Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Time Management is About Self Management

Time Management is About Self Management

Time Management Expert

Learning and applying a new time management system in your life will not help you to improve the results you are currently enjoying at all. All that this new skill will do is make you more efficient at doing the wrong things.

The way to bring about meaningful positive change in your life is to firstly define with crystal clarity, exactly what you want to achieve. Once you have done this, you then break these goals back into manageable projects and finally into individual, meaningful actions that will, if applied consistently in your life allow you to realize all your goals.

Once you have completed this very important process of identifying the correct actions needed to deliver your dreams, only then are you equipped to build an effective TIME Management, ENERGY and ACTIVITY management system that will begin to bring about the meaningful change you desire in your life.

Then make a decision to stop dawdling, avoiding taking the actions you know are necessary to succeed and accept responsibility for success in your life. Stop focusing your efforts on performing minor tasks that keep your accumulative achievements minor and finally commit to invest your precious time into major projects that will contribute to your breakthrough achievements.

When you remove the clutter from your life, you focus your energy on a few major priorities and you commit to consistently apply inspired energy to these priorities, anything and everything becomes possible for you.

No matter how specific, focused, or perfect your plans to deliver your dreams may be. Nothing meaningful can happen, until you develop and consistently apply an effective activity and time management routine in your life. A daily routine that is built around positive success habits and disciplines, will equip you to effortlessly discover your brilliance and live your excellence.

Focus on prime projects during the prime time of your day and devote uninterrupted time slots to this endeavor. To achieve real and lasting success, you must create a schedule that includes large uninterrupted periods, for working on your most important projects. Your best work is done and your full potential achieved, when you perform during uninterrupted time frame.

Next begin to review all your important thoughts, goals, projects and To-Do’s and record them into a highly organized and efficient system that will allow you to detach from issues that you are unable to handle right now, yet allow you to have laser focus on tasks, commitments and projects that need to be completed right now. The highest levels of productivity and decision making ability occurs when we have a completely focused mind.

Make a start right NOW and begin taking consistent small steps every day that will deliver your bliss. As you begin to see results, you will begin to absorb confidence and the positive feelings about your potential will grow, which will encourage you to take even more baby steps. This may feel uncomfortable, but this is one of those RISKS in life you cannot afford not to take.

How do you choose to utilize the withdrawals, you are forced to make, every day from the “BANK of Time”. You don’t get to manage the size or frequency of the withdrawal; you only get to manage how you make use of them. I choose to allocate each withdrawal to activities that fulfill me and make me happy, how do you choose to invest yours?

Make the conscious decision today, to take control, of the application of your available time and believe that you can change your poor time management habits. Then embrace the key disciplines of effectively managing your time, energy and activities, and you will gradually overcome your ingrained bad time management habits.

Life is a series of trade offs and every wasted moment is spent forever. Time and therefore your life are traded for the things you choose to do. You have an incredible privilege right now, that privilege is awareness. Use that awareness to create the life of your dreams and have no regrets about what you did with your precious time.

To realize the success you deserve, stop living a vicarious life in which you waste time and energy on things you cannot change, instead invest most of your time into activities that make you both passionate, happy and have real meaning for you

The most valuable thing you own is YOUR TIME. Spend it wisely, for you can never save time, you can only choose to SPEND it differently. Do you choose to invest your 86400 seconds each day, creating the future of your dreams or do you choose to spend it on frivolous pastimes that offer fleeting enjoyment at best?

Time & energy invested into preparing for opportunity is well spent, as preparation is fundamental to developing self confidence and a resolute belief in your abilities and as both are key to your sustainable success, this is one investment that can only grow and is free from the ravages of negative sentiment.

Author: Andrew Horton Time Management Expert


Monday, May 30, 2011

Time Management - Goals Are About Who You Become

Goals Are about Who You Become

Time Management Expert

Are you going to continue to allow regrets to replace your dreams? Decide today, how much life you are prepared to exchange for living your dreams, then simply pull the trigger, begin taking the inspired action necessary and you will see your dreams unfold before your eyes.

