Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Andrew Horton Inspirational Speakers: Are you Happy with the Way you are Spending Your L...

Andrew Horton Inspirational Speakers: Are you Happy with the Way you are Spending Your L...: When you reach the end of your fleeting physical experience one day, will you wish you had spent more time chasing after money or will you...

Are you Happy with the Way you are Spending Your Life?

When you reach the end of your fleeting physical experience one day, will you wish you had spent more time chasing after money or will you wish that you had invested your most valuable resource, namely your time, into creating meaningful relationships? The reality is that we are so driven to meet society’s expectations to accumulate as many resources as possible and to become as powerful or famous as we can, that we miss out on what really matters, namely family and real friends.

Are you going to continue to allow yourself to waste your life doing something, which when all is said and done, will have very little value for you.  Or are you going to make changes in your life now and go after the things that really matter, the things that will make you happy and fulfilled? When you choose happiness and fulfilment over money, you get to live a very full and meaningful life and amazingly money also seems to almost effortlessly flow towards you. Change your motives; go after what really matters to you and you will get to enjoy the most amazing, complete and abundant life.

Cultivate Relationships with the People Who Matter

Relationships with family and friends must be actively cultivated, like the flowers in a beautiful garden. Developing and sustaining great relationships requires time, effort and imagination. The better, more real and consistent the effort, the easier it is to ensure that the relationship will flourish and grow. The greatest value in life comes from caring for and sharing your life with people that matter.

Give the Gift of your On-going Development to Everyone Around you

Invest time to continually grow who you are. As you become more, you are able to add more value to everyone you touch. When you are on the path of creating the relationships that are going to make your life mean something and support your state of happiness. It is wise to give them the gift of your consistent dedication to personal development and on-going growth.

Grow into Someone of Value

This is the greatest gift you can offer to anyone, because as you become more, as you expand and grow; you become a more valuable friend or relative. You bring more to the relationship. I believe in the adage of “I will take the best possible care of me and you take the best possible care of you, so that we are both better people who can take better care of each other”.

Stop allowing yourself to hide behind the false walls that you have created around yourself. The walls that make you believe that you must pursue money before you can discover happiness. Anything you pursue will always elude you. The walls that you think will keep the unhappiness your current circumstances are causing you are the very same walls, which are keeping you trapped in mediocrity. Until you break down these artificial walls, which you have created as a barrier to anything breaking into your self-imposed comfort zone. An artificial barrier will always hold you away from your potential, block out the joy you deserve and most certainly keep the money you desire from flowing to you. You will continue to live an unfulfilled and empty life.

Break the bonds right now and allow yourself to begin to soar toward your joy and unlimited potential. All that is required is a small shift in the way you view things and the way you do things and you will almost immediately begin to see the most remarkable things manifest in your life. You have so much to gain and nothing to lose but frustration and dissatisfaction. Pull the trigger and let your true authentic self-free, allow yourself to become the person you see in your dreams.

Author: Inspirational Speakers Andrew Horton

Monday, July 30, 2012

Andrew Horton Inspirational Speakers: Identify the Resources you Need to Succeed

Andrew Horton Inspirational Speakers: Identify the Resources you Need to Succeed: What are the skill sets you possess, that you believe can contribute towards reaching your goals? Take a long hard look at yourself an...

Identify the Resources you Need to Succeed

What are the skill sets you possess, that you believe can contribute towards reaching your goals?

Take a long hard look at yourself and see what characteristics or skills you possess, which will contribute to your sustained success.  This self-audit will help you assess where you are regarding your current skill set. It will also highlight any shortcomings that you may have and allow you to take action to remedy them.

This new awareness will also program your brain to start looking for what you need. Amazingly exactly that will start showing up.  The more clarity you can create around your goals and what you need to support you to achieve your goals, the easier it is for your brain to filter the specific bits of information you need, out of the billions of bits of information you don’t require. The greater the degree of clarity you create in all areas surrounding your goals, the more powerful the assistance from the universe will be too.

Identify Resources in your Environment, Which will support You

Look in your immediate circle of influence and identify the people, who you already know who could possibly help you to achieve your goals. Get clarity on exactly how you would like them to assist you on your success journey.

