Unlock your greatness and know that even when the prize you are seeking seems out of reach or you may be facing challenges that seem insurmountable, you have what it takes to triumph. Light a candle in your mind and allow yourself to look inside, discover your incredible level of resolve and ability to overcome anything that may come your way. Calm your mind and believe it, trust yourself and you will achieve it. Look inside and you will discover someone that is filled with possibility and when you learn to trust, listen, believe and to take inspired action, nothing can stop you.
It is time to develop a sense of humour and to stop taking your life so seriously. See life as something that is to be enjoyed and allow yourself to laugh a little. Enjoy your current circumstances, see them as an integral part of your journey, see any challenge as only fleeting and give yourself permission to enjoy every moment of your day. This small shift is incredibly refreshing and allows you to turn any circumstances or event into something positive and manageable.
Commit to a lifelong strategy of never ending growth and improvement. As you become a lifelong learner, you will gradually grow into a substantial earner. Strive to wake up every day, just a little wiser and more skilled than you were the day before. This commitment to on-going and never ending improvement, will allow you to grow into the person that you need to be to deserve the success that you desire.
Create a learning strategy
· Schedule learning into your itinerary, measure and review the type and quality of learning you achieve every day. As you know whatever gets measured gets done.
· Break your year back into four 90 day segments.
· Choose an area that you want to improve and focus all your energy on acquiring only that knowledge or skill, during that 90 day cycle. This level of focus allow you to grow your knowledge in a specific area, exponentially during each 90 day cycle.
· Select 3 books, 5 audio books and attend one seminar, during each 90 day cycle. All of these must be focused on the area you wish to improve.
· Schedule time into your day to read the 3 books, listen to the audio books during your commute to and from work every day and schedule the seminar into your itinerary.
· Re-read the books as many times as possible, during the 90 days, writing in the margins and highlighting all the important concepts. Pull the three most important concepts out of each book.
· Listen to the audio books, as many times as possible, during the 90 day cycle. On arriving at the office in the morning or on arrival at home, write down the most important points you can remember. Pull the three most important concepts out of each audio.
· Consolidate all the points you have pulled from each book and audio book during each 90 day cycle. Refine these down to three super concepts and then build a strategy to introduce these into your life. This strategy will see you actually apply the knowledge you have learnt into your life.
Your sense of humour, commitment to on-going learning, focus on one area of growth at a time and willingness to strive to keep improving, is of little value unless you introduce the concept below into your life. This concept is a dirty four letter word that has probably kept you from realising your potential until now. Success is also very often not attained because it is disguised by this word. This dirty four letter word, I want to introduce to you, is “WORK”. No matter how much skill, ability, knowledge or how massive your sense of humour may be, you will remain trapped in a life you hate, until you commit to take consistent daily action. Unless you develop a good work ethic and do what is required every day, something amazing will happen, NOTHING!!!
Introduce these simple concepts into your life today and the way the next five years unfold, will astound you and everyone around you.
Author: Andrew Horton Motivational Speaker
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