Tuesday, August 27, 2013

You have the Freedom to choose, Presented by Motivational Speakers in South Africa

After attending this presentation by the best motivational speakers in South Africa, you will understand that having the freedom to choose and the freedom to do what you want is something people have fought wars over for centuries now. Freedom of choice is a really wonderful right to enjoy. The challenge it brings though, is simply this. You can choose leisure over labour, entertainment over industry and ignorance over education. Each choice will take your life in a direction. The question is, will the choices you make support you to be happy and bring the meaning and fulfillment you desire into your life or will they leave you filled with unhappiness and regret? 

As one of the most entertaining motivational speakers in South Africa, Andrew will show you that, in the short term, choosing leisure over labour, will bring great pleasure in the moment, but will leave you living a future, which you will not enjoy, one filled with no joy and regret. On the other hand, choosing to carry out goal specific activities every day, will cause discomfort in the moment, but will deliver an incredible future, with no regret. Choosing to carry out goal specific activities will cause small discomfort in the moment, which weighs ounces, whereas regret for what could have been, weighs tons and will cause huge pain in the future. Choose activity over laziness and you can mold the way your future will turn out, moment by moment.

It is easy to do
Of course carrying out your goal specific activities is easy to do, every day. The challenge you face, is that they are also easy not to do. Yes of course it is easy to set goals, which can change your life, but it is also easy to remain trapped in a cycle of laziness, where you spin your wheels every day, going nowhere. Waking up in the morning and reading a book for 30 minutes is easy to do, but then so is pressing the snooze button and going back to sleep. One choice will educate you and allow you to grow into the person you need to become to attract the success you desire. The other will keep you trapped in average, living a life with little or no meaning at all.

Success is Simple
Note I said success is simple, I never said it was easy. The activity required to become successful is simple, the difficulty comes from the choices you need to make. You need to sacrifice pleasure in the moment, for results in the future. It is not a lack of money or opportunity, or books or even great teachers, which is keeping you trapped in average. Everything you need to become anything you want is within your reach. The only reason people do not take advantage of all the abundance around them is due to laziness and neglect.

Neglect is like a Disease
If neglect is allowed to enter your life, it will spread like a virus throughout, every facet of your life. It will infect your disciplines, drive, and passion, infecting you with zero ambition, which will eventually lead to the complete destruction of a potentially prosperous life. Your self-worth and self-confidence will erode and this will further drive you towards even less activity. The reduced levels of activity, especially goal specific activity, will cause poorer and poorer results and you will be left, living a meaningless life of overwhelm and stress.

Action Idea: Choose to sacrifice pleasure in the moment. Do the things, which are easy to do daily and watch your life unfold into the future you want.

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