What would you do if you won $ 1 000 000 US Dollars in a lottery?
Would you:
· Continue doing what you are doing right now and invest the money?
· Invest the money and change your career.
· Immediately stop doing what you are currently doing for a career and find a new career.
· Spend all the money and keep working at the same career.
Your answer to this simple question highlights a few major things about your current level of satisfaction with your career, it shows where your values lie and gives a clear measure of your internal programing. If your first response is to immediately change your career, the alarm bells should go off and you should realise that you are doing the wrong thing with your life. Life is not a dress rehearsal, it is the real deal and every day that passes, whilst you are unhappy or dissatisfied is gone forever.
If you would immediately change your career, then it is time for you to take a really hard look at your life and to begin searching around you, for something that is aligned with your concept of success and then to build a plan that will allow you to change your career. We spend the majority of our lives engaged in activities to generate an income and to sustain our chosen lifestyle. If you are unhappy or dissatisfied with the choice you have made in this regard, you are setting yourself up for a tedious life filled with dissatisfaction and unhappiness. Rest back control of your life and happiness and have the courage to begin following your dreams.
When the first thought around what you would do with your life, after winning a million dollars, flows straight to spending and consumption. Then you can clearly see that your values around money are driven by spending, you are not programmed to be an investor. I am positive that you have struggled all your life and do not have financial security at all. Your value around investing money is very low, you love money, but you never look for ways to grow your wealth and value, you spend money faster than it can come to you.
If you want this to change, you must make a decision to change your value around money and your need to spend faster than you earn. Commit to build a plan to begin growing your wealth. Until you make a decision to begin saving and investing, something amazing will happen, Nothing!! You will continue down the slippery slope of financial disaster and the years will continue to pass in a blur of frustration and you will remain trapped in mediocrity.
Now is the time to address these two really crucial factors in your life, if you do not like your career and you wake up every day praying for help, to simply get through your day and you feel trapped in a downward cycle of zero wealth growth. Firstly have the courage to change your career for one that meets your needs. Something miraculous happens, when you commit to change your career for something that you view as your vocation. You feel far more satisfied and happy every day and you get the added bonus that you start to earn far more money too. As you become more fulfilled and satisfied, your need to look for gratification in consumption spending or “retail therapy” as it is commonly called, diminishes. You have a greater inclination to invest and grow.
When you commit to change your vocation into your vacation, you will see many great benefits flow to your life.
There are a few easy steps to begin this process:
· Look at your life right now and discover what you would really love to do with your future.
· Commit to begin acquiring the knowledge and skills you need to become what you desire.
· Change the way you see your current situation and stop seeing everything as being in your way. Shift and see everything as part of your journey, everything, including your current career, are on the way to the future that you desire.
· Build a plan and begin to take daily action to change your life
· Measure your progress and reward yourself for each milestone that you achieve.
Stop focusing on destinations, commit to enjoy the journey and start to make the most of where you are right now. This small shift will help you to change the way you feel about your current circumstances and will also give you the impetus to move your life in the direction you want.
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