Monday, October 31, 2011

Stop Pursuing Success and Start Attracting It - Motivational Speaker

Stop Pursuing Success and Start Attracting It  
Have you been working yourself to the bone, pursuing success, working long hours, giving your all, but somehow success just seems to elude you. It always seems to stay out of reach and even redoubling your efforts does not seem to help much. No matter how much persistence you apply and how hard you try, you seem stuck on a hamster wheel and the harder you try, the more you seem to just spin your wheels. The reason for this is simple; you are approaching success from the wrong perspective. You cannot pursue success, anything you pursue, will elude you. The amount of success you have in your life is directly proportional to who you are and never to how hard you pursue success.
The simple formula for bringing long term sustainable success into your experience is to:
·         Identify all the skills, knowledge, abilities, attitude, character and philosophy that you need to attract the level of sustainable success you desire.
·         Build a plan to gradually acquire all these skills, knowledge and abilities.
·         Commit to take action daily to work your plan and learn all the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities, until you grow into the person you need to be, to attract the level of success you desire.
·         Keep refining your character, improving your attitude and moulding your philosophy, until you have evolved into the person that is suitable enough to attract all the people, relationships, circumstances and resources, which you need to sustain the success you desire.
If you want to have, do or be more, you need to commit to become more. As you become more, you become more attractive to everyone around you, everything seems to magically fall into place and success feels almost effortless. Opportunities that would have remained hidden from the person you were, will miraculously appear as if by magic and you will have everything you need to explore, exploit and finally utilise any opportunities that will come your way.
Think of your level of knowledge, skills and abilities, being depicted by the water level in a half full swimming pool. Now visualise all the success that you desire, attached to the wall of the swimming pool, at varying levels, depending on the level of success. If you wanted to attract any of the success that is attached to the wall of the pool into your life, you could for a short time cup your hands and raise the water level to enjoy that level of success.
Although as soon as you stop causing the wave, the water level will go back to where it was and that level of success would once again be out of reach. There would also be levels of success attached high up on the wall that, no matter how hard you tried to cause big enough waves in the pool, they would remain out of reach. So how do you get to reach and sustain the success that you desire? You put more water in the pool, by growing your level of knowledge, skill and ability. As you progressively raise the level of the water in the pool, you effortlessly bring that level of success into your experience.
I hope this analogy has helped you to understand this really important concept. Commit to your on-going personal development, continue to refine your attitude, keep improving your character and constantly mould your philosophy, until you become the person that you need to be, to deserve the success you desire. This unlocks your potential, avoids all the pain associated with pursuing success and makes attracting success feel almost effortless.

Author: Andrew Horton Motivational Speaker

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Pay the small price of discipline today

Discipline is a crucial concept on our path to realise the success we desire. Unfortunately the concept of discipline is misunderstood and we mistakenly confuse discipline with pain and discomfort. As you know we do everything in our power to avoid pain and to attract as much pleasure as possible. Would your negative feeling toward discipline change if you understood the true meaning of the word discipline was “to instruct or educate, to inform the mind, to prepare by instructing in correct principles and habits” Could you change your understanding about and feeling toward discipline, if you finally realised the true meaning of discipline and saw discipline as something that helps, guides and instructs, rather than something, which is difficult and causes pain.
Make the shift today and start to see discipline as something positive and very necessary, on your path to creating the success that you desire. No one that has ever achieved greatness or become a super achiever has ever done so, without huge, positive doses of daily discipline. Change the way you view discipline in your life and start to see discipline as your very necessary companion and your personal supporter, on your journey as you travel along your path of success. Sybil Stanton, in her book “The Twenty Four Hour Women” states this concept so beautifully. “Discipline is not on your back, leading you with imperatives, it is at your side nudging you with incentives.
Stop seeing discipline in a negative light, as something that is difficult and causes pain and start to see it as your greatest supporter and very necessary assistant. As soon as you make this shift, the pain associated with daily discipline disappears and is replaced by your new concept about discipline, where you now see discipline as crucial and your greatest helper. Discipline then becomes a positive and supportive concept, where you are able to incentivise and inspire yourself, to take the daily actions necessary to create the life of your dreams.
Use your new appreciation about the positive concept and necessity to use daily discipline, to help you to do the tough things that you need to do every day and the day will come very soon, when you can do the things you want to do, when you want to do them. You can choose to continue to enjoy instant gratification in the moment, never making the few small daily commitments you need to make, to carry out the daily tasks necessary to create the future of your dreams. Or you can begin to pay the small price of daily discipline and build a meaningful future, which is fulfilling and makes you feel complete. The choice is yours, remember, the price of daily discipline weighs ounces, but weight of regret weighs tonnes.
Choose daily discipline, which costs very little and you will get to enjoy success, happiness and fulfilment. Continue to choose instant gratification and neglect and the price is regret, bankruptcy, divorce, failure and plenty of long term pain. Stop looking for freedom and instant gratification in the moment and focus some of your day on discipline and creating the future that you desire. Discipline is the one positive, missing ingredient, which will catapult you toward the success you desire. Pay the small price of discipline today and you will live a far better tomorrow.
Author: Andrew Horton Motivational Speaker

Saturday, October 29, 2011

How comfortable are you feeling, locked in your comfort zone?

