Friday, August 10, 2012

Discover your Uniqueness and Become a Super Achiever

Before you begin formulating a plan for creating the future of your dreams, you must first have the courage and foresight to conduct an audit of your current personal assets and liabilities. Explore your current circumstances by answering the questions below:
  1. What distinct advantages or strengths do you have?
  2. Where do you have unique leverage or gearing?
  3. What skills are you lacking?
  4. What knowledge do you need to acquire?
  5. What weaknesses do you have and how can you reduce their effect on your future outcomes?
  6. What potential hazards lie ahead?

Before you Start any Journey you Need to Know Where you are

As you know, when you program a G.P.S. (global positioning system) to get you from where you are to where you want to go. It needs two pieces of information. It first triangulates and discovers where it is and then you need to provide it with one further piece of information, namely where you want to go. Using these two pieces of information it then uses the built in software to calculate the best route for you to follow to get you from where you are to where you want to go.

Travelling on any success journey is no different. You can never embark on any journey, especially a success journey, unless you have a clear understanding of where you are in terms of your strength, weaknesses, opportunities and threats and where you want to go i.e. your vision, dreams and goals. The more clarity you have before you embark on this journey, where you clearly know your limits, the easier it will be to stay focused and to overcome the inevitable obstacles you will encounter along the way. The more vivid the vision you can create about, where you want to take your life or your business, in the future, the easier it will be to measure your progress and take corrective action, should you stray off course.

Conduct a Health Check Questionnaire

I have spent most of my life buying struggling businesses and then by following the simple principal of exploring where they are and building a vision for where I want the business to go. I have very successfully managed to carry out numerous business turnarounds. Before I even take the first step toward making any positive changes in any struggling business that I buy.
  • I first assess where it stands by looking at its current assets and liabilities.
  • Explore any strengths and unforeseen or underdeveloped opportunities. 
  • Take a real hard look at any weaknesses in the business.
  • Identify where the most damaging threats are coming from and only then do I begin the process of turning the business around.

This assessment is very effective and necessary to perform a successful turnaround on any company. The same principle is also very effective in your life and works as an effective starting point to accelerate your life toward becoming a super achiever.

Play to Your Strengths

After conducting a self-audit, you will have positioned yourself to play to your strengths and avoid your weaknesses. History has shown that we are far more likely to succeed, when we use our innate strengths and unique talents to the maximum. The secret to apply this simple, yet very effective strategy is to do enough due diligence on your skill sets, to discover your significant areas of advantage. The time invested into discovering and improving your unique strengths and talents will be well worth the effort and will offer significant returns over time.

Identify your Weaknesses

Knowing your weaknesses allows you to build a plan, which will allow you to work around those limiting traits. You can do this either by improving, avoiding or getting people with those strengths to assist you in those specific areas. I have found it most effective to rather work on improving your areas of strength, rather than working on improving any weaknesses you may have. This knowledge will help you thrive and avoid very expensive and painful setbacks as you travel along your path towards success.

Opportunities Abound

There are many opportunities surrounding us all the time. So unless you are constantly on the lookout for them, they may go unnoticed. Be vigilant and always be on the lookout for the advantages or opportunities, which may be staring you in the face, right now.

Uncover any Threats

Invest time into discovering where the landmines or threats are lying hidden, before you enter the battlefield, to become a super achiever. It is seldom the lack of opportunities, which will slow or stop your progress toward becoming a super achiever. It is rather the constant barrage of unplanned and unforeseen challenges, which may cross your path, which will scuttle your efforts. Do not allow your lack of threat assessment to catch you off guard. Challenges are inevitable, so expect them, plan for them and never allow them to overwhelm you.

Keep Growing and Strive to Become More

Stay committed to your personal growth and constantly look for ways to improve and expand. Have the courage to take daily inspired action and you will eventually break out of the rut, which is keeping you away from realising your full potential. Dare to take your life and business to the next level of super achievement.

Author: Andrew Horton Motivational Speakers

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