Re-awaken those dreams, desires and ambitions that you may have shelved a long time ago, due to the fear that doing so would move you out of your comfort zone. Change the trajectory of your life today, and unlock your dormant potential. Declare new choices, establish new behaviors, build new skills and begin to take bold new actions that will begin making your dreams materialize.

Sustainable success is the result of thousands of tiny efforts and sacrifices and when you commit to applying this strategy in your life you become a goal achieving machine. When you combine your deep rooted desire for sustainable success, with focused planning, consistent and persistent effort. You equip yourself to start working your magic and you open the door to your excellence.

Andrew is an expert on Time Management and will show that time management is really about self management. This effective strategy for success will work every time, if you commit to take daily action to make it materialize in your life and you persistently apply yourself to make it work for you. Always remember that you are more likely to complete any task if you frequently and consistently measure your progress against expectations. Your level of success is directly proportional to the quality and frequency of your reviews and goal measurement criteria.

When you are wanting to improve your use of your available time and you are searching for a system to better manage your time. The way to successfully achieve all your goals is to first identify the attributes you will need to develop to become the type of person that could support and sustain each of your goals and then go about the business of developing those attributes within yourself. When you do this your goals will seem to miraculously peel off the page of your goal journal and materialize in your life.

The major reason for setting goals is to encourage a real transformation in you, as you grow into and accomplish each goal. The person you transform into as you grow to become what is needed to achieve each goal, is far more important than what you may GET as you achieve your goals.

The fastest way to achieve your GOALS is to SLOW DOWN. At first glance that seems illogical, but when you understand that when you are in overdrive and you are rushing to accomplish your goals, you loose focus, become confused about what actions to take and stall your efforts. Slow down and allow yourself the time to decide what needs to be done and the appropriate timing in which to do it and YOUR SUCCESS WILL BEGIN TO FEEL EFFORTLESS.

Author: Andrew Horton Time Management Expert

Time Management Courses

Sunday, May 29, 2011

How Long Are You Going To Allow Yourself To Stay Down?

How Long Are You Going To Allow Yourself To Stay Down?

Motivational Speeches

At some point in our lives we all get knocked down. Spend as little time as possible licking your wounds, before you pull things together and get on with life. The measure of who you really are is never in the fact that you got knocked down, but rather how long you allow things to keep you down, before you begin taking the action necessary to get you back on your feet.

You have the ability to choose your attitude and level of happiness, you can allow things to get you down or you can choose to view any challenges as merely vehicles that are moving you closer to hidden opportunities. When something difficult happens in your life, choose to see it as something that is merely polishing you up, to make your life more beautiful.

If you use any mistakes you may make, as profound and powerful teachers. That will propel you to greater levels of, wisdom and knowledge. It becomes possible to celebrate your mistakes and thereby, turn them into something positive.

Challenges are opportunities to learn and grow. Never measure your performance against any challenges you are facing or have faced. Only question yourself when you keep repeating the same errors and facing the same challenges over and over again.

Andrew offers one of his best Motivational Speeches where he guides the audience to; develop the ability to operate from a centered, balanced and connected place. When they are faced with any challenges and they will have discovered the secret to uncover their brilliance and live their excellence.

What you get to experience in your outer world is an accurate reflection of how you are thinking, acting and projecting your inner world to everyone around you. If you are constantly experiencing frustrating situations and people are always treating you badly, then have the courage to read the signals and accept that something is out of sink, with how you are respecting and treating yourself and you need to make some meaningful changes in your life.

Rise to the challenge and realize that you have a unique capacity to shape your life, search around and especially within yourself for the kind of growth that will shape and fulfill you. This challenge may seem impossible, but the effort will most certainly be worthwhile. Remember even the highest mountain can be surmounted by building winding pathways.

We most certainly do live in a friendly universe. When sufficient time has passed, no matter how big a challenge may have appeared at the time, almost everyone is better off than they were before they faced any challenge. I challenge you to search for the future benefit or opportunity in every challenge you face; it most certainly is always there.

The challenges we face every day, are really only opportunities. These Challenges are disguised as the push, sometimes unexpected, that we often need to get us off our butts. This push forces us to take the necessary action that will help us to improve our lives. Focus on the potential good in every challenge, instead of wallowing in self pity when faced with challenges.

