2013 off by taking a thorough look at how you invest your time every day, by
using an activity log to record how you are effectively utilising or wasting
your time. This process is really simple and requires you to record how you have
used your time, on a sheet of paper, at the end of each hour during the day. Do
not analyse or question anything at this stage.
seven days explore your seven sheets and see how you have done. Look for
patterns where you may be wasting time or not using your time as effectively as
possible. You will literally astound yourself with how much time you waste each
week, after you have analysed these sheets. You will see that you do not have a
shortage of time at all, what you have is a lack of focus and commitment towards
achieving your goals.
Internalise your Vision and Goals Daily
each day by internalising your vision and goals, by reading them out aloud to
yourself before you start each day.
Feel committed and driven to do what it takes that day, to carry out the
actions you need to perform to achieve your vision and goals. If you can
prioritise and focus your energy on the most important outcomes you want to
achieve each day, you will see incredible results manifest in your life in 2013
and beyond.
Invest each Hour
each hour of your day this year by asking this simple question “Is
the way I intend to use the next hour, the best use of my available time and
will it lead me closer towards achieving my vision and goals”? “If it
is not then how can I improve my actions in the next hour to achieve a better
outcome”? As you keep asking this question hour after hour, you will continually
improve the use of your available time and the goal specific results you will
begin to enjoy will improve too.
Making Decisions
you are required to make any decisions this year, ask yourself this question: “Does
the action, I will take as a result of this decision, help me to achieve my
vision and goals?” This will make it a whole lot easier to make the
right decisions going forward. If anything is not aligned with helping you
achieve your goals, then have the wisdom and courage to avoid it altogether.
Review your Day
you finish each day, invest a few minutes to go through your day. Review
everything that went well and allow yourself to feel the glow of success, for a
job well done. Also explore all the things that did not go according to plan.
Do not beat yourself up over these. Learn the lessons they offer and move on.
Everything you did not manage to complete that day is moved onto your planning
sheet for the next day. If possible all the things you did not manage to
complete, must be completed first thing the following morning.
Plan your Day the Night Before
your daily review, which should take no longer than five minutes each evening,
invest time to plan your next day. Take all the information from your daily
review and fit all the outstanding matters from the current day, onto your
schedule the following day. This planning session should take no longer than 10
– 15 minutes, but when done daily, will save you hours of time the following
day. It will also allow you to prioritise and focus your energy and time on
your goal specific activities each day.
Meet your Future
is time you specifically schedule each day, to focus 100 % on carrying out your
goal specific activities. When you schedule time every day to work on achieving
your goals, it keeps you focused and driven to carry out the actions you need
to do daily to achieve all your goals. The challenge we face is that we get so
wrapped up in doing to survive, that we never seem to have time to carry out
the goal specific actions daily, which will change our lives.
2013 different and this time around make time available to carry out your goal
specific actions and you will change your life. Committing to make time
available to carry out the right goal specific actions, will be the best use of
your available time. When you reach December this year, you will not have
regrets about all the things you should have done, but you will rather be
celebrating your success this year.
Andrew Horton Time Management Course
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