This blog is filled with practical ideas and tips on personal development for individuals and business professionals. I am a master teacher and global traveler. I share my ideas daily to help others improve their lives.
Friday, January 25, 2013
Monday, January 21, 2013
Andrew Horton Inspirational Speakers: Motivational Speakers - Allow your Dreams to Soar ...
Andrew Horton Inspirational Speakers: Motivational Speakers - Allow your Dreams to Soar ...: Motivational Speakers Allow your Dreams to Soar in 2013 If you feel like you have tried really hard in the past to realise your dreams,...
Andrew Horton Inspirational Speakers: Motivational Speakers - Allow your Dreams to Soar ...
Andrew Horton Inspirational Speakers: Motivational Speakers - Allow your Dreams to Soar ...: Motivational Speakers Allow your Dreams to Soar in 2013 If you feel like you have tried really hard in the past to realise your dreams,...
Motivational Speakers - Allow your Dreams to Soar in 2013
Motivational Speakers
Allow your Dreams to Soar in 2013
If you feel like you have tried really hard in the past to realise your dreams, but you feel like nothing ever seems to go right for you, you are not alone. The majority of people I speak to feel exactly the same way. They feel like they have tried really hard in the past, but nothing ever seems to go right for them. They feel like they just don’t have what it takes to achieve greatness.
Well I am here to tell you that you do have what it takes; you have just allowed yourself to fall into the trap of discouragement and disappointment, where you have developed the habit of accepting less than you are capable of. Your lack belief in yourself has also stopped you dreaming and having huge expectations. This has then all been compounded by your impatience and unwillingness to allow sufficient time, for results to show before you give up.
Do not be Discouraged
You really do possess unlimited potential and you do indeed live in a very abundant universe. Make 2013 your year and finally allow yourself to live this potential and commit to realise your dreams. I want to describe the reasons why you have allowed yourself to be pulled away from your dreams in this article to try to help you break free from the anchors that are weighing you down.
Discover your Drive
The first challenge I have observed in the people who have lost their drive to succeed, is that they have been discouraged by the people around them. These people have failed to deliver themselves and so they unconsciously project their disbelief and doubt to everyone around them. As you know we mirror the behaviour of the people around us, so we fall into the trap of doubt and disbelief ourselves.
Action Idea: Spend as little time around the naysayers and people who discourage you as possible. Look around your world and find people who either have or are on a similar path to the one you want to travel, towards realising your dreams. Discover innovative ways to spend as much time as possible around these people as possible. Their positive attitude will buoy you up and eventually you will mirror their positivity and drive to succeed.
Do not allow people to place limitations on you or to hijack your dreams any longer. Instead of allowing yourself to be surrounded by the turbulence of criticism and doubt, find a way to surround yourself with support and positivity.
Learn from the Past
Stop allowing your “FAILURES” of the past to limit you in the future. Remember that there is no such thing as failure; you can only fail when you stop trying to achieve the outcomes you want. Learn the lessons offered by any challenges or setbacks you have encountered and have the courage to believe in your ability to achieve greatness in the future.
Action Idea: Read a few biographies of great achievers who have gone before you. It does not matter which one you choose to read, you will see that every single one of them “FAILED” at some point. When I say failed, I mean they encountered incredible challenges on their path towards success and with focus, determination and great effort they overcame the challenges and triumphed in the end. Your “FAILURES” are no different, they are only become failures when you give up and surrender. As long as you are looking for ways to achieve your dreams, all you have are unresolved challenges or setbacks.
Have Huge Expectations
Your future success is limited only by you expectations and your willingness to believe in your ability to realise those expectations. Dare to dream once again and have huge expectations of what is possible for you to achieve. Once you do that, all that is left to do, is for you to commit to constant and never ending growth and development and for you to believe in your ability to bring your dreams to life.
Author: Andrew Horton Motivational Speakers
Andrew Horton Inspirational Speakers: Motivational Speakers - What are the Benefits of S...
Andrew Horton Inspirational Speakers: Motivational Speakers - What are the Benefits of S...: Motivational Speakers What are the Benefits of Showing and Feeling Gratitude? As you know, your thoughts create your state of mind and ...
Motivational Speakers - What are the Benefits of Showing and Feeling Gratitude?
Motivational Speakers
What are the Benefits of Showing and Feeling Gratitude?
As you know, your thoughts create your state of mind and the attitude you reflect to the world, which either make you feel positive and driven to succeed or they are restrictive and limit your daily efforts. Restrictive thoughts as you know do not only limit your growth and potential, but they also have a major effect on your health too. It is therefore wise to discover as many ways as possible to help you to remain in a positive mental place. One of the best ways I have found, which will allow you to achieve a really positive outlook and mind-set. Is the simple practice of looking around your world, discovering all the things that you have to be grateful for and then allowing yourself to feel real gratitude for them.