Action Idea: Know exactly what support you need and then approach them with a clear request for assistance. Ask them if they would be willing to offer the scope and type of assistance you require. More often than not people will be willing to mentor and support you. The secret to make this work for you is not to have only one way expectations. You must find ways to build mutually beneficial relationships with the people, you know can support you.

Look beyond your Immediate Sphere of Influence

Once you have discovered the people in your immediate circle, who you can build mutually beneficial relationships with. Look outside your immediate circle of influence and try to identify any other people, who you will approach or contact to help you with your goals. It is really important that you are clear on what type of assistance you require. It is unlikely that anyone will offer their assistance, if you are vague about what you require or what your expectations from them are. You must be clear about the exact contribution you expect and the input you require from them. Be very specific about the time or other commitments you would need, from them. Try to always see ways of offering something in return to them. One way relationships are seldom sustainable. Whenever there is fair exchange, relationships are not only sustainable, but there are winners on both sides.

Identify Character Traits in People, Which will Support you

Once you have completed this exercise, where you have found people around you, who can support you. Really open your mind. Try to identify personality or character traits or characteristics in other successful people, who you feel will significantly contribute to your future achievements.  This exercise will program your mind to unconsciously begin looking around for the right people to help you to succeed. You can never succeed in isolation; you need the support of mentors, coaches and other people, who can support you. Success is a journey, which is far easier to travel, when you have the support of people, who can help and support you.

Author: Andrew Horton Best Business Speakers

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Andrew Horton Inspirational Speakers: What is your Commitment to your Life-long Growth a...

Andrew Horton Inspirational Speakers: What is your Commitment to your Life-long Growth a...: Formal education is important, but not crucial; to create sustainable success in your life, as it only equips you with the fundamentals fo...

What is your Commitment to your Life-long Growth and Learning?

Formal education is important, but not crucial; to create sustainable success in your life, as it only equips you with the fundamentals for making a living. A commitment to lifelong learning and consistent growth, on the other hand is crucial, if you want to achieve and sustain greatness, as it allows you to keep expanding your limits and invites new possibility into your experience.

Your objective has got to be, to wake up every day, just a little better than you were the day before. This consistent growth, even though it will be almost imperceptible, will keep your universe expanding and will allow you to embrace new opportunities, which may have remained hidden from you, had you not grown into a better version of yourself.

Dare to be Different

If you want to stand out from the crowd and become a super achiever, you must commit to on-going self-learning and continual growth. Your on-going commitment to self-learning and perpetual growth is the foundation and beginning of great wealth, health, meaningful relationships, and spiritual enlightenment. This is where all the magical future success you deserve is born.

Apply your Knowledge in your Life

Yes a commitment to on-going growth and expansion is crucial for success, but always remember that, knowledge alone is of little value; until you take action and accept that you must take your new found knowledge and actively apply it in your life. When you commit to apply all the knowledge you gather, you equip yourself to attract anything you want into your life and you establish the basis to become a super achiever. Remember, you attract success by the person you become, as you become more, so you will attract more.

Become an Expert and apply your Knowledge

Gather as much knowledge as possible and become an expert in your field. Become someone that is committed to on-going learning and you will eventually grow into someone, who has all the right answers. Yet is driven to apply sufficient discipline to make productive use of all the knowledge they gather.

One of the greatest investments you can make, of either your time or your money, is an investment in your own education and growth. This investment over time will deliver returns on happiness, fulfilment, wealth, health and deliver amazing relationships too. This is one of the best investments you can make as you will see every resource in your life increase in value, many thousands of times over.

Applied Knowledge will become Great Wealth, Health and Relationships

All the self-education you gain can never be taken away from you. It is something you can use anywhere in the world. When you have grown your knowledge base and you have become an expert in your field and you cross a border to live in a new country and they ask if you have anything to declare, you can honestly say no. However your mind is filled with knowledge, ideas and potential to create staggering wealth, great health and harmonious success in all areas of your life. There is no other asset that is so freely movable, and of such value.

Combine your Inspiration with the Right Education

Inspiration alone is not going to deliver the success you deserve and desire. Although when you are willing to combine your inspiration with the right education, you will realise outstanding results every time. When you are travelling down the wrong road, great inspiration alone will only speed you along the wrong path. It takes education to keep you on the right path and to turn you around if you are travelling along the wrong one.