Author: Andrew Horton Motivational Speeches


Change is Inevitable, Success is Optional

Change is Inevitable, Success is optional

Motivational Speakers

The one certainty you have in your life in these fast moving and evolving times; is CHANGE. Whether by choice or by circumstance any change you experience thrusts you out of your comfort zones into a world of the unknown.

It is during these times that your FEARS and self-doubts creep in and you become uncertain as to how you can keep moving forward. This is the time that you need courage and belief to carry you forward. Courage to take some tough decisions without a lot of facts and complete belief in your-self and your abilities to allow you to manage and overcome any challenges that will inevitably cross your path, as you evolve and change.

Andrew is one of the most informative and entertaining motivational speakers in his field. He will show you that Change is inevitable so don’t just accept change, expect and prepare for change and you will have found a success tool that will help accelerate your success. Change is most often mysterious and unpredictable, but often very necessary to allow you to grow and develop. All progress requires change, but remember that not all change is progress.

Keep the belief in your own abilities, that you will cope with anything that may come your way and see all change as merely something that has come along, to help spur you down your path of success, allowing you to evolve and develop into a conscious and brilliant human being.

Managing change is difficult and moving through the transition required, with confidence and ease is tough. You will feel unprepared and vulnerable. This is the time to take stock of your skills, wisdom and resources that are available to you right now that will help you manage any change and see what you have going for you.

This is the time to start harvesting and applying the wisdom and skills you already have, which will show you that you have do some control and allow you to begin to calm your mind and help you to feel more grounded and certain.

Remain patient and force yourself to not expect instant gratification or to expect a quick fix. Andrew is one of the best motivational speakers in South Africa he will show that as desirable as getting the change and uncertainty behind you may be. Remain focused on applying the correct judgement call to the change rather than a quick solution that will merely make things worse.

Managing and growing within change is never about beating the clock, it is about cultivating patience, learning, growing and forging a path toward new and greater success.

Real long term and sustainable success is about the things you don’t do. When you learn to say no to the good, you leave room for the great. Practice the art of knowing when to say no. This will free up valuable time and allow you to gain more out of your most valuable possession, namely your time.

Author: Andrew Horton Motivational Speakers


Saturday, May 28, 2011

Turn Your Habits Into Sustainable Long Term Success


Are you frustrated and convinced that your life is going nowhere? Do you feel like you have tried every possible tool, technique and gimmick to help you find success and fulfillment and yet you are still trapped in a life that is unfulfilling and empty? If you answered yes to these two questions then you are not alone. The vast majority of people are just like you. They feel frustrated and incomplete. They are searching for answers to unlock their potential and turn it into fulfillment and long term success.

You are not alone if you are looking at your life, feeling trapped in a place where you are asking the question “Wot the (Bleep) Now?” I meet people just like you every day who constantly chastise themselves for not having enough willpower to carry out the commitments they make, to change their lives. They feel like they lack commitment and willpower and they constantly break every promise they make with themselves.

Reading this book will help you to answer that burning question “Wot the (Bleep) Now?”, by offering you a step by step guide to turn your willpower into “MYPOWER”. You will not need to completely reboot your life. I will show you how to make a few small shifts that will move you from mediocre to magnificent. You will be guided to introduce a few simple, yet very effective daily routines that will help you to achieve your dreams and turn your fantasies into Realities.

Wot the (Bleep) now?” is based on over 25 years of personal struggle and success. I have tried and tested all these tools in my own life and in the lives of many of my coaching clients. All the people that have embraced these ideas and applied them in their lives have transformed their lives and are living the success they deserve. This is not just another personal development book that promises to bring unimaginable prosperity into your life, if you simply sit and visualize cheques floating in through your mail box, all for three easy payments of $ 39.95!

I offer you a solid set of practical tools and routines that have been tested in the laboratory of my own life and businesses and those of many of my coaching clients. These simple ideas are easy to apply and to build into your new daily routines and long term success habit set. This book offers you an opportunity to finally take control of your destiny and to begin creating the future you want, moment by moment. The only challenge you face is that as easy as these new daily routines are to do, so easy are they not to do.