Improve your Health
Research has shown that practicing the art of gratitude has profound effects on the way you feel and respond to your world. This research has also shown that there are huge benefits to both physical and emotional wellbeing, in the form of a reduction in stress, fear, anxiety and even improvements in blood pressure, when you consciously feel gratitude. These studies have also shown that there are other benefits, such as a reduced incidence of depression, heart disease and immune system deficiencies, in the groups of people who practiced gratitude daily. You can definitely improve your health, emotional and physical wellbeing by consciously feeling gratitude for everything, which is working in your life.
Improving your Relationships
As perfect as our partners may at first appear to be, they seldom, if ever meet all our needs. There is always a gap, between our needs and expectations and what they are able to deliver. I know this must sound really callous, but this just one of those irrefutable facts of life and the reason some people can never stay in a relationship for very long at all. At first we only focus on all the things that are right and feel very fulfilled in the relationship. As time goes on, when the honeymoon period is over, some people start to focus on the small percentage in their partner, which is not ideal for them and so feel unhappy. This makes them look for the next partner.
The challenge is that the next partner also does not completely satisfy their needs either. They also only satisfy a portion, albeit a major part of what they want and expect. The key to make any relationship work is to consciously focus on the portion of the person, which is perfect for you and to feel real gratitude for this. This positive attitude shown towards your significant other will change how you feel, behave, interact with and support your partner. Your partner will in turn respond towards you in a more positive and supportive manner too. My experience has shown me that feeling and showing real gratitude towards your partner will deepen and strengthen your relationship with them.
Inviting Financial Wealth into your Experience
Operating from a positive optimistic perspective, where you see your glass as half full and you have huge expectations, which you believe are possible for you to achieve, will allow you to operate in a positive mind space and inspire you to take the daily action you need to take, to invite the financial abundance you desire into your experience. By focusing on all the things you have to be grateful for, you attune your mind to abundance and you will begin to see opportunities all around you, to create financial wealth and independence.
The gratitude you feel will allow you to remain more positive and inspired and will change how you show up every day. You will walk with more confidence, speak with authority and people will be more inclined to want to develop mutually beneficial relationships with you. Other influential people will see your abundant, progressive, positive attitude and want to build mutually beneficial relationships with you. Feeling gratitude will shift your mind space into a positive place and will create the perfect conditions for you to invite financial wellbeing into your life.
Gratitude is a Choice
Action Idea: Make identifying and feeling gratitude for all the wonderful things you have going on in your life, a new daily habit. This new success habit will allow you to shift your mind-set towards positivity and with practice, this new habit set will create more abundance, prosperity, wellbeing, fulfilment and invite more happiness than you ever thought possible into your experience. It is a simple law that, if you want to create abundance in any area of your life, you must first appreciate and feel gratitude for what you already have.
Our thoughts create our expectations and our expectations drive our actions, so if you operate from a standpoint of lack and negativity, your thoughts will create poor expectations, which will drive poor actions and so you will continue to create poor results. Operating from a positive mind space, on the other hand, where you are focused on feeling gratitude for all the abundance you already possess will drive you to have much greater expectations and allow you to believe in your abilities far more. This will inspire improved daily performance and finally the outcomes you desire will begin to manifest in your life.
Remind yourself to be Grateful
Action Idea: Write down all the things you have to be Grateful for Every morning, lunch time and evening. This will help to constantly remind yourself to feel gratitude and to remain in a positive place.
Yes focusing on taking action daily to achieve your goals is important, but don’t forget about the power of looking around your world and focusing on the wonderful things you have right beside you. All the things you have to be grateful for. Invest time to review all the areas of your life and discover all of them which are abundant. Use these successes, to help you focus on possibility and to inspire you daily, to take the goal specific action you need to take, to achieve your dreams.
Only focus on the past, to learn the lessons it offers and to appreciate all it has brought to you. This will equip you to approach the future with open arms, ready and willing to achieve all the new blessings, which will come to you. Remaining in an abundant state of mind, will create the perfect conditions for your inner creative genius and allow you to enjoy the abundance that is your birth right.
Author: Andrew Horton Motivational Speakers
Sunday, January 20, 2013
Andrew Horton Inspirational Speakers: Motivational Speakers - What Are your Expectations...
Andrew Horton Inspirational Speakers: Motivational Speakers - What Are your Expectations...: Motivational Speakers What Are your Expectations for the Future? Why do you think everyone has different expectations and beliefs about...
Motivational Speakers - What Are your Expectations for the Future?