Is the familiarity of your current circumstances keeping you trapped in an uncomfortable place, where you do not like where you are, but the thought of taking the action necessary to change things is really daunting? Your days seem to blend, one into another, where what you do every day makes you miserable and even though you want to move your life in a different direction, you are trapped by inactivity. This place you have locked yourself in, is one of the biggest misnomers around, you call it your comfort zone, but it is probably one of the most uncomfortable places to be.
Your self-imposed comfort zone is an artificial place you have created in your mind, which limits your potential, to a minuscule part of what you are really capable of achieving. Break free from your SELF-IMPOSED comfort zone and stop limiting your achieving, because of your lack of believing. Stop accepting mediocrity, because it is comfortable and begin to experiment and explore a little, try something new today, break some new ground.
The only way to grow and expand into the type of person you need to be, to attract the kind of success you desire, is to commit to on-going learning, try new things, experiment, make some mistakes, respond to feedback, explore and measure. It is far better to try to succeed, commit to on-going growth and expansion and encounter countless challenges, than it is to simply accept your circumstances and stay trapped in a life you hate.
The only way to break out of a life you do not enjoy and to start moving toward a future that is fulfilling and filled with passion and happiness, is to change the way you do things. If you want the world to change, there is one thing that you have 100 % control over, to make this happen, that thing is YOU. Stop denying that you need to change and accept responsibility for changing yourself.
It is an incredibly liberating moment, when you realise that “Change is a door that can only be opened from within”. As you begin the journey to break out of your comfort zone and you start to see that by gradually changing all the things about yourself that are keeping you trapped in an unfulfilling life, you begin the process of reshaping your comfort zone and ultimately the life you get to lead.
This all starts with a small shift around your concept of your personal comfort zone and continues with your commitment to replace unproductive habits, with new success habits that will serve you. You never break bad habits they must be gradually replaced, by new more productive habits and routines. This is achieved by layering new behaviour patterns on top of the old unproductive ones.
Identify a few new success habits or routines, which will assist your progress toward the fulfilling life you want to lead and introduce these into your life as “Your Code Of Personal Achievement” This is a daily commitment that you make with yourself to carry out a number of new routines, which will help you to carry out the daily activities necessary to achieve your goals.
1)      Choose between 3 and 5 new productive habits or daily routines that you introduce into your life. These are habits must support your goals and help you to keep moving in the direction of your vision.
2)      Set time aside each day to carry out these new routines. This is time that is penned into your schedule each week and nothing short of a fire or major life crisis, can alter this crucial time in which you get to “Design and Create Your Future”. I call these daily scheduled meetings “Meetings With Your Future
3)      Keep using your willpower for about 90 days, to carry out these commitments with your future. After about 90 days, these new routines should be ingrained enough, so that they will have replaced, your unproductive habits, which have kept you trapped in a life you do not enjoy.
These new positive routines when adhered to over time, will become second nature, like riding a bicycle, you will just take the right actions every day without even thinking about it. This new success habit set, will just be who you are and you will almost unconsciously take the action necessary to achieve outstanding results. Practice makes permanent, so commit to learn new success habits, which support your dreams and you will get to live a winning lifestyle that is fulfilling and aligned with your dreams.  
Author: Andrew Horton Motivational Speaker                                                                                                                                    

Friday, October 28, 2011

Are your Habits Shackling your success?

Everything you learn, you either learn from observation, imitation or repetition. This learning, over time gets converted into your habits, which either serve you or keep you trapped in a life of mediocrity. Your habit set, starts to develop, from offhand remarks, fleeting ideas and vague images, which settle layer upon layer, in your mind and through repetition, these unimportant, wispy cobwebs keep growing, until they turn into thick inflexible cables, which can either shackle and limit you or strengthen your ability to succeed.
You can either consciously manage and control your habits as they form, turning them into your success habit set, which will serve your needs and assist you to effortlessly perform the daily activities, which you need to carry out, to create the success you desire or you can leave the formation of your habits to chance, where your habit set, will become your greatest limiting factor, keeping you trapped in a life you hate.
Our habits are like nuclear submarines, they run silent and deep. You don’t even know they are there, you will never discover them unless you actively search for them and even then, it is possible that they may remain hidden from you. Have you got any idea, whether your habits are serving you, are they helping or hindering your progress each day? Have the courage, to explore your habits, if they are limiting you or causing you to procrastinate, not take the appropriate daily action, causing you to spin your wheels or in any way limiting you, use the awareness that will flow from this article, to begin changing them for ones that will help you.  
“We are what we repeatedly do, excellence is not an act it is a habit.” Aristotle.
Are you striving for excellence in your life and no matter how hard you seem to try, nothing seems to work out for you, yet you look around you and people with less skill, ability and who work half as hard as you seem to have the Midas touch and everything seems to just fall into their laps? Look at the habits sets of these people with the Midas touch, they have a daily set of habits and routines, which work for them, they do not need to consciously think about all the activities they need to do, their good habits, dictate the perfect way they operate.
Have you ever driven to a familiar destination, arrived there and thought, “How did I get here, what route did I take” and no matter how hard you thought about it, you could not remember. You had safely negotiated, dangerous traffic, turned at exactly the right time, stopped when the traffic in front of you did and yet you arrived at your destination safely, unable to remember how you did it. Those are you subconscious habits at work.
A great success habit set will work the same way for you, you will unconsciously carry out all the daily activities necessary to succeed, arriving at success one day, shaking your head, unable to remember how you got there. Choose your habits wisely as they dictate what you do most of the day, they can either slow you down, where you just spin your wheels all day or they can be the fuel that catapults you to success. You get to make your habits over time, but always remember that, it is your habits that will ultimately make you.
Choose to design your new habit set, by design, from this moment forward. Something this important deserves some special attention and a lot of your time. Habits are like comfortable warm beds on a cold winter’s night, they are easy to get into, but really difficult to get out of in the morning. Start today, one small habit at a time and begin to design your perfect success habit set. The effort you put into designing a winning habit set will help you to effortlessly achieve any outcome you really want.
Author: Andrew Horton Time Management

