Saturday, September 24, 2011

Five Keys to Overcome Procrastination

1.         Consider these two natural laws:
Natural Law 1:  We tend to procrastinate and avoid tasks that are complex, unpleasant, or uninteresting, regardless of their priority.
Natural Law 2:  We do what we value most at the moment; the more we invest ourselves in something, the more we value it.
2.         Identify specifically what tasks or issues you are procrastinating.
3.         Determine why you are procrastinating (remember the natural laws!).
4.         Choose some strategies to accomplish the task. (See list overleaf.)
5.         Schedule the task in your planner and celebrate when you do it!

Strategies for Overcoming Procrastination - Time Management Workshop

These strategies are not listed in order of effectiveness—choose the ones that you find most helpful and resonate with you.

A.         Delete, delegate, purposefully defer, or do the task.
B.         Become accountable to yourself or to someone for doing the task. Having to account for your action
            can motivate you to do the task.  Commit to someone to do it by a certain time or day, and ask them to
            follow up with you. (How about asking your Personal Coach to act as your accountability partner?)
C.         Reward yourself for doing the task. For example, do something you're looking forward to only after
you've done the thing you're procrastinating.  Celebrate when you take the first step and when you take the last step.  If it's complex, make the reward your last intermediate step.
D.         Change your paradigm about the thing procrastinated:
            (1) Choose action not delay—think of the Nike slogan, "Just do it!"
(2) Realize that it’s better to start on the task even if you have to change your plan than to postpone the task. For instance, don’t put off a complex task because you worry about doing it incorrectly. 
            (3) Identify the value that is tied to the task. If the task is not important, delete it.
E.         Brainstorm ways to make unpleasant tasks fun, complex tasks simple and uninteresting tasks
F.         Do unpleasant tasks with someone or something you enjoy. For example, exercise to music or with
G.         Start complex projects right away by breaking them into smaller pieces that you can start on easily and
            quickly and that contribute to the end result. Small, simple tasks provide momentum and involve you in
            accomplishing the project. 
H.         Schedule and block out time for the task. You’re allowed to postpone the task until then, but decide
            ahead of time that when the scheduled task comes up, you’ll do it.
I.          Focus on the benefits that will come to you when you finish the task.
J.          Ask yourself:  “If I’m going do the task anyway, what are the costs of delaying it?”
K.         Set the timer for 15 minutes and get started!  You can do anything for 15 minutes. 
L.         Give yourself permission to decline a task someone gives you, especially if it doesn’t contribute to your
            roles, mission, values or goals. Be courageous and considerate in saying no. If people continually bring
            you unimportant tasks or projects, you may need to change the culture or system.
M.        Schedule time to do the task when you have the most energy. 
N.         Listen to yourself. (The solution you seek is already within your thoughts!) 
O.        List all the ways that you can accomplish your task.
P.         Do it as the first task of the day.

Follow the link below to download a worksheet to guide you on how to conduct your daily review.


When should I get started? Time Management Workshop

Make a determined decision today to stop dawdling, avoiding taking the actions you know are necessary to succeed and accept responsibility for success in your life. Make a start right NOW and begin taking consistent small steps every day that will deliver your bliss. As you begin to see results, you will begin to absorb confidence and the positive feelings about your potential will grow, which will encourage you to take even more baby steps. This may feel uncomfortable, but this is one of those RISKS in life you cannot afford not to take.

Author: Andrew Horton Time Management Workshop

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