Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Motivational Speakers Can help you to Change

Motivational Speakers tell you about Change
The usual question I am asked by delegates at my various talks and training sessions revolves around how they can improve themselves, their business results etc. Yesterday during lunch break, a really wonderful lady approached me and told me that her daughter was not acting the way she wanted her to act. She was responding badly towards her. At times even snapping at her and showing her no respect at all. Her question was “How can I change my daughter”? I am most certainly not trained to offer any advice to a mother about raising children. 

The extent of my knowledge about raising children stems from my own experience with raising my own two children. One who is now 23 and the other 16. This hardly qualifies me to offer advice to anyone, on how they can change their teenage daughter. As one of the top motivational speakers I do not believe we can change anyone else, all we can do is influence them to act differently by the way we act, I think the advice I offered her, came as quite a surprise to her.

You Change others by changing yourself first
 I believe the key to helping anyone else improve or encouraging them to change in any way, starts with you changing first. If you want to change the way someone responds to you, then simply change the way you respond towards them first. You cannot control anyone else; you only have 100 % control over one thing, namely yourself. As you cannot climb into the other person’s body and change them or their behaviour. You can only change yourself and, your responses’ towards them. This is where you should start.

People treat you the way you allow
I know this is not easy for some people to hear, but I sincerely believe that people treat you the way you allow them to treat you. People respond and interact with you on a level, which you encourage. This response is driven by your level of maturity and personal development.

For example: If you commit to grow and you become 10 times wiser or you develop your personal philosophy to a point where it is the polar opposite of what it now is or you work on your character and improve it, to a point where you are 10 times the person you were before. How do you think the people around you would treat you at that point? I am certain that everyone, including your children, friends, business colleges and even blank strangers would treat you completely differently.

Contribute to others through your personal development
I believe that the greatest contribution you can make towards changing the way people treat you or even improving others to improve their lives, is to invest into your own personal development. As you grow as a father, grandfather, business partner, or as a member of society, you automatically become a greater contributor to everyone around you.

Give the Greatest Gift
The greatest gift anyone can give to the world and to the people around them, is the gift of the own personal development. Every parent, who grows, has so much more to contribute and give to their children and as each person within the community grows, so too does the community as a whole grow and expand as a whole. Whole countries and even our world gets better as each one of us commits to grow and expand.   

Self-Development helps me to Help others
The greater you commitment towards your personal development, the better equipped you are to serve your children, spouse, business partner, community, country and the even the world. Self-development makes you more valuable to everyone around you. That is why I am so committed to help millions of people to improve their lives and communities through their personal development. I see it as a way we can all change our world for the better.

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