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Life is a Journey, How can we enjoy the Ride?

Life is a Journey, How can we enjoy the Ride?
I am sure you have heard the cliché “Life is a Journey, Enjoy the Ride”, bandied about, by people around you all the time.  These same people then tell you that they are not enjoying their lives, but when they get the new promotion, their kids go off to varsity or they start to earn a certain amount of money, then things will change, then they will be happy and start to enjoy their lives. The time to be happy is from this moment forward and the time to be enjoying every step of the journey toward living the vision you have created in your mind, is right now.
Success is a direction and never a destination, stop viewing it as an event or one single outcome; success starts from the moment you create a crystal clear picture in your mind of the life you want to live and continues as a beautiful journey, until you take your last breath.
From the moment you have created a crystal clear vision of the life you want to live, everything in your life changes. You no longer view anything as being in your way, you have a focal point, a direction and you begin to see every challenge, roadblock, obstacle, victory, success and goal achieved, as merely part of the journey, a milestone “ON” your way to the life you have visualised. Everything that occurs in your life from that magical moment forward, (The moment you create your crystal clear vision of your future) can be applied to improve your individual performance, as you travel on your journey toward excellence and a fantastic quality of life.  
I am not saying that you will no longer encounter challenges or setbacks. What I am saying, is that when you view the same challenge or setback differently, you do not feel overwhelmed, you feel empowered and you search for the learning offered or the opportunity that the challenge could now highlight for you. Life is a harmonious balance of positive and negative, how our lives evolve and the direction we get to travel is determined by how we respond to both.
·         Learn to manage the inevitable challenge and change that crosses your path daily.
·         Remain flexible, measure and adapt your daily actions, to ensure that they remain aligned with your vision.
·         View all challenges and mistakes temporary detours and learning opportunities.
·         Know your environment and be aware of what is happening all around you.
·         Commit to a life time of learning and growth.
·         You need to continually prepare and grow your skills.
As you pass each challenge or obstacle on your journey, learn all the lessons that each challenge has to teach and commit to celebrate each victory. Each lesson, additional piece of knowledge and new skill learned, will allow you to grow into the person that you need to be, to deserve the success you desire. To keep traveling in the direction of your vision, you must stay committed to on-going preparation, training and remain dedicated to continual lifelong learning.
As you travel on the journey toward realising your vision, the mode of transport changes.
·         First you start crawling – everything is new and you do not have the skills and knowledge to anticipate and easily overcome challenges.
·         Next you start to walk – You are better equipped with more skill and ability, you expect challenges, you manage them and learn all the lessons they have to offer.
·         Now you gracefully run - Your knowledge and skill base is significant and you easily overcome challenges, learn the lessons they have to offer and get on with the business of continually moving toward your vision.
·         Finally you begin to travel by car – Everything that crosses your path is merely an event, nothing seems to slow you down for very long at all. Yes you may occasionally stop for a red traffic light, but you know that within moments it will change and your journey will continue without any wasted effort or time. You learn from everyone, you continue to expand and you see challenges as opportunities to grow. You are a shining example, a beacon that others can learn from and whose example people can follow.
As you travel along your journey and you move from crawling to driving in comfort, you create a better awareness of your environment, you are so prepared that no challenge is of any concern and you project an attitude of confidence. This allows you to turn each inevitable challenge that will cross your path, into a stepping stone to success and fulfilment. The quality of your journey will depend on the clarity of your vision, quality of your preparation, and your commitment to on-going learning, the choices you make and the responses you choose to offer, to each event that occurs along the way. Life really is a journey, why not enjoy the ride.
Author: Andrew Horton Time Management

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Is The Commentary In Your Head Serving You?

