How you
show up every day, does most certainly set the tone for how your day will
unfold. Do you wake up every morning spring out of bed, energised and fired up by
the prospect of tackling your day? I refer to this as my daily activation
energy. When you wake up and consciously force yourself to get out of bed,
energised and ready to tackle whatever comes your way that day, you are
effectively setting the tone for an energised and productive day. On the other hand
when you wake up, you barely open one eye as you reach over and press the
snooze button, you are programing your brain to be lethargic and un-energised for
the day. You are setting a tone for a lacklustre performance and that is
exactly what you will get.
you practice this daily energising routine, where you get your day going in a
highly energised and inspired way, this energised feeling lasts throughout your
day. This allows you to be incredibly productive, effective and efficient, leaving
you feeling satisfied by what you are able to accomplish and the contribution
you are able to make each day. The art of waking up energised and inspired
every day, where you project a great attitude to the world, is a conscious
choice. You can either choose to be disgruntled and overwhelmed by everything
in your world or you can shift the way you see those things. Change the way you
see the things, which are causing you discomfort and those things will
immediately change.
cannot easily change the state of the economy, the constant changes we face in
our lives and businesses each day, interest rates or the availability of
capital. But we can immediately change one thing and that is how we see these
things and how we allow them to affect our lives. If we wake up in the morning and
we are faced with challenges, which seem overwhelming and insurmountable, we
can either allow ourselves to feel beaten or we can learn to ask a better more
positive question. The overwhelm is most likely caused because we are asking
negative questions like “why me and what have I done to deserve this” instead
of asking more positive questions like “how
can I use this challenge to my advantage or how can this challenge help me to
prosper” These better questions will allow you to immediately shift your state
and will move you into a far more creative place.
I have seen
how quickly people can change their state, from a negative, place of overwhelm
to a place of creative positive energy. When consulting with clients who are engaging
in negative self-talk and bombarding themselves with a series negative
questions, because they are facing a few difficulties or challenges. As they consciously
start to ask a better series of positive questions, as they make the shift, to
a more positive state, I can actually see their body language change. Their
shoulders lift, they stop looking down and they start to raise their eyes,
looking into the distance. They immediately start to feel more creative and innovative,
as they begin to contemplate and allow their creative juices to flow. The
change can be almost instant. As soon as you make the conscious decision to improve
the type of question you are asking, you empower yourself to raise your state
and you become far more creative and innovative.
It is a
well-known fact that the quality of your life or business is directly
proportional to the quality of your questions. Instead of allowing your mind to
travel down the slippery slope of negative self-talk, as you engage in asking
yourself a series of negative questions, every time you face a challenge. Learn
the art of asking positive questions, questions which allow you to explore the
situation and discover solutions. Negative questions can never serve you and
rob you of your creativity and ability to innovate. The time you will invest
into developing this skill, will stand you in good stead going forward. Next
time you find yourself engaging in a downward cycle of negative questioning,
take charge and consciously force yourself to ask a better more positive series
of questions. You will immediately feel your mood lift and your creative juices
will start flowing.
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