Accept that bringing success into your life is a process, it is not an event. So I ask you to finally meet your future today and to commit to include this process into your life. Wot if it is just and apple a day that keeps the doctor away and you don’t eat that apple? Wot if introducing this process into your life is all that you need to finally know Wot the (BLEEP) you want to do now? Wot if this is the key you have been waiting for, to unlock your potential and express your dreams and you neglect to make the small shifts and introduce the new daily routines? Are you willing to miss the opportunity to finally live a fulfilling and complete life, simply because you choose not to introduce and apply a few new daily routines into your life?

This book is designed to empower you to replace those limiting, dream killing habits that are keeping you trapped in mediocrity. With a success habit set that will make arriving at success one day feel effortless. Have you ever arrived at a destination and thought “How did I get here?” You have absolutely no idea what route you took or how you drove there. This is your habits or entrenched routines at work. How amazing is it that you can perform a complex task like driving through traffic, stopping at traffic lights, obeying the speed limit and being able to keep yourself safe. All without thinking about what you were doing or even remembering what you did. This is the basis behind the new routines we will gradually introduce into your life. Wot the (Bleep) Now? Is a guided tour that will show you how to move your life from the realm of the average and propel you to living a life of real meaningful fulfillment.

You are encouraged to gradually introduce a few new daily routines into your life, and to commit to practice them until they are habits. This will cement your success and allow you to arrive at your unique concept of success one day, asking “How did I get here?” You will develop new habits and they will become entrenched into your daily behavior. This will make achieving success feel effortless. Your role is not to keep applying willpower to everything you do. Your job is to learn a set of daily routines and to turn them into a success habit set.

This success habit set can then be pointed at any outcome or result you desire and turned into effortless success. Wot the (Bleep) Now? Is a book that is packed with practical advice on creating useful habits that will serve you. For too long we have focused our energy on setting goals and then expecting our willpower to carry us to the success we desire. This flies in the face of the way we are built and how we function. We are creatures of habit that quickly get into comfort zones of routine behavior. How can we expect to succeed at anything, if we do not use this simple concept to introduce a success habit set into our lives?

Instead of going against our instinctive conditioning and working harder and harder every day to pursue success. We rather create a set of daily routines that become our comfort zone and success habit set. We learn to tune into how we function best and we use our basic human conditioning as a tool for creating the outcomes we desire. The reason we feel like we never keep the commitments we make to break free from mediocrity. Or why we never keep our new years resolutions or stick to achieving our goals is that we work against our natural instincts. We think we can force ourselves to do things trough sheer willpower alone. This is the reason we seem to fail every time.

We constantly operate outside our comfort zones, we expect ourselves to push through and apply massive doses of willpower to keep us inspired. It is no wonder that so many people land up not achieving the success they deserve or desire. They are working against their natural makeup and design. You would never expect great results if you entered a combine harvester in a formula one motor race. The combine harvester is not designed for speed, it is designed for process. Similarly you cannot expect your brain to work differently from the way it is designed to operate. It is designed to keep us safe and to operate routinely within the bounds of our comfort zone. Yet we force our brains to operate under stress, we expect that our willpower is enough to override our basic programming. That we can operate outside the basic design parameters of our brains for prolonged periods and when we fail we torture ourselves and chastise ourselves as failures.

Wot the (Bleep) Now? will show you that long term sustainable success is not a mystery. It is a compounding process of small daily routines, over time that adds up to significant results. Once you accept this truth and you commit to make the shift needed to begin developing your new habit set. You will have discovered the path to living a fulfilling and meaningful life. You will be guided how to uncover your unique “MYPOWER” and shown how to create a success habit set that is unique to your circumstances and workable for you. Developing your new routines and turning them into your habits is a multi level process and will be designed and implemented using your unique circumstances as the yard stick.

I will show you how to regain the belief in your abilities and how to remain focused and passionate about your success. We will explore challenges, roadblocks and setbacks and you will be guided to accept them, manage them and then find ways to exploit them to your advantage. Challenges are all part of the success process, so when they do show up and they will. You will know not to allow them to overwhelm you. Your new habit set will equip you to review each challenge, find solutions and even reveal opportunities that may be hidden behind each challenge. The measure of someone is never whether they encounter challenges, but rather how they choose to respond to any challenge that crosses their path.