When you consistently seek knowledge, you strive to be a little better today than you were yesterday and you sharpen your interest in life and people. You create a solid foundation to have, do or be anything you want. Have the courage to make a real commitment to a life of learning and growth and you have discovered the foundation for inviting unlimited success into your experience.

How do you Learn Best?

You will always gather better and more valuable information from sources you are really interested in. So stay alert and at the guard of the doorway to your mind. Consciously strive to feed your mind all the best knowledge possible. Your future happiness and success is enhanced every time you learn something of value. Something as profound and simple as consistently increasing your knowledge will help you achieve greatness. Should something this profound not be one of your top priorities.

Author: Andrew Horton a Motivational Speaker

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Andrew Horton Inspirational Speakers: Focus, Prioritisation and Rest, are Indispensable ...

Andrew Horton Inspirational Speakers: Focus, Prioritisation and Rest, are Indispensable ...: The best way to achieve greatness, become a super achiever and to excel at everything you do is to strive to focus 100 % of your attenti...

Focus, Prioritisation and Rest, are Indispensable in your Success Toolkit

The best way to achieve greatness, become a super achiever and to excel at everything you do is to strive to focus 100 % of your attention on whatever you are doing at that time. When you are working, place all your energy into delivering the best possible outcome you can achieve, strive to always work as effectively as you can. The same is true for when you are resting, enjoying a hobby or recharging your batteries; focus all your attention on the task at hand. The secret to success is focus. Wherever you are or whatever you are doing, be there completely.

Common Sense is Seldom Common Practice

I am sure that you are thinking this all sounds like common sense and as such you would assume that everybody lives their lives like this. Unfortunately some things that are common knowledge are seldom common practice. Very few people give 100 % to the task at hand. They spend their day in distraction and never give their full attention to anything. When you make this shift, and give 100 % to everything you do, you will be more focused on the specific task at hand and your energy will all flow towards making you operate as effectively as possible.

Distraction is the Enemy of Success

Too many people allow themselves to be distracted from what they are doing at that time. When they are working, they are thinking about friends, rest, recreation or other distractions and while they are spending time with friends’ or family or they are involved in recreational activities, they constantly think about work. I believe this is the reason why so many people struggle to find harmony and balance in their lives.

The challenge to most people and the reason they feel like they are spinning their wheels every day, achieving very little, is that they are constantly focused on something else. As you know wherever you attention goes, you energy flows. The constant distraction most people engage in every day and lack of focus on the task at hand allows energy to flow away from where it should be and results in unsatisfactory results.

During rest when people should be recharging their batteries they are constantly thinking about work and what they failed to achieve, because when they were working, they were focused on resting and recharging their batteries. This is a downward spiral and over time causes burnout and very poor performance.
Planned Rest Periods

Action Idea: The way to fix this is pretty simple. Start with the all-important rest periods. Make rest a priority, so that you can recharge your batteries and raise your energy levels. Ensure that you have planned rest scheduled into your dairy at the beginning of every week.

  • Plan your day at the beginning of each week and plan to work in focused segments of 90 minute each. During each segment you will tackle and complete only a few selected priority tasks. At the end of each segment plan a rest period of between five or ten minutes, to recharge your batteries and to prepare for the next 90 minutes of priority focused activity and productivity. These are short rests of around five or ten minutes, where you walk away from your desk. Clear your mind and recharge your batteries. It sounds counter intuitive, to plan breaks in your day, when you have so much to do. The reality is that when you work in short focused bursts of concentration and productivity, you get so much more done each day and you also get the added benefit where you feel far more rested and driven.
  • Done for the Day” Plan a time in your day, when you hang up your pen for the day, forget about any work challenges and you simply rest and recharge your batteries. It does not matter what time you choose, to be “Done for the Day”, but it most certainly does matter that you switch off completely, when you are done for the day, so that you can recharge your batteries and prepare to give your best the next day. Give yourself permission to rest and unwind at the end of each day, it will add hours of productive work to your schedule each day.
  • Schedule at least 24 hours of total rest, into your dairy each week. During these 24 hours, you must give yourself permission to switch off completely from work and just relax and recharge your batteries. This will allow you to be refreshed and fired up when the nest week starts.