Motivational Speakers
What Are your Expectations for the Future?
Why do you think everyone has different expectations and beliefs about what they can achieve in the future? I know you are expecting a really profound answer here, but I am afraid the answer is really simple. Your most prominent thoughts drive your expectations. So what you think about, actually does affect the way things turn out in the future. Your thoughts really do have an incredible effect on your life and how it will turn out.
When last did you invest some time to ensure that your thoughts are positive and that you are in a positive mental state, where you consistently reflect a positive attitude to the world?
Your thoughts create Everything in your Life
It has been common knowledge for many years that your thoughts do indeed drive your success or lack thereof. In fact many of the greatest self-improvement books ever written, focused on the power of your thoughts. The titles that come to mind are titles like ‘Think and Grow Rich”, “As a man Thinketh” “The magic of thinking big” and “The power of positive Thinking” and many, many more. It has been proven many times over that what you regularly think about, you most certainly bring about.
Are you making a fatal Mistake?
The most common error made by most people, who set goals is that they use their thoughts to turn the creative process against them. For example, we are extremely averse to loosing things. So when you set a goal to lose weight, you are setting yourself up for failure. Rather set a positive goal in the present tense, something like “I come alive at 95”, or “looking great at 58”. This positive reinforcement allows you to view your goals as something positive and something you want to take action to achieve.
Another fatal mistake is setting a goal around the things you don’t want. For example if you want to live debt free. “You set a goal like I will be debt free by a certain date” This means that your goal is focused squarely on what you don’t want in your life. Again you are not creating a positive feeling and set of emotions around your goals. Rather set goals like “I will create a positive net asset value, by certain date”. This allows you to focus on taking positive actions to achieve a positive outcome.
Avoid the common mistakes of focusing on the negative, or on setting goals where you must lose something and rather focus on creating a positive vision of what you want to create in the future.
Action Idea: Allow yourself to get centered, grounded and look around your world, see all the wonderful abundance, which exists in you and all around you. This mind-set is best supported, when you explore your world, appreciating all the wonder that you already possess. I must once again affirm the importance of feeling gratitude for everything in your world, as it puts you in a far better place and mind space, where it is far easier to think and believe in all the positive possibility, which abounds.
Clear Negative Thoughts from your Mind
When you focus on gratitude and you set only positive goals. It is far easier to stop negative thoughts and the natural doubts, which flow through your mind all the time. It becomes far easier to redirect your thoughts towards abundance and to see all the wonderful opportunities all around you. Focus on the positive, be aware of the negative, but ensure that this does drive your expectation and you will be able to invite more abundance into your experience. This will will allow you to experience far more well-being, meaning, fulfilment, love and joy in your life.
Author: Andrew Horton Motivational Speakers
Andrew Horton Inspirational Speakers: Motivational Speakers -- Live in a State of Gratit...
Andrew Horton Inspirational Speakers: Motivational Speakers -- Live in a State of Gratit...: Motivational Speakers Live in a State of Gratitude My experience has shown me that there is one attitude, which will completely transfo...
Motivational Speakers -- Live in a State of Gratitude
Motivational Speakers
Live in a State of Gratitude
My experience has shown me that there is one attitude, which will completely transform your life. It will help you to invite more wealth and better health into your life, give you access to your greatest potential, help you build and sustain great relationships and make you feel the happiness and joy you deserve. The attitude I am referring to, is an attitude of “Gratitude”. When you consciously discover all the things you have to be grateful for in your life and you focus your energy on inviting the positive emotions associated with them into your experience, you will feel more positive, believe in possibility and feel inspired to take action daily to achieve your goals.
Feeling gratitude is always a choice. It is a simple process of looking around your world, seeing all the wonderful things you have to be grateful for and then allowing the glow of joy and satisfaction to flow over you. The positive state you feel, when in a state of gratitude, will equip you to feel more inspired, you will experience far more self-confidence and self-belief and you will see the world around you from a far more positive perspective. This will allow you to see more opportunities and more easily overcome challenges.
Finding Things to be Grateful for
We have just had the opportunity to enjoy a wonderful festive season, filled with wonderful times with our families and friends. We have enjoyed many memorable and enjoyable moments during the festive season. If you have nothing else to be grateful for, use the wonderful experiences and time with family and friends, as a starting point. You really do have so much to be grateful for, when you really start to look, you will discover far more wonderful reasons for gratitude, than you would believe existed.
Making This Work for you
The way your life turns out in the future, is directly related to what you create. You are a very creative being, who arrived on this planet just like everyone else, naked, ignorant and vulnerable. Everything that happens in your life from that moment on is related to the choices you make or fail to make, the actions you take or fail to take and the thoughts you think.
