Set Yourself Free and Fly on the Wings of your Potential
You possess an incredible amount of potential and can achieve almost anything if you have the right amount of inspiration and it is something you really want to achieve. The way to turn your dreams into your reality is to explore the outcomes or goals you are trying to achieve and then to measure them against the model for sustainable long term success detailed below:
1) Is the outcome or goal aligned with your definition of success?
2) Is achieving this outcome really important to you?
3) Identify and clearly describe the specific reasons why achieving it is important to you.
4) Make sure that the outcome, you desire, is something you really want. It must not be something society or anyone else thinks is important.
5) Make the choice to do whatever it takes to acquire the skills or knowledge you need to succeed.
6) Create a plan, detailing individual daily actions that you will take.
7) Build measurement criterion into your plan, to allow you to assess the effectiveness of all the actions you will take.
8) Set time aside to take these actions daily.
9) Take consistent action daily
10) Measure your performance daily.
11) Make any improvements necessary to ensure that you stay on track.
12) Be patient
13) Expect challenges
When you use the above model and you ensure that you follow each step, you virtually guarantee your success every time. The last two steps in the model, namely – have patience and Expect challenges are probably the two most important parts of the model and are the reason most people do not achieve everything they set out to accomplish. Even if you have all the preceding elements in place as described in the model above, you will find achieving long term sustainable success difficult, unless you embrace the concept of having sufficient patience for things to begin to happen. Although we may have our own timetable, things seldom go exactly according to plan and we inevitably encounter challenges along the way. These challenges are not unique to us and our circumstances, they are similar to the challenges that everyone that has achieved the type of success we desire, encountered on their path to super achievement. The operative word when on the path to success is to shift your mind away from overwhelm and how am I going to overcome challenges that cross my path, to the mind-set of how high can I BOUNCE, every time I encounter any challenges. All challenges are merely an opportunity to find new and better ways of doing things, an opportunity to bounce even higher and to achieve even more. To win the game of life you need to expect challenges, welcome them and then look for ways to bounce even higher after learning from them and discovering the opportunities that may be hidden within each challenge. Never allow challenges to cause you to collapse in a heap, look at every challenge as a way to learn something new, and find better ways of doing things. Always look at every challenge as an opportunity to grow and a way for you to come back better than you were before, better equipped to achieve even greater things in the future.
When you make the shift in the way you view challenges and you no longer allow them to overwhelm you, but you see them as inevitable and an integral part of the success process, you empower yourself to bounce higher after encountering, learning from and overcoming each challenge. When you encounter any of the inevitable challenges on your path to super achievement, you will go through four phases on your path to bouncing back, learning from and overcoming any challenge.
1) Encounter the challenge
2) Feel overwhelmed by the challenge
3) You explore the challenge looking for opportunities, hidden within the challenge.
4) You bounce back higher and more determined than ever.
Encountering the challenge
Challenges are inevitable and are an integral part of any success process. Any challenge you may encounter is not unique to you and your circumstances. I am sure that the all the people that traveled a similar path to discover their success, that you are traveling, encountered similar challenges and setbacks on their way to success. The reason they achieved the level of success they have is not because they had a path, without any challenge. They most certainly did encounter similar challenges, they just chose to bounce after each challenge that they encountered, learn the lesson offered and become more. Always remember that falling and encountering challenges on your path to super achievement is inevitable, choosing to give up and fail is always a choice. There is a massive difference between falling and failing. You only fail when you give up and are no longer trying.
When we encounter any challenges we feel overwhelmed and our identity is bent out of shape. Who you thought you were is morphed and put to the test. This is where you get to choose to allow any challenge to overwhelm you or you get to choose to bounce. This is the moment that you get to earn the lesson offered by the challenge, the moment you decide to learn all you can from it and the moment you must search for the fight needed to become something you may never have driven yourself to become, had you not encountered the challenge. The pain the challenge is causing is the energetic force you must use to bounce in the opposite and positive direction.
Uncover Opportunities hidden within each challenge
As you begin to bounce back, you realise that who you are is most certainly never defined by any challenge you may encounter. Who you are is most certainly defined by how you choose to respond to any challenge and how you choose to rebound and bounce back; discovering many new opportunities that may have remained hidden from you had you not encountered the challenge. This is the time to take your eyes off the challenge and to once again focus on where you are going.
Bounce Back – Higher than before
This is the time for you to enjoy the bounce and to find yourself in a better position than before you encountered the challenge. My experience has shown me that, it is most often, the very challenges that we encounter on our path to success, that shape and mould us into the type of person; we need to be to attract the success we desire. Make the shift today and see every challenge that crosses your path as an opportunity to grow and learn. The challenges do not go away, but the level of stress we feel and what we can do with every challenge become s a potential opportunity and not a reason to give up. See every challenge as an opportunity to bounce. Every time you encounter a challenge in the future and I am certain that you will encounter many, see them as an opportunity to take yourself to new heights of achievement.
Author: Andrew Horton A Motivational Speaker
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