When you plan for rest periods and introduce them into your schedule, your productivity will soar; you will feel energised and will achieve so much more each week.

Making it Work for You

Plan your week in advance each Sunday evening and try to include all the elements, described below:
  • Plan your days and schedule your week to include focused, priority driven and energised 90 minute segments, throughout each day.
  • Plan rest periods at the end of each 90 minute segment and throughout your day. These are opportunities to reflect, rest and recharge your batteries.
  • Set a time aside each day when you will stop working. The time you choose is unique to you, I choose 20H00 each day.
  • Plan to review your day. At about 20 minutes before you have chosen to be done for the day. During the last 20 minutes of each day I review my day, measure my performance and check to see if the outcomes I achieved are in line with expectations.. This takes about 5 minutes.
  • Any tasks that I was unable to complete that day. I place onto my dairy as one of my first priorities for the next morning.
  • I then spend 15 minutes planning for the next day. I include as much information in this process as possible. For example: if I need to make a call, I ensure that I include the telephone number etc. The more thoroughly I can plan for the next day and the more detail I provide, the less time I waste looking for any info I may need the next day.
  • I then feel comfortable that everything is taken care of and I switch off from work mode and move into rest and recharge mode.

Since I have followed this weekly ritual and introduced these new daily habits into my life. I have seen remarkable improvements in both my productivity and sense wellbeing. I feel far more rested and inspired every day and I finally feel satisfied at the end of the day, because I am getting my priorities done every day.

Working in focused bursts of energy, where you actually complete tasks, rest and then tackle the next priority task, removes the feeling of overwhelm and equips you to finish all those things you never seem to have time for each day. Give whatever you are doing the gift of your complete attention. Pay attention; stop staggering through your day any longer. Focus your energy on getting as much as possible from your day and you will no longer feel like your day is in your way.

Author: Andrew Horton Guest Speakers Johannesburg

Friday, July 27, 2012

Andrew Horton Inspirational Speakers: Drive Sales Success, Give More to Fewer Clients

Andrew Horton Inspirational Speakers: Drive Sales Success, Give More to Fewer Clients: Unless you are in the business of selling a complete commodity product or service, which relies exclusively on massive numbers of people b...

Drive Sales Success, Give More to Fewer Clients

Unless you are in the business of selling a complete commodity product or service, which relies exclusively on massive numbers of people buying your easily substitutable, low value product or service, you will find that the Pareto principal applies. Where 20 % of your clients give you 80 % of your business and 80 % of your clients give you 100 % of your headaches and only account for about 20 % of your sales.

For me this looks like a no-brainer, you must obviously invest as little time as possible focused on the 80 % of your clients, who give you only 20 % of your revenue but seem to give you 100 % of your challenges and focus as much energy as possible on the 20 % of your clients, who give you the majority of your revenue. The best way to do this would be to create an effective system to service the 80 %, so that you could free up your time to focus on the 20 % who are giving you the return you want. Or even better eliminate the 80 % of low value clients from your business altogether and only work with the right valuable clients.

Narrow Your Focus and Target your Clients.

I have found that the key to generating more profits is never about constantly trying to acquire more and more clients. The key to sustainably growing profits in your business is about acquiring only really valuable clients and then investing everything possible, into providing them with the most incredible levels of service and the perfect solutions to their challenges. The objective of any good sales person has thus got to be around, discovering, prospecting, and building mutually beneficial relationships with the most suitable or most valuable clients possible.

This strategy will see you easily grow not only your sales, but your margins as well. Less in this case is most certainly more. It is not easy to identify and qualify the right or most valuable clients, but in the long run it is most certainly worthwhile. It requires you to have a very clear understanding about your own product and service and what it can do for your clients. You must also have a crystal clear understanding of your prospects and clients’ specific needs and most importantly you must be clear on what you want to achieve with them.

It All Starts with a Clear Vision

This can only come together if you have a focused, razor sharp and crystal clear vision, about exactly what you want to achieve. Once you become clear about what you want and you are clear on exactly what you can offer in the form of products or services to your clients, discovering which client’s suite your right client or most valuable client criterion, becomes simple. Successfully selling, building margins and generating sustainable profits in the new age of business, is no longer about acquiring large numbers of clients. It is about focus, research, understanding your markets, and product or service offering and then investing time to build mutually beneficial relationships with the right or most valuable clients.

