Effectively Managing your Activities within the available Time
We have now invested our time very wisely and developed an effective, meaningful list of activities that when consistently actioned will deliver the future we desire. To begin moving on the path of success, we must now commit ourselves to persistently carry out these actions every single day.
Equipped with this list we are now able to introduce you to our system for leveraging the maximum value from the available time. This system is designed to allow you to become far more productive, efficient and effective and once you have learnt the system, and worked to make it part of your success habit set, your success will become almost effortless. You will now learn hoe to carry out that right actions as efficiently and time effectively as possible
This system will equip you to use your time more effectively to carry out meaningful activities that will move you one small action at a time, towards the success you desire.
Time Friend or Foe - Time Management Courses
Learning new and productive time habits will help you to accelerate you toward your success and the time you invest today, making time into a friend rather than a foe, will make finding balance in your life far easier. The biggest mistake most of us make is assuming that our day will just happen. Be disciplined every night and plan your day the night before. Be very specific during your planning and make sure that you allocate time slots for handling emails, messages and meetings etc. (we will cover this in more detail later)
You will be amazed at how much time you can gain every day by planning to use time, rather than letting time abuse you. Be assertive and don’t allow interruptions. Guard your time- the more disciplined you are with your time, the easier it will be for you to find time to do those really important things, like putting in the effort to achieve your goals or spend quality time with the really important people in your life. You have to get out of the modality of just doing, doing, doing and train yourself on how to take control of time in your life before it takes control of you.
Be very specific and clear - Time Management Courses
Muddling through your day is a huge time waster. You need to have clarity about exactly what you must do each day. This sounds really simple, but in reality very few people actually practice this very simple technique for improving their time consciousness. The best time to focus on this is during your daily planning each evening; you must create a crystal clear picture every evening of what it is you wish to achieve the next day.
Super Shrink your List Time Management Courses
When setting up your To Do list, it is imperative that you restrict yourself to a maximum of 5 priority items each day. These are those items that you have identified as important from your action list and are your top priorities for that day. If possible they must be completed every day before your head touches your pillow each night.
Break each priority in very specific action steps and tasks, so that you have complete clarity on exactly where to start and how your day will progress. With practice this habit will actually allow you to plan and even forecast exactly what will happen each day.
If you want to foretell your future you must design it yourself. Making your dream future your new reality happens one day at a time. The reality you are living right now is actually who you were and is a direct result of what you have done and thought in the past. Your future can and will be designed by what you do today and tomorrow. The easiest way to really have a power day is to get the worst or most difficult task done first. You will have more energy and will be far more confident once you have put the tough stuff behind you.
Please follow the link below to download a document that will allow you to take a snap shot of your current time usage activities. This exercise is incredibly valuable as it allows you to highlight areas where you are wasting time and creates a new awareness within you that will allow you to become far more time effective.
We all have 86400 seconds each day, if you don't use them, you loose them. When you come to the realization that the most valuable thing you own is TIME and that something this valuable should always be spent really wisely and invested in creating the life of your dreams, you will have mastered your life. You can never manage time; you can only ever manage your use of the available time. MANAGE YOUR ENERGY - MANAGE YOUR TIME
Author: Andrew Horton Time Management Courses
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