Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Hire the right Motivational Speakers for your Event

Meaning is found in Great Relationships

If you want to hire the right motivational Speakers for your conference then look no further than Andrew Horton. This presentation is all about great relationships. After attending this presentation, you will understand why I believe that nothing can ever bring as much joy and happiness into your experience, as you will receive from a beautiful and fulfilling relationship. They bring so many gifts along with them, in the form of understanding, appreciation and meaning, which all add up to make life worthwhile. Great relationships do make the world a better place and will bring incredible levels of satisfaction into your life. They bring fulfilment, grace, love and joy into your life. 

Expect nothing

Andrew is the one of the right motivational speakers for any event, requiring energy, enthusiasm and inspiration. He will show all attendees that all you have to do to receive all these rewards is to give 100 % and expect nothing in return. Wow that sounds crazy. How can a one sided relationship work. Well obviously it can’t. It requires the other person to also give 100 % and expect nothing in return for it to work. When people in any relationship, always give their best and expect nothing in return. A modality of fair exchange exists, where all parties are not looking for what is in it for them. Instead they want to support the other person, who in return wants to support them. Imagine how any business relationship would thrive, if both parties wanted to help and support each other.

Develop a serving heart

If you want to bask in the wonder, which comes from great relationships, then you must always approach any relationship with a serving heart. As Zig Ziglar so eloquently said “you can have everything you want in life if you help enough other people get what they want out of life” This simply means that if you stop focusing on your own selfish needs and instead focus on helping others to get what they want. You will prosper.

Communicate Honestly

The key to develop and sustain any relationship is, always based on honest communication. When you are authentic, honest and always speak with integrity, you have access to a vehicle, which allows you to verbalize what is inside you, thereby helping you connect with people on a deeper level. Always be honest in your dealing with people, act authentically and you will develop, mutually beneficial, sustainable, long term relationships with people. This will be helpful with both your personal and business relationships. 

Friendliness. Put simply, relationships just work better when we are friendly with others. Being friendly can cushion the bumpy ride we sometimes experience in our relationships. Cheerfulness goes a long way toward building lasting relationships. I mean, nobody wants to be around a grump, do they? The fact is that the friendlier you are, the more you are going to have people who want to pursue longer-lasting, mutually beneficial relationships with you. So cheer up, put on a smile, have kind words to say to others, treat people with a great deal of friendliness, and you will see your relationships improve.

Patience. People being people, we have an awful lot of time for practice in the area of patience. People are not perfect and will constantly fail us. And, conversely, we will fail other people. So while we try to have more patience for others, we need their patience as well. So often, I think relationships break down because people give up and lose patience. I am talking about all kinds of friendships, marriages, business relationships, etc. Recent research has shown that those marriages that go through major turmoil and then make it through are very strong after doing so. Patience wins out. Those who give up on relationships too early or because the other person isn’t perfect often forget that their next friend, their next spouse or business partner will not be perfect either! So, we would do well to cultivate this skill and learn to have more patience.

Loyalty. Loyalty is a commitment to another person. Sadly, loyalty is often a missing element in many relationships today. We have forgotten what it means to be loyal. Our consumer mentality has affected this to some degree. People are no longer loyal to a product. And, unfortunately, many companies are not loyal to their clients or patrons. Regrettably, this has spilled over into our relationships. It is one thing to switch brands of dishwashing detergent. It is another thing altogether to switch friends. Sometimes we just need to commit to being loyal and let the relationship move forward. We need a higher level of stick-to-it-iveness! This kind of loyalty will take our relationships to a much deeper level. What a powerful and secure feeling of knowing that you have a relationship with someone who is loyal to you and you to them—that neither of you is going anywhere even when things get tough. Wow—how powerful!

A Common Purpose. One of the basics of healthy relationships is to have a common purpose, and oftentimes this is a component that is initially overlooked, but for a long-term, long-lasting relationship it is vital. Think about how many friends you have met through the years while working on a common purpose. Maybe it was someone you met while participating in sports, while working on a political campaign, attending church, at your office, or anything that brought you together to work on a common purpose. You had that strong common bond of purpose that brought you together and held you together. Working together, building together, failing and succeeding together—all while pursuing a common purpose—that is what relationships are made of. Find people with whom you have common purposes and sow the seeds of great relationships, and then reap the long-lasting benefits.

Fun. All good relationships have some element of fun. Now, that doesn’t necessarily mean loud, raucous fun, though that is appropriate for some relationships. But even in business relationships there should be some fun. It should be fun to do business with those who you are going to have a long-term business relationship with. Fun brings enjoyment to the relationship, and that is important. I think that oftentimes this key element can be easily forgotten or neglected in our family and spousal relationships. The fun things we did initially in a new relationship after a while can be taken for granted or simply fall by the wayside and we stop creating the fun and joy. So remember to consciously craft fun situations and moments, for these are the glue that hold our memories together and make our lives sweet.

There are so many key ingredients to making and maintaining great, long-lasting relationships. Each of the eight components we discussed brings unique dynamics and rewards to your relationships. Let’s begin to focus on improving our relationships in these areas and see what miracles occur!

Author: Andrew Horton Motivational Speakers

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