All the information you need to successfully follow this new sales strategy is available and easily accessible on the internet. The challenge to make this work for you though, is that you are going to need to make a paradigm shift to the way you approach sales. Remove the need to provide service to low value clients, so that you have the ability to provide outstanding levels of service to the few select, valuable clients, who contribute the most to your bottom line and your profits will soar and your challenges and headaches will disappear.

Author: Andrew Horton Motivational Speakers


Thursday, July 26, 2012

Andrew Horton Inspirational Speakers: Is Change Something to Fear or Something to Embrac...

Andrew Horton Inspirational Speakers: Is Change Something to Fear or Something to Embrac...: The world around us has started changing at an ever increasing rate. Everything seems to have become more and more interconnected. Events ...

Is Change Something to Fear or Something to Embrace?

The world around us has started changing at an ever increasing rate. Everything seems to have become more and more interconnected. Events outside your industry and sphere of influence, very often have a huge influence on your business, family and your wallet. It is for this reason that, if you want to prosper. Your daily routine and activities can no longer be insular and based on a narrow world perspective. Everything we do, in both our business and private capacity, is affected in some way or other by social, technological, political, economic or cultural changes virtually every day.
So it follows that, anyone who wants to be successful today, must consistently survey and understand their environment and the world at large. Not to do so is naïve and will leave you unprepared to innovate or able to respond to any changes or challenge, which any change may present to you or your business. Stop listening to the people who constantly say that you do not need to be well informed to succeed, as you can seldom do anything about the change anyway. You may not be able to affect the change in any way, but you can most certainly respond to the change and limit the effect it will have on you and your business or even innovate and take advantage of the change and create a new opportunity.
Newspaper Editorial Sums it Up
 “The world is too big for us. Too much going on, too much crime, violence and change. Try as you will, you get behind in the race. It’s an incessant strain to keep pace and still you lose ground. Science empties its discoveries on you so fast that you stagger beneath them in hopeless bewilderment. Everything in business and life is high pressure. Human nature can’t endure much more!”
Does this sound like a newspaper article written in the local paper recently? It seems to sum things up in our world pretty well, doesn’t it? Well what if I told you, it is an extract from a newspaper article, which appeared more than 179 years ago, on the 16 June 1833, in the Atlantic Journal.
Have an Effective System to Survey Your World
Change is not something new, but your choice about how you will survey and respond to change, had better be. You can no longer avoid becoming a casualty of all the bad news around you and bury your head in the sand. You must design an effective system of alerts and selectively survey your environment using twilerts, selectively reading newspaper articles, subscribing to informative and valuable news alerts and even following carefully selected blogs.
Take the initiative and find innovative ways to observe your world. It is time to stop “stewing” and complaining about change and to start “doing” something about it. When you are watching your world, you are able to see any early warning signs, which may warn you of any impending changes in your industry, region, business or personal life. You can seldom innovate, if your understanding of change is misinformed, outdated or incomplete.
Success Depends on Innovation
Succeeding today is dependent on your creative capacity, how well you can make decisions, your affinity to successfully solve problems and your ability to innovate in the face of change. New technology is often the driver of economic or social change, but there are also opportunities to use existing technology in new and innovative ways. Federal Express for example, is one the best examples of this. Fred Smith saw the opportunity to innovate, when he saw the need for increased speed in the parcel delivery business. What changes or trends offer you or your business a similar opportunity?
Don’t just collect Information, Interpret it and Create New Ways of Doing Things
Succeeding today is dependent on how well you can think. You won’t earn any extra income, because you have a fantastic system for exploring your world, where you sort, store and retrieve information or can you? What if you offered a new innovative way for clients to survey their world, where you sorted through the clutter of information all around, but only supplied them with the targeted information they needed? Could that not be an innovative way of creating a new business opportunity for you or your business?
The challenge is that not all of us are experts at surveying our world and it is unlikely that we will be able to convert this into income. Our role as business leaders is to find ways to sort through the clutter of information all around us and then to interpret it. We then need to create and implement new innovative ideas, which will allow us to utilise the inevitable change all around us, rather than allowing change to overwhelm us.
Action Idea: Strive to have an open and enquiring mind at all times and consistently ask yourself these questions:
  • What is changing in my world?
  • How can I use these changes to create new opportunities?
  • How can I add value to my current products or services, as a result of the change?
  • Is there any new technology available, which can help me or my business?
  • How can I adapt current technology to do things better or faster?
  • Are there any new trends, which offer new opportunities?  

