Sunday, November 13, 2011

Potential is the greatest source of wealth available to mankind

Nothing ever invented, produced or multiplied a thousand times over, could ever match the potential wealth that lies untapped in the minds of people. Are you convinced that you are living your full potential or are you just coasting through life, spinning your wheels? Remember that you can only coast in one direction, so when you explore this question and you realise that you possess a vast amount of untapped potential, are you going to allow this potential to be wasted for even one second longer? Or are you going to make the choice today to tap into this pool of wasted potential, risk failure, accept challenge and begin to live a fulfilling and meaningful life?
Newspapers, libraries and magazines are filled with numerous stories about awkward teenagers who could not even pass exams at school or athletes who failed to make their school sports teams. Yet somehow, with perseverance, determination and focus, they went on to become incredible successes and even became the top performer in their field.  Had they accepted the opinions of other people or saw themselves as failures, they would have remained trapped in lives that were less than fulfilling and gone on to live average lives. Instead they formed a vision, a crystal clear picture in their head of exactly what they wanted in their future and with dogged determination they kept chipping away, day after day, until they realised their dreams.
The way to separate yourself from the average and to begin to explore the limits of your potential is to make the conscious choice to finally begin to do whatever it takes, to awaken your own sleeping “GAINT WITHIN”. Set yourself a goal to start tapping into your unused potential and begin to apply your willpower to practice and learn the skills and abilities you need and apply enough dedication and daily discipline so that you can carry out the daily activities needed to succeed.
Awake your “Sleeping Giant Within” by following these four easy steps.
Believe in yourself – Believe that you have unlimited and untapped potential, that you are unique, special and even if you do not have all the skills and abilities you need right now. You have the potential to acquire all the skill and ability you will ever need.
Expect to Succeed – Live your life with positive expectancy, accepting that although you will encounter challenges along the way, you will succeed. The only restriction on what you are able to achieve, is dictated by the limitations you place on yourself.
Visualise Your Success – Stop defining all you are capable of achieving by what is going on in your life right now. Create a crystal clear picture in your mind, a vision of exactly what you want to create in your future. Now pull the trigger and know that each small success, no matter how insignificant, draws you closer to that mental picture you have in your head. Stay focused on your vision and just keep chipping away, day after day, until you achieve all the goals you have for your future.
Know Why it is important to you - Discover why achieving your dream is important to you and awaken that deep rooted passion within your belly. When you have this fire in your belly and your adrenaline is pumping through your veins, nothing will be able to stop you; you will have finally awakened your “Sleeping Giant Within”
Awaken your sleeping Giant Within. 
Access your unlimited pool of potential, overcome one small challenge and your life will never be the same again. That small challenge you will need to overcome is: “As easy as these four steps are to apply in your life, so easy are they not to apply”. What choice are you going to make, this time? Are you going to finally pull the trigger and become the person that “does” or are you going to continue to just be an observer, who watches your potential lie idle and wasted, fading into a mist of regret?
Author: Andrew Horton Motivational Speaker

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