Monday, August 13, 2012

Challenges are Inevitable and a Crucial Part of any Success Journey

Facing challenges on the path to super achievement, is not only likely, it is inevitable. As you traverse the path of success, you are going to be knocked down a number of times. This is a natural part of our creative experience on this planet and something, which must be expected on every worthwhile journey of excellence and growth.

Challenges are Inevitable

When the inevitable challenges do cross your path, do not allow yourself to feel overwhelmed. Accept them and realize that they are integral part of the learning process, needed to allow you to grow into the person you need to be to attract the success you desire. Challenges are often the very catalysts, which will reveal all the hidden possibilities, which you may have missed, had you not encountered the challenge.

Make the shift and see challenges as your guide, which will help you to discover your hidden and unlimited potential. You can and will more easily overcome any obstacle or challenges, which will cross your path and turn them into a triumph, if you apply these few simple principles in your life.

Expect Challenges.

As you embark on the journey to uncover and live your dreams and realise your business goals. Accept that the journey will not be smooth sailing all the way. Learn the art of anticipating challenges; expect them as a natural part of any success journey, so when they do come your way, you will not be overwhelmed. This shift will allow you to learn as much as possible from each challenge and give you the momentum to overcome them as quickly as possible. Always search within each challenge and you will discover a great lesson, which will most certainly serve you in the future.

Keep Each Challenge in Perspective.

Never allow any challenge to overwhelm you. Try to keep a clear perspective and see each challenge for what it really is. Never allow yourself to feel like a victim. Challenges happen to everyone, not only to you. Keep each challenge in perspective and know that you have what is required to overcome any challenge that may come your way.

The measure of a person is never whether they face challenges in their lives or business, we all face challenges. The measure of a person is calculated, in how they deal with the inevitable challenges, which will cross their paths. The way you train yourself to manage and overcome each new challenge you face, will determine how your life and business will ultimately turn out.

Focus Your Energy on the Positive and What is Possible.

When faced with any obstacle, challenge or roadblock. Examine them just long enough to uncover the difficulty they present and immediately change your focus to look for what you can do to overcome, prevail and turn them into opportunities.

All challenges you encounter are possibilities and when managed properly, they eventually become opportunities. Always look for what you can do and focus your energies on the positive. This will allow you to very quickly discover the depths of your resolve and ability. You have unlimited potential and ability, believe it and you will most certainly begin to see it.

Your Thoughts and Deeds Create your Future

Whatever you think about and talk about and act upon you eventually bring about. When you encounter challenges in the future, make sure that allowing yourself to be overwhelmed by challenges is not serving you and that is why you never manage to turn challenges into opportunities.

For example:

·         Are you getting utility from people feeling sorry for you?
·         Are you just using any obstacle that you have encountered as a convenient excuse for not doing better or trying harder?

Focus your Energy on the Positive

Look at your words you are using when describing any challenges or obstacles. Are they focused on the positive progress you are making or are you harping on describing the gory details of how difficult things are? Until you change your focus away from the negative, constantly telling everyone how difficult things are and focus on describing your amazing comeback. You will remain trapped in a spiral of tragedy and challenge.

Break your addiction to tragedy and turmoil. We seem to get so much attention when we are describing our challenges and difficulties. People line up to hear about hurts and failures and to stroke our hair and wipe our cheeks. They most certainly do not act the same way when you talk about your successes and victories.

Challenges Are a Positive Experience

Accept that all obstacles, challenges and roadblocks are indeed positive experiences and that they are absolutely necessary for learning and growth. It is completely normal to encounter challenges. The harder you try and the more effort you exert the more likely you are to encounter challenges.

As you push yourself beyond the limits of your comfort zone, you will encounter more challenges and as you extend yourself and you strive to become more, you will encounter setbacks and challenges. These are in fact the very proof you need to realize that you are in fact improving and growing.

Challenges are Improvement Markers

See obstacles and setbacks as improvement markers on your journey toward super achievement. Learn to appreciate and even celebrate each challenge or setback. They are making you better and moulding you into the type of person you need to be to attract the success you deserve.

Author: Andrew Horton Top Motivational Speakers

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