Your failure in the past to stick to any commitments you made is most certainly not a sin. It is merely a symptom of the methods you employed in the past. These Methods flew in the face of the natural workings of your body and the basic operating principals of your brain. Your past failure was the result of not utilizing your machinery properly. You can never expect yourself to succeed when you place yourself under stress and you operate outside your natural area of strength and comfort. Stop trying to impose new pressure on yourself, using pure willpower to achieve the results you want. When you do this, you place yourself under a huge amount of unnecessary stress. Your body’s natural defense mechanisms then come into play and your body strives to get back into balance.

The trick to stop this cycle of never ending un-kept promises and failure is to avoid placing your body under any unnecessary stress. Commit to gradually expand your comfort zone and to progressively develop a set of success habits that will make success both inevitable and effortless. When you remove the imbalances or stressors from your life and you work instead to operate within the natural parameters or functioning of your body. You bring your system back into balance and you are able to function optimally, working with your body, rather than against it. The principals offered in Wot the (Bleep) now? must become your new way of life, a new way of doing things. Your new success habit set will become your new entrenched way of doing things. It will be the way you do things. The way you do anything, is the way you do everything.

Creating a New Success Habit Set

The book is organized into three logical sections. You will be guided through a systemic and natural flow, to answer the question of Wot the (Bleep) Now. “How do I create a new success habit set that will deliver the success I desire?”

Section One

You will be introduced to the principals we will be utilizing throughout the book and why they work. This will be done in a compassionate and very simple and concise fashion.

The first section offers a simple set of questions in the form of a quiz and comprehensive tools that will help you to identify your own unique circumstances and starting point or set point.

The simple and easy to follow quiz and toolkit that is offered in this section is simple and fun to use. They will most certainly help you to uncover where you are right now and will also equip you with the information you need to make good decisions and help you to get clarity about where you want to go.

This section is designed to form the foundation of the process and highlights and explains the importance of moving away from stress and imbalance toward a more positive outlook and inner harmony.

Section Two

This is where we introduce the three simple concepts or new habit developing tools to encourage balance and harmony in our lives. The reader is guided to gradually introduce these three new ideas into their lives. These concepts are learned and will become the new way of doing things.

Meetings with Your Future

This tool is offered to the reader to equip them with the necessary time to carry out the activities necessary to succeed. This is time that you schedule every day to devote to making a meaningful difference to the way your future will turn out.

When you choose to include this very simple tool for creating a new success habit set into your daily schedule. You are ensuring that you have the time you need to make a real difference in your life.

Code of Personal Achievement

This is a tool that allows you to start developing a new routine that will ensure your success and turns it into your new success habit set.

Readers are encouraged to choose five activities that they will carry out every day. These activities must be congruent and aligned with the outcome they are attempting to achieve. These are activities that are routinely carried out every day until they become entrenched habits.

This is a unique set of rules or codes that you set for yourself. This code acts as a daily reminder for you to carry out activities that will help you learn new positive habits. Over time as you apply daily discipline and you carry out your codes or personal daily commitments, you instill a new set of behaviors that eventually evolve into your new positive habit set.

Performance Management System

Whatever gets measured gets done. This is a simple system that is designed to measure performance on a daily, weekly quarterly and annual basis.

This system is designed not only to measure performance, but is also a system to celebrate success and a way of remaining inspired and driven to succeed.

Section Three

Plan, Do, Review and Improve


Invest time to build a plan i.e. set realistic goals for the next year. This plan must include strategies to improve, grow and develop new skills and knowledge so that you never repeat the mistakes of the past. It must also include measurement criterion to regularly measure your progress.

Take Action (Do)

No plan is of any value unless you commit to take consistent daily action to realize your plan. This is where your new habit set will be applied to any goal you wish to achieve.


History serves one purpose and that is one of learning. Review your progress, errors and challenges from the past year and look for ways to avoid repeating them in the future. Take a really good look at things; examine all the things that worked and the things that didn’t. Explore all your behaviors, habits and disciplines, see which are working and which aren’t. Learn the lessons this information offers and schedule the necessary improvements so that you will triumph the next year.

