Sunday, August 14, 2011

Empower Half Hour

Are you frustrated and convinced that your life is going nowhere? Do you feel like you have tried every possible tool, technique and gimmick to help you find success and meaning and yet you are still trapped in a life that is unfulfilling and empty? If you answered yes to either of these questions, you are not alone. The vast majority of people are just like you. They feel frustrated and incomplete. They are searching for answers to unlock their potential and turn it into fulfillment and long term success.

Are you looking at your life, feeling trapped in a place where you are asking the question  what can I do with my life” I meet people just like you every day who constantly chastise themselves for not having enough willpower to carry out the commitments that they make to change their lives. They feel as if they lack commitment and willpower and they constantly break every promise they make with themselves.

The “Empower Half Hour” is a 30 minute weekly show that will help you to answer that burning question “WHAT CAN I do with the rest of my life”, by offering you a weekly guide to help you to turn your willpower into MYPOWER”. This show will offer you a gradual approach to gradually change your life. You will not need to completely reboot your life, the ”Empower Half Hour” will show you how to make the few small shifts that will move you from mediocre to magnificent. You will be guided, week by week, how to introduce a few simple, yet very effective daily routines that will help you to achieve your dreams and turn your fantasies into Realities.

“The Empower Half Hour is based on over 25 years of personal struggle and success. I have tried and tested all the tools that will be offered every week, in my own life and in the lives of many of my coaching clients. All the people that have embraced these ideas and applied them in their lives have transformed their lives and are living the success they deserve. The “Empower Half Hour” is a show that will guide all viewers in a progressive fashion, to begin making the changes necessary to positively change their lives.

Each weekly show will be filled with nuggets of really useful ideas, tools and techniques that will allow you to become the success that you desire. The only challenge you face is that as easy as these nuggets are to apply and to use, so easy are they not to use. This show is not meant to offer a quick fix option that will offer instant success, with little or no effort. It is a show that will guide you to gradually change your life over time. The “Empower Half Hour” is designed to be a series that offers a set of tools and techniques each week, that when used correctly, will become your toolbox to long term sustainable success.

As the show unfolds and you begin to apply the tools offered each week on the show, you will discover a recipe to re-align your values with the crystal clear vision you will create for your future. This new recipe will, over time, become your new success habit set that you can point at any goal or outcome you want to achieve in the future.

This show will guide you to accept that bringing success into your life is a process, it is not an event. Commit to include this new recipe for long term sustainable success into your life and begin using the tools offered. This will allow you to unlock potential that you never even knew you had. Think of it this way:

  • What if it is just and apple a day that keeps the doctor away and you don’t eat that apple?
  • What if this approach is all that you need to finally discover what you want to do with your life?
  • What if this is the key you have been waiting for, to unlock your potential and express your dreams?
  • What if you neglect to make the small shifts and introduce the new daily routines? Are you willing to miss the opportunity to finally live a fulfilling and complete life, simply because you choose not to introduce and apply a few new daily routines into your life?

This weekly show is designed to empower you to replace those limiting, dream killing habits that are keeping you trapped in mediocrity, with a success habit set that will make arriving at success one day feel almost effortless.

We will guide you to consciously make your habits and routines work for you. Have you ever arrived at a destination and thought “How did I get here?” You have absolutely no conscious idea what route you took or how you drove there. This is how your habits or entrenched routines work. How amazing is it that you can perform a complex task like driving through traffic, stopping at traffic lights, obeying the speed limit and being able to keep yourself safe, all without thinking about what you were doing or even remembering what you did. This is the basis for the new routines you will gradually introduce into your life in response to the tools offered in “The Empower Half Hour”.

You are encouraged, during each show, to gradually introduce a few new daily routines into your life, and to commit to practicing them until they are habits. This will make achieving success feel effortless. Your role is not to keep applying willpower to everything you do. Your job is to learn a set of daily routines and to turn them into a success habit set.

This success habit set can then be pointed at any outcome or result you desire and turned into effortless success. “The Empower Half Hour”. is a show that is packed with practical advice on creating useful habits that will serve you. We are creatures of habit that quickly get into comfort zones of routine behavior. Learning to use this fact about human behavior to our advantage is the focus of this approach.

Instead of going against our instinctive conditioning and working harder and harder every day to pursue success, we tune into how we function best and we use our basic human conditioning as a tool for creating the outcomes we desire.