The quality of your life or business is most certainly the product of the quality of questions you consistently ask. Keep adding or removing questions to your own list of change questions and over time you will become a champion of change. Breakthrough ideas often emerge, when you keep an open exploring mind and you consistently are on the lookout for new opportunities.
Author: Andrew Horton Motivational Speakers

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Andrew Horton Inspirational Speakers: Formula for Success

Andrew Horton Inspirational Speakers: Formula for Success: The first and most important way to change the results you are enjoying in your life right now is to set your imagination free. Let your i...

Formula for Success

The first and most important way to change the results you are enjoying in your life right now is to set your imagination free. Let your imagination out for a walk and allow it to wander through the corridors of possibility. Explore all the possibilities and opportunities, which are available to you and then dare to dream. Dream that these possibilities are not only possible for you but they are achievable and within reach.
The unique combination of desire, planning, consistent effort and perseverance, when combined with the fruits of your fertile imagination and dreams, make anything possible for you. What is only an idea, a dream in your mind, will be given life and the impossible will become your reality.

Formula for Success

  • Dare to Dream
  • Know What Success Means to you
  • Know WHY you want it
  • Allow yourself to believe it is possible for you to succeed
  • Create a crystal Clear vision of exactly what you want
  • Set realistic, achievable goals.
  • Build a daily action plan to get your there.
  • Measure your progress regularly
  • Welcome challenge
  • Persevere and apply consistent effort.

The question at hand is not whether this simple “Formula for Success” will work for you. The question is will you have the discipline and sufficient desire to work the “Formula”. When you commit to apply sufficient energy to make this simple formula work in your life, it works, every time, all the time, any time.

You are the Unknown Variable

You are the only unknown variable in this process. Accept this incredibly truth and this empowering awareness, will equip you to achieve extraordinary results. You have the power to go from where you are right now, to exactly where you want to be in the future. All that you need to do to succeed and to excel at anything, is to apply the follow this simple formula every day and to control one variable namely “YOU”.

It is not difficult to see that if you remove the one variable, namely your daily commitment to follow the simple formula above; you can succeed at almost anything. Is it not worth the effort to introduce a few new, small daily disciplines into your life, which will allow you to work this simple process and you can achieve anything. Believe in your dreams and have the courage to change and to introduce a dirty four letter word into your life and you become unstoppable. That four letter word is “WORK

It is Simple to do

Using this knowledge is really easy and applying the “Formula for Success” is really simple to do. Unfortunately it is also easy, not to do. You are remarkable and have unlimited potential, you now have an awareness of how simple success really is. Are you willing to control the one variable, over which you exert 100 % control and finally turn your life into one of meaning and fulfilment? You have the ability to make yourself carry out the daily disciplines, which will deliver the results you desire. So get off your butt and do it.

What is it going to take to make you see just how simple success really is? Note I said “Simple”, not easy. It is going to take work and discipline for you to succeed. Take this awareness and turn it into your unique and personal “Recipe for Success” Now have the courage and commitment, to take your recipe and bake all the success you desire.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Overcome Inertia - How Do You Get Started on Your Success Journey?