Is The Commentary In Your Head Serving You?
There is a never ending commentary going on in our heads, even during certain parts of our sleep cycle each night. We are constantly talking to ourselves, even though we are seldom aware that we are doing it. This on-going commentary relates to events we experience and our reactions to those events. Unless you are vigilant, your self-talk can become extremely negative and destructive or limiting in nature. If you constantly bombard yourself with doubt and negativity, especially on a subconscious level, your negative thoughts will eventually become a self-fulfilling prophecy and you will begin to live the negative scenarios, you keep playing out in your head.
These silent conversations you have with yourself throughout the day can either be offered by a nurturing coach or a damaging critic. You can either be reinforcing your behaviour, which will promote your success or you can be constantly criticising your-self, throughout the day and describing your performance as poor or unsatisfactory, where you get to negate any opportunity for growth and development.
Start practicing the art of becoming your own nurturing coach and start to use positive self-talk throughout the day.
Use phrases such as:                                 
·         Wow that worked out well.
·          Keep going like that and anything is possible
·         Well done, keep up the great work.
·         What can I learn from that?
·         Now we’re in the groove.
·         Wow! Things just keep working out better and better.
·         Small challenge, how can I do it better next time?
There are many, many more phrases, which can help you, to encourage and nurture yourself throughout the day. Learn about five new positive phrases, which you will consciously practice to say to yourself throughout the day.  Like any new skill it will take time to develop and willpower to apply it in your life. At first it is going to seem contrived and almost like you are lying to yourself.
You have spent many, many years honing your negative self-talk skills and you have a whole vocabulary and repertoire of negative self-talk phrases, which you have honed and developed over the years. It is going to take resolve and commitment to undo the habit you have developed.
The trick to make this work for you is to shift the way you look at all the events that occur throughout your day.
·         See every challenge you encounter, as merely a temporary inconvenience, a learning experience and an isolated incident.
·         See each challenge as a stepping stone, on your journey to success.
·         Reward yourself for every success, no matter how small.
·         Reinforce every success and stop feeling lucky or guilty for any attention you may get as a result of that success.
·         Accept compliments graciously, allowing yourself to feel the positive reinforcement.
·         Always look for a positive slant to every event that occurs, each day and search for ways to learn from every one of them.
What metaphors are you using all day to speak to yourself and others?
·         Can you have a productive day, filled with learning and growth, if you go to the “salt mine” every day.
·         How can you build a great relationship, with your spouse if you constantly call them “Your Ball and Chain”
·         See your life as “The school of hard knocks” and that will become your self-fulfilling prophecy about how your life will turn out.
·         How quickly do you think you would heal after a break-up or loss, if you keep telling yourself and everyone around you that you “Have a Broken Heart”
·         How positive can you be throughout your day if you think that you are “Mentally or emotionally Scarred”
The metaphors we use create a picture, a certain state in our minds and make us feel a certain way. Change your metaphors and you can very quickly change the way you feel and operate.
·         You could rather view “life as a game” an opportunity to play hard and get as much as possible from your life each day.
·         How about if you saw “Life as Sacred”, would that change the way you viewed things in your life. Do you think you would see everything in your life from a different perspective, when you see your life as sacred? Could you poison your body with chemicals, like tobacco or alcohol, if you saw your body as sacred?
·         How would you feel about your career if you viewed what you did every day as “A Dance”. Could that conjure up better pictures about your career?
·         Do you think you would see your job as something great and as a daily opportunity to learn and grow, if you viewed your job as “A Gift”
Always remember that any metaphor that you practice or learn to use each day, will have different meaning to different people, depending on your perceptive background. So choose your metaphors wisely, as the meaning they will create in your head, will be uniquely yours and the pictures they conjure in your mind will be specific to you.
Take conscious control of your self-talk and begin to become your own nurturing coach. The benefits that will flow from this new habit will set the foundation for unlimited success.
Author: Andrew Horton Time Management

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Feed your mind and nourish your Future