Until we become aware of these basic truths about our nature, we are most likely to constantly operate outside our comfort zones and expect to use willpower to force ourselves to function against our own values. It is no wonder that so many people land up not achieving the success they deserve or desire. They are working against their natural makeup and design. You would never expect great results if you entered a combine harvester in a formula one motor race. The combine harvester is not designed for speed, it is designed for process. Similarly you cannot expect your brain to work differently from the way it is designed to operate. It is designed to keep us safe and to operate routinely within the bounds of our comfort zone. Yet we force our brains to operate under stress and we expect that our willpower is enough to override our basic programming. When we expect to operate outside the basic design parameters of our brains for prolonged periods, we invariably fail. We then torture ourselves and chastise ourselves as failures, all because we are unaware of how to use our own machinery properly.

The Empower Half Hour”.  will show you that long term sustainable success is not a mystery. It is a compounding process of small daily routines over time that adds up to significant results i.e. the creation of a success habit set that is unique to your circumstances and workable for you.

This weekly show will show you how to regain the belief in your abilities and how to remain focused and aligned with your mission and vision of the future. We will explore challenges, roadblocks and setbacks and you will be guided to accept them, manage them and then find ways to exploit them to your advantage. Challenges are all part of the success process, so when they do show up (and they will), you will know not to allow them to overwhelm you. Your new habit set will equip you to review each challenge, find solutions and even reveal opportunities that may be hidden behind each challenge. The measure of someone is never whether they encounter challenges, but rather how they choose to respond to any challenge that does cross their path.

Your failure in the past is most certainly not a sin. It is merely a symptom of the methods you employed in the past. These methods flew in the face of the natural workings of your body and the basic operating principals of your brain. Your past failure was the result of not utilizing your machinery properly. You can never expect yourself to succeed when you place yourself under stress or if you operate outside your natural area of strength and comfort. Stop trying to impose new pressure on yourself, using pure willpower to achieve the results you want. When you do this, you place yourself under a huge amount of unnecessary stress. Your body’s natural defense mechanisms then come into play and your body strives to get back into balance.

The trick to stop this cycle of never ending un-kept promises and failure is to avoid placing your body under any unnecessary stress. Rather:

  • Commit to gradually expand your comfort zone.
  • Align your hierarchy of values with what you are attempting to achieve.
  • Gradually develop a set of success habits that will make success both inevitable and effortless.

When you remove the imbalances or stressors from your life and you work instead to operate within the natural parameters or functioning of your body, you bring your system back into balance and you are able to function optimally, working with your body, rather than against it. The principals offered in “The Empower Half Hour”. must become your new way of life, a new way of doing things. The way you do anything, is the way you do everything.

How Will The Show Be Structured?

The show is organized into four logical sections. You will be guided through a systemic and natural flow to answer the question of what can I do with the rest of my life? How do I live my potential by creating a new success habit set that will deliver the success I desire?”

Section One
Building the Foundation of your Success

The first section of the show is designed to allow you to gain some insight, background and inspiration before getting your teeth into the practical tools offered in the rest of the show. This section aims to introduce some crucial concepts that must be embraced and understood, before kneading and molding your hierarchy of values until they are aligned with your vision and mission for the future and creating a set of success habits that will serve you.  I have designed this section to set the foundation for creating the outcomes you desire. It introduces you to the concept of success and asks you to define, exactly what success means to you. This is a crucial step on this journey we are undertaking together. Until you get a clear picture in your head about what success means to you, you are floundering in the dark, chasing after something unknown and mysterious.

Section Two

You will be introduced to the principals we will be utilizing throughout the show and why they work. This is done in an easy to understand and concise fashion. It is really important that you understand the reason these tools work, as this creates a foundation of believability for you. When you believe in something and you understand why it will work for you, it becomes far easier to introduce and apply these new tools into your life. When anything is believable it is achievable.   

How do you discover that? Those are your dreams and your fantasies. You will use the tools provided, to convert your dreams and fantasies into a crystal clear and concise set of achievable goals.

Discover Your Own G.P.S.

I am sure you know how a Global Positioning System (G.P.S) works. It triangulates and determines your current position. You then supply one piece of information, namely where you want to go. The software inside the GPS then calculates the best route to get you from one to the other. This information is then supplied to you either via voice prompts or pictures on the screen. You then take action and begin to follow the directions offered. As long as you follow the instructions and keep taking consistent action as directed, you will arrive at the chosen destination. 

The same is true for creating the future you have dreamed of your whole life. Moving your life from where you are to where you want to be in the future is a journey. As with any journey you undertake in your life, you must first know where you are in terms of your skills, abilities, habits and desires.