Yes a journey of one thousand miles does indeed start with the first step. The challenge for most people though, is to find that inner drive and desire, to actually get off their butt, escape their comfort zone and for them to take that first teetering step and then to stay inspired enough, to keep taking steps every day after that. Success as you know is never an event, it is a process.
Know “WHY” You Want To Achieve It
The level of success you will get to enjoy is directly proportional to how well you can overcome the self that wants to give up and replace it with the self, who wants to succeed. The first step in this process of becoming and remaining inspired is of course to decide “WHY” you want to achieve anything. Once you have uncovered the deep rooted reason why something is important to you. The thing you want to achieve will grab a hold of you and you will be inspired from within to do what it takes to achieve the desired outcome.
Know What Success Means to You
Until you know what success means to you specifically, you are flying blind chasing after a phantom, you may not even want. Invest the time to define what success looks like, feels like and sounds like. In other words what will you have, be doing and need to be, for you to feel successful.
This is not as easy as it sounds. Society has trained us to believe that success is about how much money, power and fame we have and in some cases, that is exactly what success will mean to you. The challenge we face though, is that for many people, success is about time with family, great relationships, good health, meaningful careers, making a real difference to their world etc. Yet they are programmed by what they believe they should want by society’s norms and expectations, so they never feel completely committed to their goals. This makes them feel distant form their dreams and stops them from ever fully committing to their goals.
Action Idea: Have the courage to uncover what is really important to you, really introspect and discover what success really means to you and you will have unlocked the most powerful driver for your success. When the actions you take every day are aligned with your inner needs and highest values, nothing will be able to stop you. Every challenge will be seen as an opportunity to learn and grow. You will no longer need any external motivation, to take the daily actions you need to take to succeed. Your will be inspired from within.
See Any Temporary Failure or Setback as an Event
Any success journey is going to present you with challenges; even things which will make you feel like you have failed. The secret to success is to always view any stumbling blocks as merely a temporary inconvenience, only an event on your success journey. I know this is an old cliché, but try to turn every stumbling block into a stepping stone. Don’t just try to stumble over any setback or roadblock, step boldly onto any challenge, learn what you can, discover the possible opportunity hidden in any challenge and use this as a catalyst to propel you to new heights of achievement. See challenge, setbacks and roadblocks as the fertilizer for your success. This shift will help you to quickly overcome challenges and stay focused on your goals.
Is it Possible to Be Driven and inspired Every Day?
Despite all our good intentions, regardless of the level of success anyone may have achieved, everyone has times, when they really don’t feel like doing the things they know they need to do, to succeed. This is normal and just part of being human. The difference between those who become super achievers and those who live unfulfilling lives, is yes, the super achievers, know why they want to achieve something, they know what success really means to them and they see failures as merely events. But the real differentiator, comes down to the super achievers having the mental fortitude, at those crucial moments in their lives when they really don’t feel like taking action, they are able to conquer complacency and move themselves to action. Do not allow yourself to give up, just because things may be tough.
Joining the Dots
  • Success is about knowing what you want
  • Why you want it
  • Having a plan to help you to achieve exactly what you desire.
  • Knowing what success really means to you
  • See challenges as events and opportunities to grow
  • Remain focused on the outcome you want to achieve
  • Reward your successes
  • Connect your daily actions with pleasure rather than pain.

When you introduce this process into your life, you will be inspired every day. In other words any idea or goal you have, will grab a hold of you. You will no longer be pursuing something. You will feel driven to achieve it.
Author: Andrew Horton Time Management

Monday, July 23, 2012

Andrew Horton Inspirational Speakers: Are The Numbers In Your Life Adding UP?

Andrew Horton Inspirational Speakers: Are The Numbers In Your Life Adding UP?: The easiest way to ensure that you remain inspired and on track as you traverse the path to the success you desire, Is to constantly measu...

Are The Numbers In Your Life Adding UP?

The easiest way to ensure that you remain inspired and on track as you traverse the path to the success you desire, Is to constantly measure your performance against a number of predefined outcomes.  These outcomes or measurement criterion must be defined and clearly stated, during the planning process. The more often you measure your performance the easier it is to ensure that the actions you are taking are aligned with the final result you are attempting to achieve.

What Drives the Outcomes you can Achieve?

The results or outcomes you are attempting to achieve are driven by three things, your philosophy, your attitude and the actions you consistently take or fail to take. If the results are not as expected, then look to refine your philosophy, strengthen your attitude, improve your level of skill or knowledge or commit to offer more discipline to your daily activities.
It is crucial that you measure your progress regularly, but measurement can become counter-productive if you attempt to measure progress too often. You must be reasonable with time, it is obviously not reasonable to expect an outcome within the first five minutes after someone starts along their path to success. It is also of no value to allow too much time to pass before you measure progress.

How often Should your Measure your Progress?

I believe that progress should be measured at the end of every day. Review all the activities that you committed to complete that day and review how you did against your target. Secondly review what results or outcomes came from carrying out those activities. Are they delivering the desired results and are they aligned with the final outcome you are attempting to achieve?

