnt the system, and worked to make it part of your success habit set, your success will become almost effortless. You will now learn hoe to carry out that right actions as efficiently and time effectively as possible

This system will equip you to use your time more effectively to carry out meaningful activities that will move you one small action at a time, towards the success you desire.

Time Friend or Foe - Time Management Courses

Learning new and productive time habits will help you to accelerate you toward your success and the time you invest today, making time into a friend rather than a foe, will make finding balance in your life far easier.  The biggest mistake most of us make is assuming that our day will just happen.  Be disciplined every night and plan your day the night before.  Be very specific during your planning and make sure that you allocate time slots for handling emails, messages and meetings etc. (we will cover this in more detail later)

You will be amazed at how much time you can gain every day by planning to use time, rather than letting time abuse you.  Be assertive and don’t allow interruptions. Guard your time- the more disciplined you are with your time, the easier it will be for you to find time to do those really important things, like putting in the effort to achieve your goals or spend quality time with the really important people in your life.  You have to get out of the modality of just doing, doing, doing and train yourself on how to take control of time in your life before it takes control of you.

Be very specific and clear - Time Management Courses

Muddling through your day is a huge time waster.  You need to have clarity about exactly what you must do each day.  This sounds really simple, but in reality very few people actually practice this very simple technique for improving their time consciousness.  The best time to focus on this is during your daily planning each evening; you must create a crystal clear picture every evening of what it is you wish to achieve the next day.

Super Shrink your List Time Management Courses

When setting up your To Do list, it is imperative that you restrict yourself to a maximum of 5 priority items each day.  These are those items that you have identified as important from your action list and are your top priorities for that day. If possible they must be completed every day before your head touches your pillow each night. 

Break each priority in very specific action steps and tasks, so that you have complete clarity on exactly where to start and how your day will progress.  With practice this habit will actually allow you to plan and even forecast exactly what will happen each day. 

If you want to foretell your future you must design it yourself.  Making your dream future your new reality happens one day at a time. The reality you are living right now is actually who you were and is a direct result of what you have done and thought in the past. Your future can and will be designed by what you do today and tomorrow.  The easiest way to really have a power day is to get the worst or most difficult task done first.  You will have more energy and will be far more confident once you have put the tough stuff behind you. 

Please follow the link below to download a document that will allow you to take a snap shot of your current time usage activities. This exercise is incredibly valuable as it allows you to highlight areas where you are wasting time and creates a new awareness within you that will allow you to become far more time effective.


Can I manage TIME?  - Time Management Courses

We all have 86400 seconds each day, if you don't use them, you loose them. When you come to the realization that the most valuable thing you own is TIME and that something this valuable should always be spent really wisely and invested in creating the life of your dreams, you will have mastered your life. You can never manage time; you can only ever manage your use of the available time. MANAGE YOUR ENERGY - MANAGE YOUR TIME

Author: Andrew Horton Time Management Courses

Time Management Program

Putting it all together

Time, energy and activity management is about self management.  You can never manage time you can only manage how you use the available time.  Try to move away from the habit of focusing on what I like to refer to as creating the false feeling of “Busyness 

This is one of the major causes of us feeling like we have really given our all, but we still feel like we got nothing done that day.  Stop focusing on doing the unnecessary tasks that make you feel good, but do not contribute in any meaningful way to your success.  You must create a clear picture about creating balance in your life; you must set time limits each day for work and play. 

We must also find time in our day for creating silence and complete relaxation, through meditation. This will help you increase your focus, improve your energy levels, multiply your ability to plan and make you far more effective each day.

What is the value of Time?- Time Management Program

The origin of the letter below is unknown, but its wisdom is really profound and is the perfect interlude to creating an appreciation for the planning process we wish to introduce to you today.

To realize the value of one year – Ask a student who has failed a final exam.
To realize the value of nine months – ask a mother who gave birth to a stillborn child.
To realize the value of one month – ask a mother who has given birth to a premature baby.
To realize the value of one week – ask an editor of a weekly magazine.
To realize the value of one hour – ask two lovers that are waiting to meet.
To realize the value of one minute – ask a person who has missed a train, bus or aeroplane.
To realize the value of one second – ask a person who has survived an injury.
To realize the value of one millisecond – ask a person who has won a gold medal in the Olympics.
To realize the value of a loved one – have them leave.
Time waits for no one
Treasure every moment you have.

Of all the wisdom I have gained, the most important is the knowledge that time and health are two precious assets that we rarely recognize or appreciate until they have been depleted. As with health, time is the raw material of life. You can use it wisely, waste it or even kill it.

Doing the right thing is effectiveness; doing things right is efficiency.

To implement your plan and take the necessary inspired action to achieve your goals, you will need a system to manage your time and energy. Your time management system must be effective and allow you to allocate time to important issues, whilst ignoring time wasting things, which do not serve your purpose or fit in with your vision.

Until you stop expending your energy on the small stuff, you will never have room to make the really important things happen for you. Discover that one thing that will help you make a meteoric stride toward your success and then apply consistent and persistent effort daily until it is done.

Follow the link below to download a worksheet to guide you through the process of creating an annual plan for success and effective Time, Energy and meaningful Activity management.

Why should you strive to be effective before you try to be more efficient?
Before you focus any energy on efficiency or productivity, (doing things as efficiently as possible) you must first focus on effectiveness (identifying the right things to do). Until you learn to do this, you will only become more efficient at doing the wrong things.

Time Management Workshop - Make Time

Make Time

Time is precious and I am sure that no one knows that better than you.  I am offering a few tips on how to manage your time and energy to get more out of your time every day.  You cannot create more time in your day, you can only allocate the available time more effectively.  You will only become really effective when you create a system that reminds you when tasks need to be completed and one that is measurable and can also serve as a means for making you accountable.  This is where a time and energy management system comes into its own.

Most successful people I know create superior results yet still maintain a balance among work, family, and recreation in their lives.

Your time and energy management system is the place to store your plan Time Management Workshop

Forward planning allows you to seldom react to the events of the moment and avoids the necessity of using your memory to meet commitments.  A blunt pencil is far better at remembering things, than the sharpest memory.  Your system must asses how you wish to allocate your time, toward achieving your daily tasks, it helps you to think further ahead and thus avoid wasting time on crisis management.  Without an effective time, energy and activity management system, we never prioritize important tasks that must be completed to move us toward achieving our commitments.  We need to commit to our future and avoid allowing other urgencies to scream so loudly that we neglect our priorities.

What Makes a Good Time Management system? Time Management Workshop

An effective time management system will help you to:
  • Capture and retrieve needed information. You’ll need not just a place to write things, but a system for locating them again later when you need them.
  • Create, prioritize and track tasks, things you will do that don’t need to happen at a specific time.
  • Create and refer to appointments, things you need to do at a specific time.
  • Visualize, strategize, reflect and evaluate.
  • This last function of a Personal Time Management System is one we may not think of often. However, it is what makes the other functions work effectively. It takes your System to a whole new level and connects it to your vision and what’s most important to you.

Follow the link below to download a worksheet to guide you through the process of building your monthly plan.


How can I convert my plans into reality? Time Management Workshop

No matter how specific, focused, or perfect your plans to deliver your dreams may be. Nothing meaningful can happen, until you develop and consistently apply an effective activity management routine in your life. A daily routine that is built around positive success habits and disciplines, will equip you to effortlessly discover your brilliance and live your excellence.
 Author: Andrew Horton Time Management Workshop

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