Constantly review how you do

Take a look every day and assess if the actions you are taking are delivering the desired results. Every week take a more detailed look at the actions you are taking and ensure that they are aligned with the outcomes you are trying to achieve.


When you review your actions and they are not delivering the desired results, improve and change them until they do.

This is a really simple process for long term sustainable success. Your biggest challenge is that as simple as it is to do, so easy is it not to do. Carry out the daily actions with conviction and stay disciplined, the rewards are worth the effort.


Thursday, May 26, 2011

Motivational Speakers - We all have a lucky charm

We all have a lucky charm

Keynote Motivational Speakers

As Oprah says “Success is when opportunity meets preparation”. Are you satisfied with amount of preparation you are putting in every day? Are you acquiring the skills, knowledge and resources you will need when your big opportunity crosses your path? We all have lucky breaks cross our paths at some time or other. Super achievers know this and ensure that they use this principal to their advantage. They work every day to improve and become more. So that when luck shines upon them they are prepared and able to take advantage of it.

When Richard Branson was asked this question he stated that he attributed his incredible level of success to Luck. In fact he stated that we are all lucky to live in a free society, with opportunity everywhere. We are surrounded by luck and opportunity. No one person is any luckier than another. The difference between super achievers like Richard Branson and every one else is that he takes advantage of his lucky breaks, every time they cross his path. Are you preparing to take advantage of the next lucky break that crosses your path?

If you want to increase the probability of becoming lucky then introduce the following few criterion into your life and apply them daily.

Invest time every day preparing for opportunity or your lucky break. Commit to become a little better today than you were yesterday. Improve your skills, knowledge, become recognized as the expert in your field, develop relationships with people that can assist you and grow your resources. This consistent preparation will set you up to take advantage of opportunity when it crosses your path and believe me it will most definitely cross your path.

As one of the most entertaining and informative keynote motivational speakers in South Africa, Andrew suggest that you create belief in yourself and foster an attitude in which you orient yourself to constantly look for opportunities or lucky situations to appear. See yourself as being really lucky and see fortuitous situations all around you.

There really are opportunities all around you if you are willing to look and see the world, without your blinkers on. You will never see what you are not looking for and you most certainly will never be looking for something you do not believe in. Believe in yourself and that luck is all around you. Constantly prepare and actively seek out luck or opportunity and you will immediately see huge positive change in your life.

As you prepare and look at your world differently. You will begin to see opportunities or lucky breaks show up every where. Luck or opportunity is all around you and will show up if you believe it will and you are searching and constantly on the look out. Don’t try to force luck, it will show up, it will find you. Luck or opportunity crosses your path every day. Look and you will see, seek and you will find.

When you have done all the preparation necessary, you believe in your skills and ability, you know opportunity is out there and you finally identify yours. The last step is to simply take action. This is probably the one step that separates those few super achievers from the masses. They get off their butts and take advantage of their luck. Mediocre people allow their luck to pass them by. You now know that your life is filled with luck and opportunity, are you going to take advantage of your, this time?

Author: Andrew Horton Keynote Motivational Speakers


Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Goals are Made to be Broken

Goals are made to Be Broken

Inspirational Speakers

Having a crystal clear picture of exactly what you want to achieve, setting goals that will get you there and taking daily inspired action are all crucial steps in the process of super achievement. The challenge we face though is to accept that goals are merely guidelines that give us direction. They are not cast in stone and something we pursue dogmatically, with blinkers on.

As we travel the path to success, things may change and new opportunities may show up. Be open minded and vigilant, stay on the look out for new things that will appear on the horizon. AS you work toward achieving your goals. The very fact that you are doing things differently and taking new actions opens you up to new opportunities.

1) There may be easier and faster ways of achieving your goals and getting to your destination. Things are dynamic and as you move along the path for success, your circumstances and everything around is fluid and changing.

2) Goals that were important when you set them may become less important as the year or decade unfolds.

One of the greatest challenges we face on the path to long term sustainable success. Is to maintain complete focus and commitment, yet be open to potential new or better opportunities that may cross our paths. This sounds like a conflicting set of criterion. It feels like we can either be:

1) Focused and doggedly determined to succeed.