The second time to review your progress is at the end of the week. After seven days has passed it is time to review how things went that week. This is a time to have greater expectations about the results you will be enjoying. If after seven days, your efforts are not delivering the kind of results you expect then it is time for inspection and examination. Ask yourself this question: “Are the activities aligned with the outcome I want to achieve”? If they are then keep taking these actions, if they are not, then it is time to re-evaluate your actions and to change or improve them.

Know your Numbers

Success is after all only a numbers game. If you want to succeed you must know what the numbers are that you want to achieve. You must break these back into reasonable, achievable chunks, against which you regularly measure your daily, weekly and monthly performance. This allows you to make measurable progress in a reasonable time and if your actions are not aligned with the desired outcome. It allows you to re-examine your activities, your philosophy or your attitude and to change them until you do begin to achieve the desired outcomes.

Stay committed to constantly account to the most important person in your life, namely yourself, about your own numbers. Keep asking yourself this simple question. “Are my efforts allowing me to make the kind of progress I want and is my philosophy and attitude taking me where I want to go now and in the future? Keep assessing your progress against your numbers, take daily action and you will eventually succeed.

Author: Andrew Horton Motivational Speakers

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Andrew Horton Inspirational Speakers: Know WHY you Want Anything and it Will eventually ...

Andrew Horton Inspirational Speakers: Know WHY you Want Anything and it Will eventually ...: There are factors, like the type of parents we had, the schools we attended, the part of the country we grew up in, which may affect how o...

Know WHY you Want Anything and it Will eventually be Yours

There are factors, like the type of parents we had, the schools we attended, the part of the country we grew up in, which may affect how our lives turn out, if we allow them to be a factor. In reality all these factors are merely events, which occurred in our lives. The real measure of who we can eventually become, has nothing to do what happens to us, but is measured by how we choose to respond to these events, which occurred in our lives. When you accept that any event, no matter how much of a challenge it may present, is merely an event, and as such, it should have very little bearing on how your future turns out. You will realise that the major factor, which will affect how your life turns out is your ability to dream.

Dare to Dream

Dreams are your imaginations way of escaping the constraints of your mind and are a projection of the kind of life you want to lead in the future. When you commit to clarify your dreams and you invest the energy to turn them into real and meaningful “GOALS” you create a force that will drive you and empower you to skip over any obstacles.

Unleash your WHYPOWER

The way to unleash this incredible power is to look beyond your willpower and discover your “WHYPOWER”. When you can find the compelling reason “WHY” achieving a dream or a goal is really important to you, you will have discovered the key to unlock this unstoppable force.
When you have clarified your dreams and turned them into clear, time defined, believable and achievable “GOALS”. The next step is not to figure out how you are going to achieve them. It is to search within yourself until you discover that one really audacious reason “WHY” achieving that goal is so important to you.

Give your Goals Pulling Power

Once you have discovered a really compelling and meaningful reason “WHY” you absolutely must achieve any “GOAL”. You will then have given your “GOALS” incredible pulling power. This will allow you to unleash your creative force, discipline and determination and equip you to overpower any obstacle that may cross your path.

To leverage the maximum benefit from your “WHYPOWER”. You must ensure that your “GOALS” are well defined and you must have a crystal clear picture of what you want and why that is important to you. When you fuel your “WHYPOWER” with vivid, well defined and meaningful “GOALS” the plans you create to make this future possible for you, will act like a strong attractive force.

Dare to dream of the incredible future you desire and massive success and incredible achievement; is most certainly possible for you. Find your compelling reason ”WHY” it is crucial for you to live that future. Then visualize yourself actually living the future of your dreams, right now. Feel all the positive emotions and good feelings that future will bring and you can have, do and be anything you want.

Visualise your Goal as Achieved

You must see yourself at the finish line, while you are still running the race. You must focus on the positive emotions and cheers, when you are in the middle of any huge project.
When you encounter any of the inevitable challenges along the path to success, stay focused on the final goal. Henry Ford said that you will never see any obstacles, as long as you stay focused on your goals. Most importantly stay focused on your “WHYPOWER” and keep doing the uncomfortable, until it becomes comfortable, because focus and persistence are the way you can achieve anything you want.

Author: Andrew Horton Best Event Speakers Gauteng