Our capacity to learn from birth, until around eighteen is dramatic; this accelerated learning curve equips us to learn a staggering amount in a very short space of time. We learn language, culture, manners, social skills, history, science, and mathematics-everything that makes us human. For some people this accelerated learning curve continues long after their eighteenth birthday and continues for most of their lives, but unfortunately for most people, it levels off as soon as soon as they get their first job. People are just inherently lazy, if there are no more exams to take, why waste time reading books or trying to grow your knowledge.
Look at a new born baby and then look at an eighteen year old adult. Can you see the dramatic growth that has occurred in a mere eighteen years? Can you imagine if you continue that accelerated growth curve, for the rest of your life and every eighteen years, you get to see the same dramatic growth in yourself? Can you imagine how you can accelerate your personal growth and how you will stand out from the herd? Imagine what you could become, the skills you could learn, the capacities you could develop, it is just too staggering to imagine.
Amazingly, even if you are in your late fifties or even sixties, it is not too late to rekindle that hunger for knowledge, which you had until you were eighteen. You can rekindle your appetite for learning at any time in your life. Begin feeding your mind and educating your philosophy, starting right now, by following the writings of people that have recorded their thoughts and shared their ideas with us through, books, magazines, video and audio recordings.
Amazing, influential people that have gone before us have left a trail of knowledge behind them. Winston Churchill may no longer be here, but we still have his books filled with untold wisdom. Aristotle has been gone for centuries, yet we still have access to his amazing ideas and philosophies. There are so many opportunities and a myriad of different ways to feed your mind and indulge in a feast of intellectual feeding.
There are also so many opportunities for us to do some talking and sharing with people around us. People that can help you to answer the important life questions, people that can help you to refine your own philosophy, assist you to weigh your values and help you to ponder all the questions you have about success and lifestyle.
Take all the wisdom that you gather from books, videos, audio programs and through discussion with mentors and use them all, as the building blocks for the success and on-going growth you desire. Commit to constantly improve and keep making the small daily adjustments to your philosophy and activities, this will keep you growing and ensure that you are constantly becoming more. These small almost imperceptible changes, over time add up to become very significant.
Commit to re-fire your accelerated learning curve and continue to feed your mind with great information and new ideas. Continue to grow and develop, it is never too late to commit to learning and growth. As you grow and become more, you will most certainly continue to attract more. Each new idea will keep refining your philosophy, which will better guide your life and the rest of your life will unfold in the most magical of ways.
Author: Andrew Horton Time Management

Monday, October 24, 2011

Turn your Yearning, into Learning and you will finally start Earning

I am sure that this is not the first time you are hearing the Jim Rohn Quotation, “You attract success, by the person you become” You can never pursue success; anything that you pursue will elude you. It is for this reason that you must commit to a life time of learning and growth. Fill your space with personal enrichment materials, DVD’s, Audio Books, Magazines, newsletters, software, books, educational or inspirational TV and internet programming. This commitment to learning and easy access to the material, which will uplift you and over time turn you into the type of person you need to be, in order to enjoy the success that you desire, will see you gradually morph into exactly that person.
Create a relaxing learning environment in your home by converting a special area into a learning centre. Think along the lines of a coffeehouse like starbucks, combined with a bookstore like Barnes & Noble type atmosphere in a special place in your own home. A place where there are no mindless TV programs, video games or gossip magazines. Try to create an atmosphere where gaining knowledge will blend into your leisure time, as something exciting, relaxing and an experience the whole family can share. When you can shift the way you view gaining knowledge, from a school type environment of boring learning, regulation and rules, to one of enjoyment and family or relationship building time. Your personal development time becomes enjoyable, relaxing and not only a place to grow and learn, but also a place to unwind, recharge your batteries and develop relationships.
Use your commute to and from work each day as a learning opportunity. Instead of listening to the news or music on the radio, reading the newspaper that does nothing for you or mindlessly staring into nothingness. Rather invest this time to listen to educational or inspirational Audio Books. Over time this investment will add up to a better and more prepared you. As you continue to become more, you will most certainly keep attracting more and when that opportunity does cross your path, you will be prepared to take advantage of it. Imagine how much better off you will be when you invest the 500 hours a year, you spend commuting, into your personal development and growth.
We have trained ourselves over many years to arrive home, collapse into the lounge chair and then to fill our minds with mindless nonsense for hours, while we ignore everyone around us, only to get up and go to bed to continue watching murder, mayhem and disaster, until we fall asleep. Introduce the new habit into your life, where you actually look forward to spending time in your learning centre each day, after returning from work. Invest time into your personal growth and development each day, by creating an environment that makes learning easy, accessible and fun.
It is widely believed that the last fifteen minutes before you go to sleep every day is the time that your brain sets the tone for the scope and type of dreams you will have every day.  Watching CSI, which is filled with murder and numerous dead bodies, is most certainly not the cycle I want to set in motion each evening for my dreams to follow. Rather invest that important fifteen minutes into reading a good inspirational or educational book, which will set a cycle of positive and uplifting dreams, each evening. This shift will see you use your dreams as an additional learning opportunity, in which you get to rest, learn and recharge, instead of having dreams filled with murder and mayhem, which offer no benefit at all.  
In this fast moving, ever changing, knowledge based world, if you are not growing and increasing your knowledge and skills daily, you are falling behind. Stop blaming your lack of growth and progress on a lack of time any longer. I have offered you a number of solutions above, that allow you to invest the time that you are currently squandering on activities, which at best do nothing for you and at worst could be breaking you down day after day, into the very growth activities you currently say you do not have time to do each day. Introduce this new success habit set that will promote learning and I have no doubt that there is no limit on your potential for EARNING.
Author: Andrew Horton Time Management

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Know why you want to Achieve Something and Nothing can Stop You