2) Or we can constantly be looking around for different opportunities and as such never apply sufficient effort to ensure success.

Andrew is one of the most informative and entertaining inspirational speakers in his field. He highlights the following:

In truth we need to be determined and committed to do what it takes to succeed and we also need to be flexible along the way to see better or easier ways to achieve the same outcomes.

Take an honest look back over your life and examine the pivotal and defining moments in your life. The moments in your life that completely transformed it and made you into a better or more successful person. I am willing to bet that most if not all of them were unexpected. Life is a beautiful mystery, we cannot be so myopic in the way we function that we miss opportunities and solutions that come along that we could not have even imagined existed before.

Setting goals and traveling the path to success is the reason that the new opportunities or solutions showed up in the first place. So having clarity about what you want and having a concrete set of goals and daily activities that will move you toward the success you desire is crucial. I am proposing that you set goals, commit to do what it takes to succeed, but that you remain vigilant along the way for better or more effective ways of achieving the same outcomes.

Do not allow yourself to become so attached to the route, you originally chartered that you miss out on better pathways that may open up. There is an old military saying that says: NO plan survives first contact with enemy. Dwight D. Eisenhower was quoted after the successful invasion of Normandy, as saying “The Plans were useless, but the planning was indispensible”

The rapidly changing times in which we live today has made remaining flexible even more crucial than ever before. You must always have a vision and outcome in mind. The secret to becoming and remaining successful is to be open minded and wide eyed about what may show up and accelerate your ride to success. There is always more than one way of achieving the same outcome.

Remain flexible and on the look out for different or better ways to succeed. Many pathways lead to the same destination. Some are just easier and faster to travel.

Author: Andrew Horton Inspirational Speakers


Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Attract Success By The person You Become

Attract Success By The person You Become

Inspirational Speakers

We have an incredible ability to do whatever it takes to get exactly what we “MUST” have. The challenge is to ensure that what we are attempting to achieve is a must have verse a mere want. Search within yourself and uncover the things you “MUST” have, do and be. Ensure that they are aligned with your values, beliefs and that they are what you truly “MUST” achieve and you have uncovered a way to unlock your unlimited inspiration and drive to succeed.

After uncovering those goals that are non-negotiable and those outcomes that you absolutely must achieve; search a little deeper and unlock the deep rooted reason “WHY” you want to attain those results. This will allow you to unleash your incredible “WHYPOWER” Your “WHYPOWER” will keep you focused on the outcome you “MUST” achieve and give you the willpower and discipline to keep working toward the success you desire, irrespective of the inevitable challenges that will cross your path.

Knowing what you really “MUST” achieve and understanding “WHY” it is really important for you to achieve anything is the key to unlocking and utilizing your unlimited potential. This removes the need for any outside motivation as you are driven and inspired from within to succeed. This is the best possible plan for success and a plan that will deliver great results and allow you to live a fulfilling and complete life.

Have patience to wait for the desired results to manifest in your life, but never loose that drive and sense of urgency that will keep you on your toes and hungry to succeed. Combine your passion and absolute resolute need to succeed, with your “WHYPOWER”, throw in a dash of patience and a sprinkling of persistence and you have discovered the secret to long term sustainable success.

As an informative and entertaining Inspirational Speaker I will guide you to develop a clearer understanding of your future. When you have uncovered the things you absolutely must have, do and be. You have uncovered true ambition, which is in effect who you really are right now and will become in the future. As you uncover this you have discovered a way for you to unlock your own self expression and exploit your unlimited potential. Self expression is in effect really just self-direction. Positive self direction is simply the way you show that you know who you are and where you want your life to go.

This knowledge and deep understanding of where you want to take your life, allows you to constantly acquire all the skills and knowledge you need to achieve your “MUST” have outcomes or goals. This ongoing preparation allows you to continually improve and will see you accumulate the experiences, feelings and philosophies that will support and promote you ongoing success.

As you continue to grow and become more, you become the person that attracts the very success you desire. Sustainable success is a process and never an event, stay committed to stay focused on the best possible direction for your life and ambitiously follow your own self direction. This will allow you to unleash the power of your own ambition that can and will take you to the success you “MUST” have. Let the power of your own ambition take you where you want to go, to do what you want to do, to create the life you want to live!