Conduct a Self Audit


Invest some time to carry out a self-audit. This will help you get a clear picture of where you are right now, and serve as a really grounded and clear starting point. This self-audit will highlight any areas in your life that may need improvement, new knowledge or skills you may require.
Dreams are merely your future reality waiting to be set free and your expectations are the fuel that provides the momentum and inspiration for you to create the meaningful dreams that will make a difference to you and the world.

Once you understand where you are, it is time to supply the second piece of information required to complete any journey, namely where you want your life to go. The place you want your life to go is simply defined by your dreams and fantasies. There are a number of simple tools and techniques offered that will help you to uncover what you really want. This section is designed to form the foundation of the entire process and highlights and explains the importance of moving away from stress and imbalance toward a more positive outlook and inner harmony.

As soon as you are comfortable with where you are, it is time to convert your dreams and fantasies into measurable, tangible, achievable and crystal clear goals. You will be guided to explore your values and to align these with your vision and goals that you have set for the future.

You will then be ready to engage with Section 2 i.e. the information, activities and measurement criterion needed to complete your journey. In other words this section gives you the directions you need to travel in order to reach the success you desire.

Section Three


This section is broken up into four simple parts:  Plan, Do, Review and Improve


Plan – Start to get the Best of your Life


What are you planning? You are building the map of the route that you will need to travel, to take you from where you are to where you want your life to go. Before you start building your plan, you will take a careful look at your self-audit and identify any skills or knowledge you may need to acquire. A strategy to acquire the necessary skills will be crafted into your plans.
Next, you will take a look at the goals that you have created to deliver the future you desire. Your goals are then broken back into more manageable chunks or projects. These projects are easier to achieve and can be accomplished within a reasonably short time frame, not more than 90 days long. Once you have broken each goal back into projects, you will begin the process of breaking these back even further into individual action steps.
The action plans you will create are crucial source documents that will form the foundation for turning goal setting into goal achieving and long term sustainable success.
There is an old military saying that says: NO plan survives first contact with enemy. Dwight D. Eisenhower was quoted after the successful invasion of Normandy, as saying “The Plans were useless, but the planning was indispensible”. Building your action plans allows you to think about where you want to go and to program your mind to search for opportunities, resources and everything else you may need to get you there.
The rapidly changing times in which we live today has made remaining flexible even more crucial than ever before. Whilst you must always have a vision and an outcome in mind, the secret to becoming and remaining successful is to be open minded and wide eyed about what may show up unexpectedly to support your ride to success. There is always more than one way of achieving the same outcome. This book teaches you to remain flexible and on the lookout for different or better ways to succeed.
Do – Just Lean Into it
No amount of planning or preparation is of any value until you commit to take action and bring the plan to life. We get so wrapped up in ‘doing’ in order to survive that we create the illusion of motion to fill our days. I have written this book as a guide, to show you how to begin taking inspired daily action that is aligned with your goals and which will deliver the results you desire.

This show is all about application and success. It will offer you a guide that will allow you to stop waiting for everything to be perfect before you begin taking action. After watching this weekly show, you will be equipped with all the tools you need to begin taking daily inspired action. These are the very actions necessary to achieve any goal or outcome that you desire. The functional plan that you will create is a daily guide to get you to your goal. Just as no farmer has ploughed his field by turning it over in his mind, so no one has achieved real and lasting success without taking consistent and committed daily inspired action.
Review - When in doubt check it out
When on the path to achieving your goals you will need to have consistent and regular checks to ensure that you remain on track. By monitoring your progress on a regular and frequent basis, you will only need to make small corrections to keep you on your path to success. It is imperative to have a set of predetermined ways to measure and monitor your progress. This will allow you to constantly take action to revise your daily actions to ensure that they are delivering the results you expect.

Always remember that you are more likely to complete any task if you frequently and consistently measure your progress against expectations. Your level of success is directly proportional to the quality and frequency of your reviews and goal measurement criteria. After reading this section you will be equipped to understand and set good quality measurement criterion that will help to keep you on track to success.


After reviewing and measuring your progress against your predetermined measurement criterion. Assess whether the actions you are taking are aligned with the outcomes you are trying to achieve. If they are, keep doing things exactly the same. If they are not, then examine the actions you are taking and alter them until they do deliver the outcomes or results you desire. This is a simple process of measuring your progress against expectations and then taking action to remedy any short comings. Not all the changes you make will deliver the results you desire. Keep making meaningful changes to your daily actions until you do align your outcomes with expectations. 