Know why you want to Achieve Something and Nothing can Stop You
Any superficial motivation that presents outside of you will be fleeting at best and offer very little or no long term, enduring inspiration at all. For motivation or inspiration to offer you any long term value, it must either help you to answer the question; “Why is this important to me” or help you to reinforce your already well-established vision of what you want in your future.  
It must:
1)      Help you ignite your inner power
2)      Help you to either create or drive your crystal clear vision of the future.
3)      Inspire you to take action.
The success of your daily actions, is not dependant on the individual actions themselves, but rather on your deep rooted motive why taking those actions daily is important to you. The long term sustainable outcomes that you are able to achieve, will be achieved out of your desire to express something from within yourself, a deep rooted desire to solve a challenge or to build a future that you have developed as a crystal clear vision. Discovering this deep rooted desire within yourself about why taking action day after day, even during the challenging times is important, will allow you to unlock a hidden drive to succeed that you have never seen before. The success you desire and the vision of the future you want to see in your life will begin to magically unfold before you.
All human greatness must be commissioned from within, no one can ever motivate or inspire you, unless you have a crystal clear vision of how you want things to turn out and you are compelled from within to make that vision real in your future. It is almost as if you are living a magnificent obsession, a deep rooted desire to achieve something of meaning and value to you, that is so compelling that no obstacle or challenge will slow you down for a moment longer than necessary to explore it and discover how to use it to your advantage.
This magnificent obsession is about who you want to become, never about the title on the door or the hollow and unfulfilling reward of money. It is a drive, a mind-set, to keep striving and moving in the direction of the success you have envisioned in your mind’s eye. This vision you have and deep rooted desire to achieve it, are so compelling and unique to you that nothing can stop you. It is the fire that burns in your belly, which relentlessly inspires and drives you to take action day after day, to keep moving in the direction of the vision you have, about your future and why this is important to you.
Stop chasing after the trappings of success, fame, fortune and wealth and discover your unique concept of what success means to you, this is uniquely yours, like your fingerprint or handwriting and then find out why that vision is really important to you and you will have discovered an unstoppable fire that will burn from within. Nothing will be able to stop you as you wake up every day driven to succeed.  Personalise your passion and vision and you will have found the key to unlock your unlimited power from within.
Author: Andrew Horton Motivational Speakers

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Desire and Dedication are the Bookends of Success

Desire and Dedication are the Bookends of Success
If where you started from, was a factor in how your life turned out, then how do you think a child who was born to a 13 year old mother, who was trapped in poverty would turn out. Add to this repeated rapes and physical abuse right up until this beautiful child had a miscarriage herself, at the tender age of 13 and you would expect a cycle of poverty and abuse to follow this child, generation after generation. What if I told you that this child was Oprah Winfrey?  The way your life turns out is not determined by where you start from, it is determined by the choices you make, the vision you create and the determination you show each day to do what it takes to make a difference in your life.
All greatness starts with desire and the level of success you enjoy will be driven by the amount of dedication you choose to apply to make that happen for you. Desire and dedication are the two prime ingredients required to become a top achiever. Desire helps you decide what you want, and dedication is the means by which you achieve it. Someone with plenty of desire and limited dedication would never achieve much. If you want to achieve meaningful and sustainable results in your life, you have to develop a powerful combination of both of these ingredients for success.
Desire is a combination of three important components:
  1. You must “DREAM”, and allow your mind to explore all possibilities. The secret is to give your mind the freedom to explore without any limitations or restrictions.
  2. Secondly, you sift through all your dreams and possibilities and create a “VISION” of what you want to achieve. You convert your dreams that inhabit the realm of your imagination and convert them into something possible and achievable for you.
  3. Lastly, you must explore your vision and get absolute “clarity and focus” on exactly how your life will look when you’ve accomplished your vision.
Dedication is about discipline and commitment
1)    Focus on your vision daily.
2)    Develop a plan that will allow you to travel in the direction of your vision.
3)    Invest willpower into creating a habit set that will support the necessary daily activities to move you along the path to the success that you desire.
4)    Stay committed and take action daily, until your dream is delivered.
You have the power to transform your life. You can change everything that is not satisfactory. It all starts and ends with your own power of choice. What are you waiting for?
This may seem like an impossible task and a pipe dream to most people. I know that anything is possible for you if you believe in yourself and you commit to introduce this success system into your life.
Nothing is beyond the realm of possibility and everything becomes possible when you:
  • Allow yourself to move out of your self-imposed comfort zone
  • Believe in your self
  • Follow your passion
  • Commit to make the changes necessary to succeed
  • You can have, do and be anything you desire.
One single thought or single decision can:
  • Unlock your hidden potential
  • Improve your health
  • Create great wealth
  • Create great relationships and forge bonds of deep love and connection
  • Inspire new levels of joy and happiness.
Throw a large dose of dedication into the mix and you have the makings of greatness and super achievement. It is time to stop pretending and for you to finally start performing. To start performing you must accept that you will be moved out of your comfort zone, into unchartered territory. These changes will make you feel uncomfortable and you will feel discomfort. This discomfort though, is your ticket to exceptional achievement and will put you on a path to great fulfilment.
Keep pretending and accept that you FEAR positive change more than you desire exceptional performance, do nothing and you will achieve something amazing, NOTHING. This attitude of acceptance will see you arrive somewhere five years from now. The question is; will you be satisfied with where that will be.
Stretch yourself today; accept a little discomfort and the place you will arrive five years from now, will be fulfilling and satisfying. Remain trapped in your self-imposed comfort zone of mediocrity and you will arrive at a place very similar to where you are right now, you will just be five years older, a lot more frustrated and far more disgruntled and unhappy.
This is really a choice of mediocrity over super achievement, of rest over labour, entertainment over education, delusion over truth and doubt over confidence. These are all simple choices; one takes you out of your comfort zone of mediocrity and forces you to feel a little discomfort, but sees you enjoy great success, fulfilment, happiness and joy. Whilst the other leaves you feeling a false sense of comfort in the short term, but leaves you completely dissatisfied, frustrated and unhappy in the long term.
Make the choice right now, begin to desire change, focus on the desirable outcome that you want to see develop in your future and then with dogged determination and never ending dedication make things unfold, day after day. This simple recipe for success is really easy to do, the challenge though is that as easy as it is to, so easy is not to do. You have so much to gain and nothing to lose, commit to finally turn your desire and dedication into future you want
Author: Andrew Horton Motivational Speaker