Author: Andrew Horton Inspirational Speakers


Monday, May 23, 2011

Turn your Natural Rhythms into a Cycle of Success

Turn your Natural Rhythms into a Cycle of Success

Keynote Inspirational Speakers

We operate best when we allow our bodies and minds time to recover after intense periods of effort. If we try to operate at high levels of intensity for prolonged periods of time without allowing time for rest, we become mental and emotional flat liners. Our minds and bodies simply break down and stop functioning optimally.

Our minds and bodies function best when we operate using a work rest ratio that was designed over 1800 years ago by a Greek named Flavius Philostratus. He drew up a set of training manuals for Greek athletes carefully detailing the work rest ratios that would allow the athletes to deliver the maximum performance.

His theories were resurrected in the early 1960’s by the Russian Olympic team. They enjoyed an unprecedented level of success at the Olympic Games that year. This really effective theory, simply states that every period of intense activity, must be followed by a period of rest. This allows the mind and body to replenish and recover.

There are two ways you can negatively affect your performance

1) Training at high levels of intensity for prolonged periods without adequate rest. (Over Training)

2) Not training enough (Under Training)

Overtraining causes injury, soreness, break down of the immune system, anxiety, negativeness, loss of passion and mental and emotional staleness. Training at high intensity without adequate rest allows toxins to build up in our bodies. This leads to burnout and the breakdown of our performance.

Andrew is one of the most informative and entertaining keynote Inspirational Speakers that has highlighted the following. If we want to improve, grow stronger and build muscle. We must place our muscles under stress and then allow them adequate time to recover before we stress them again. It is during recovery that our muscles rebuild and become stronger. If we keep placing our muscles under stress and we do not allow adequate time for them to recover, we will see our performance drop off.

The same is true about your mental performance and your ability to be creative and effective every day. If you work at extremely high levels of performance for prolonged periods, without allowing adequate time for recovery, you will see your performance steadily drop. You must build recovery time into your daily, weekly, quarterly and annual schedules. Without adequate recovery time planned and built into your schedule you will stunt your growth and damage your performance.

Advice from one of the best Keynote Inspirational Speakers on How to ensure that you perform at your maximum

Break your year up into 4 equal parts of 90 days each. Ensure that you get crystal clear focus around exactly what you want to achieve, by prioritizing and carefully selecting a theme for what you want to achieve during that quarter. Break the 90 days back even further and select specific projects that are aligned with this theme. Focus all your energy on accomplishing this single project for the next two weeks or 30 days.

Apply my code of personal achievement, by selecting five daily activities that are aligned with achieving this project and carry out these activities every day. Your head must not hit the pillow before you have carried out these actions.

For example: If it was January and I wanted to improve my health and lose weight by the end of the year. I would break my year back into 4 equal parts of 90 days each. I would then choose a project that is aligned with this goal namely to loose 3 kg. I would break this back further into three periods of thirty days each. I would now only need to lose 1 kg over the next 30 days.

The code of personal achievement that I would choose could be the following:

1) Eat Six small meals a day

2) Exercise for 30 minutes each day

3) Only Choose low fat healthy foods

4) Drink 2 liters of water a day

5) Walk the stairs at work every day

These are actions I will take every day. They will be penned into my schedule every day. My head will not hit the pillow until I have carried out these actions.

Here is Andrew Inspirational Speakers recommended formula for success

1) Choose a theme each 90 days that is aligned with the overall outcome you are trying to achieve that year.

2) Break each 90 day period into shorter cycles. These cycles can be anything from a few days to six weeks each. Depending on the outcomes you are attempting to achieve.

3) Choose a code of personal achievement. Choose five activities that you will carry out every day. These activities must be congruent and aligned with the outcome you are attempting to achieve.

4) Invest the first few days of each cycle in really intense effort. Really get things going, launch your new project with gusto. Apply an intense amount of focused effort to each project.

5) Include time to rest every day, at the end of every week, after completing each cycle and most definitely at the end of each quarter and the end of each year.

Keynote Inspirational Speakers