Section Four

Meet Your Future, C.P.A and Performance Management System

Inspiration is that fire in your belly that drives you to begin and to keep taking the necessary daily actions that will help you to realize all your dreams. Aligning your values with the success you desire and developing a success habit set are the catalysts that will help you to sustain your efforts and allow you to live a harmonious and balanced life. When you are in alignment with your values and you have created an ingrained success habit set to support you, you have the makings of creating and sustaining what will appear to be effortless success. This new set of daily routines or ingrained habits is what will keep you going even when that initial fire in your belly begins to burn out.


You will be introduced to the three simple concepts or new habits that will encourage success, balance and harmony in your life. You will be guided to gradually introduce these three new routines into your life. Once you have learnt and are applying these tools on a daily basis, you will have introduced three fundamental tools for long term sustainable success. You will carry out new daily routines almost on autopilot and most importantly you will have created daily time slots to work on your future. These activities will be measured regularly and tweaked until they deliver the desired outcomes. Bear in mind that once mastered, this approach can be used to create success in any area of your life.

Meetings with Your Future

This is your new success tool that is introduced into your daily routine to equip you with the time needed to carry out your inspired daily actions. This is time that you set aside every day to work on yourself and your future. When you introduce meetings with your future into your daily schedule you are teaching yourself to make time available to carry out the necessary daily activities to create the future that you desire. This is the time you make available every day to carry out the 5 daily activities or codes as described below. These are the almost insignificant daily actions that, compounded over time, allow you to create the future you desire, moment by moment. Real long term sustainable success is not about huge effort carried out over a long period of time. It is about small almost insignificant actions performed indefinitely over the course of your life.

Scheduling meetings with your future is time that you schedule every day to devote to making a meaningful difference to the way your future will turn out. Choose to include this very simple tool into your daily schedule and make it an integral part of your success habit set. This will remove the illusion that there is no time available to work on exploring and exploiting your own potential.

There are endless possibilities and opportunities all around you. Break free from the prison of perpetual ‘busyness’ and stop allowing yourself to be a victim of a perceived lack of time. Choose to introduce this system for time efficiency into your life. You will then have time available to perform those few small daily activities that will add up to massive success.

Code of Personal Achievement (C.P.A.)

This is a unique set of commitments or codes that you set for yourself every day, to carry out five activities that are aligned with the goals, you are trying to achieve. These activities when carried out daily will move you closer to the outcomes you want to achieve. They are the daily actions or tasks you are attempting to develop. These daily activities will over time turn into your success habit set. Initially it will require willpower to carry out these very necessary daily activities. After about 46 – 66 days these activities will become entrenched habits. To ensure that you have the time and inclination to carry out these tasks, we have created the concept of daily Meetings with your Future. (See above). Once you have developed the habit of scheduling Meetings with your Future every day, to ensure that you have time to carry out these actions. You will have created a daily routine that will help you to build any new success habit set you desire.
For example: If your goal was to improve your health.
You would choose five daily activities or “commitments to yourself” that would help you achieve this goal.
·         Drink 2 liters of water
·         Exercise 30 minutes a day
·         Eat 5 fruits and vegetables a day
·         Cut down on fat intake
·         Take multi vitamin daily
You will consciously carry out these five activities every day for 66 days, until they become entrenched habits. Current research has shown that it should take between 40 to 66 days for these activities to become entrenched habits. It will initially require discipline and willpower to carry out these activities but soon enough they will become ingrained habits and will become an integral part of your new success habit set. This is a tool that allows you to start developing a new daily routine that will ensure your success. This code or commitment you make with yourself, acts as a daily reminder for you to carry out activities that will help you learn new positive habits. Over time as you apply discipline to carry out these carefully chosen daily activities, you instill a new set of behaviors that eventually evolve into your new success habit set.
Performance Management System
Whatever gets measured gets done. The performance management system is designed to measure your performance on a daily, weekly, quarterly and annual basis. This system is designed not only to measure performance but it is also a way to celebrate success. When we constantly celebrate our successes, we are better equipped to remain inspired and driven to succeed.

It is not enough to merely have forward motion, where you are like a feather blowing in the wind. Yes, you are moving forward toward achieving your dreams, but at the first obstacle you become stuck and lose all impetus. This book will show you how to build momentum in your life as you work to achieve your goals. You must learn to feel and operate like a strong free flowing river, where you become virtually unstoppable. This is only achieved if you constantly measure your performance and you take action to ensure that your activities are delivering the desired results. As long as your daily activities are achieving the outcomes you desire, you bring some of the most powerful forces into play namely momentum and compounding.

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