Thursday, October 20, 2011

You never need to be motivated, If you are Inspired

I have recently been asked the question “What motivates and inspires you”? I found it rather difficult to answer this question at first and got inspired to write this article, now that I have given this issue some deep thought. When my son was 10 years old, I never needed to walk into his room on a Saturday morning and motivate or inspire him to go and play video games. He had already been in the games lounge, since 5 am, eagerly playing all the games he loved and that I challenged him. After this realisation I began to understand why I struggled to answer the question around what motivated me every day.
I did not need to be motivated by any external force, as I wake up every day doing what I love and loving what I do. The first secret to feel driven and inspired every day is to invest the time to discover what you really love to do and then with dogged determination, commit to take action every day, to find a way to make that your vocation. I know that this really sounds simplistic and so obvious, but as I look back over my life. The moment that I identified what I wanted to do with the rest of my life and began the journey of creating the circumstances to make just that possible for me. I woke up inspired, with a vision and a goal every day. I was absolutely clear about what my purpose was each day and from that moment on, I began waking up at 3:30 am each day, driven and determined to change my life. I was determined to turn my vocation into my vacation.
I still encountered challenges along the way, I still had difficult days, where I needed to push myself to get out of bed, life was by no means a bed of roses. The reason I felt motivated, inspired and driven to succeed every day, was that I had a direction in my mind and no longer saw challenges as being in my way, they were merely just the way life unfolded and as I had a focused crystal clear picture of exactly what I was creating, challenges were expected and they were on my way to the life I was designing.
Once you have discovered what it is you really want to do with your life, create a crystal clear vision in your mind around what that looks like for you, build a plan to get you there and take action to deliver on your vision each day. You will no longer need to be motivated by any external forces at all; the fire in your belly will drive you every day. You will become your own stimulus package.
Add to this your daily commitment to read great books, magazines and listen to audio programmes, which will help you to grow and become the type of person you need to be to deserve the success that you desire. Surround yourself with people that will support your vision and encourage you to follow your dreams. Reward yourself as you reach each milestone along the path toward living your dreams and you will have discovered the simple recipe to motivate and inspire yourself to greatness.
Author: Andrew Horton Inspirational Speakers

Monday, October 17, 2011

How are you Investing Each Hour that Passes?

How are you Investing Each Hour that Passes?
Time Management
Is every hour that passes during the day, the most effective use of your time? Whatever you choose to invest your time into each hour, will determine the quality of life that you get to live. Time is on the wing and it will just continue to fly past you in a blur of discontent, unless you make the choice today to invest yours more wisely.
Time Management
As each hour passes during the day, spend 10 seconds looking back at that hour and ask yourself:
1.       Was vegetating in front of the television the most effective use of my time, or could I have invested that time into my spouse or family?
2.       Was driving my car mindlessly listening to the radio, which filled my head with negative information the best use of my time or could I have been listening to an inspirational or educational CD?
3.       Was pushing the snooze button and having that extra 9 minutes to sleep the best use of my time or could I have woken up and read a couple pages of a good book?
4.       Is reading the newspaper that is filled with sensational news and negative information the best use of my time or could I have read a few pages of a good book on self-development?
5.       Is visiting happy hour every night on my way home the best use of my time or could I have taken my spouse for a romantic dinner?
6.       Is blundering with no plan through each, the most effective use of my time or could I invest 10 minutes at the end of each day planning my day for tomorrow?
Time Management
The list goes on and on, it is not difficult to look back over every hour in your day and to very quickly discover, numerous better ways, to have used each one. This simple new hourly habit of examining how you use your time will, in a very short space of time, see you making far better choices, about how you use your most valuable possession.
This is such a simple new habit to include in your success habit set; it is easy to do and takes only a few seconds each hour. Give it a whirl, everyone that has introduced this simple new routine into their day, has very quickly realised that they waste an incredible amount of time, every day. By merely looking back over the previous hour and asking the question “Was that the most effective use of my time” and if it wasn’t then striving to do better in the next hour, will see you improve your efficiency and effectiveness almost instantly. Over time this will add up and you will astound yourself with how much you can actually get done in a day.
Time Management
As each hour passes, with its successes, mistakes, cares, faults, lessons, blunders, learning, aches and pains it is gone forever. That hour has passed forever, beyond our control, all the money in the world can never bring it back. You can never undo a single act or erase a single word that you spoke. Should something that is so important and can never be repeated, the passing of each hour of our lives be wasted any longer.
Is it wise to continue to waste even a single one, on frivolous activities, which will bring you only small pleasures in the moment? Life is filled with choices, are you going to make wiser choices about how you invest each hour of your life, from this moment on? Live each hour as fully as possible; always investing it as wisely as possible and you will have discovered the secret to living a complete and fulfilling life, filled with love and grace.
Author: Andrew Horton Time Management

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Gain an extra few hours a day and unlock your creative genius

Gain an extra few hours a day and unlock your creative genius
Time Management
I want to help you to make a few small shifts, which will assist you to become far more productive. When I refer to productivity I am not talking about adding more activity, more work and longer hours to your day, which will only add more pressure to your already overloaded schedule. I am talking about increasing your output, by doing things smarter, improved results, more money, greater feeling of accomplishment and actually achieving all the goals that you set for yourself. My aim is to show you how to achieve these improvements, yet still reduce your level of stress and free up some valuable time to spend with your family or to invest into a hobby.
Plan your day the night before - Time Management
It is remarkable how much time you save each day by designing your day the night before. You have a crystal clear picture of how your day will unfold. This gives you a head start in the morning; you get to start your day running each day. You do not need to waste any time planning your day first thing in the morning, while the phone is ringing, people are randomly demanding your attention and your day starts to spiral out of your control. My experience has shown me that when you try to plan your day in the morning, the pressures of the day seem to run away with you and you never actually get to plan your day. You just seem to react to everything and your day just gets consumed with activities that keep you very busy, but achieve very little. When you fail to plan your day the night before, the rest of the world will decide how your day will unfold; you spend your day reacting, instead of creating.
This is a very simple process, a daily discipline, where you spend the last 10 minutes of your day, designing the next day. This becomes part of your daily routine; you firstly review your current day and then begin to plan how you will use your time the next day. As you get better at this daily ritual and it becomes part of the way you do things, it will feel effortless and take less than ten minutes a day to complete. These ten minutes will be returned many times over the following day, as you get to actually control, how your day unfolds and you are able to create rather than react throughout your day. As these creative days compound into weeks, months and years, you will begin to see amazing results, start to appear in your life. The goals that seemed impossible before you introduced this new routine into your life will begin to take shape and your levels of stress will seem to dissipate completely.    
Prioritise - Time Management                                      
Review all your goals and choose a maximum of three to focus all your energy on for the next 90 days. This new level of focus will see you begin to actually see results flow from your daily efforts. As long as you have too many goals and priorities, you are constantly diluting your efforts and achieving very little as you blunder through each day, trying to do too much and actually achieving very little, other than buckets of overwhelm and stress.
Meet Your Future - Time Management
Schedule time into your dairy each week, to carry out the tasks necessary to achieve the three goals you defined above. Unless you make the time in your day to carry out the activities necessary to achieve your goals, you will stagger from day to day, never finding that crucial time to work on your future. There is a simple law that says “What gets scheduled, gets done” Until you schedule time into your day, to carry out the tasks, which will allow you to achieve the goals you have set yourself, you will continue to live an unsatisfactory life, and seem to blunder through your year, arriving at the end of each year, wondering why things never seem to work out for you.
It is crucial that you remove all possible distractions. Your goal during these Meetings with your Future is to place yourself in a cone of silence and to focus 100 % of your energy on carrying out the necessary activities, which will deliver your dreams. Turn your phone off, make sure that your emails cannot disturb you and shut your door. Meetings with your future are intensely focused, undisturbed and productive time in which you work on creating the future you desire.
Carry out Biggest task first every day - Time Management
Never tackle your emails first thing in the morning, or allow other distractions to take control of your day, first thing in the morning. Tackle the most intimidating task, first thing in the morning and get it out of the way before you do anything else. Invest at least 90 minutes of uninterrupted focus on getting this task done, less if possible, doing nothing but getting this difficult task out of the way. Then focus your energy on completing your most important priorities of the way. It is crucial that you are very disciplined with this and that you allocate no more than 90 minutes to this each day. It is remarkable how much you can achieve in 90 minutes of complete focus. It is very seldom that I get to the end of my 90 minutes, without having completed my most difficult task and finished my top priorities each day.
When you introduce these three new habits into your day, you will get far more done in less time and more importantly, you will have discovered a system that will allow you to focus your energy on getting the important tasks done each day. These new focus will; over time add up into remarkable success.
Author: Andrew Horton Time Management