Creation Process
The creation process is simple. Your thoughts create your expectations, which you turn into your vision and goals for the future. You then craft a set of action plans which you act on daily so that you can create your future life experience.
Driving the Creation Process
The way to drive your dreams and turn them into your reality is through expectation. The greater your expectation, the greater will be the things you will ultimately be able to manifest in your life. Thus the greater your expectation and your resultant belief in your ability to turn that expectation into your reality, the greater will be the possibility that you will manage to convert your expectations into your future reality.
Are your Expectations Limiting your Potential?
Action Idea: Take a close look at your expectations right now. Are they very limited and restrictive, because of your belief in yourself and what you are capable of achieving? If you have very limited expectations about what is possible, then it is extremely unlikely that you will achieve greatness. We seldom, if ever exceed our own expectations. The expectations you have, limited or expansive, have a powerful effect on how your life will turn out, and so if you want to change the way your future will turn out, change your expectations about what is possible for you.
Dare to dream about all the wonderful possibilities that are available to you, believe you can achieve them, create a positive mental attitude, by feeling gratitude for everything, which is working in your life and you will have created the perfect circumstances for inviting all the success you desire into your life.
Author: Andrew Horton Motivational Speakers
Andrew Horton Inspirational Speakers: Shift Happens
Andrew Horton Inspirational Speakers: Shift Happens: I had the privilege of working with two really great sales teams this week. They have recently undergone a merger between two large organis...
Shift Happens
I had the privilege of working with two really great sales teams this week. They have recently undergone a merger between two large organisations and the two sales teams met for the first time, at the sales conference. As you can imagine there was a lot of trepidation at first, but after spending the entire week together, learning about each other’s product lines, culture and way of doing things, I believe that they left the conference as one united team of driven and inspired individuals, eager to support each other in 2013 and beyond.
Why am I telling you this story, well their first amalgamated sales conference was aptly called “Shift Happens”. You can imagine how the word “Shift” was altered at first, by the two sales teams. Incredibly by the time I left them, I saw one united team of colleges, who had embraced the change and were eager to work together as a team. They were no longer a group of strangers, who felt insecure and unsure of what the future held for them. They had all embraced change, seen the advantages of working in a bigger team and had allowed themselves to turn challenge into something beneficial and to their advantage.
All Progress Requires Change
The lesson we can learn from this team and the wonderful positive “Shift” they managed achieve in such a short space of time, is that as change is now a given in the world we inhabit, stop fighting against it and accept that the sooner you embrace it and actually use it to grow or identify new opportunities, the better. Make change your ally and see it as not only an integral part of your journey, but in many cases, it actually highlights opportunities, which may have remained hidden form you, had you not experienced the change in the first place. Remember that all progress requires change.
Developing Mental Strength
To thrive in this world of never ending change, it is imperative that you develop a calm mental toughness, as experiencing constant “Surprises” is the new normal. The constant and ever changing world, shortening business cycle, rapid growth in knowledge, globalisation and the never ending flood technological advancements is filling our world with an ever increasing flood of change. If you are to survive and thrive, in this mass of change, it is imperative that you accept change as quickly as possible, embrace it and discover ways to utilise it to improve your experience and that of the people around you.
Change Brings Challenge
As certain as you are that the sun will rise in the East and set in the West every day, so certain should you be that change will unsettle you and that it will bring new challenges into your life.
Action Idea: The best way to deal with change and the inevitable challenges it brings, is to view them as merely an event. They are not what defines you. It is how you choose to respond to and how you choose to utilise change and challenge, to sculpture your future, which will ultimately define you and determine how much meaning and fulfilment you will get to experience.
The uncertainty and challenge, which change brings must be seen as a temporary inconvenience, merely a stumbling block, which can be turned into stepping stones towards your future success. Build a mental picture where you see every challenge turning into a stepping stone and visualise yourself steping boldly onto each one, as you use each challenge as the fertiliser for your future success.
Author: Andrew Horton Motivational Speakers
Saturday, January 5, 2013
Andrew Horton Inspirational Speakers: Make the Most of Every Moment in 2013
Andrew Horton Inspirational Speakers: Make the Most of Every Moment in 2013: Start 2013 off by taking a thorough look at how you invest your time every day, by using an activity log to record how you are effectiv...
Andrew Horton Inspirational Speakers: Make the Most of Every Moment in 2013
Andrew Horton Inspirational Speakers: Make the Most of Every Moment in 2013: Start 2013 off by taking a thorough look at how you invest your time every day, by using an activity log to record how you are effectiv...
Make the Most of Every Moment in 2013
2013 off by taking a thorough look at how you invest your time every day, by
using an activity log to record how you are effectively utilising or wasting
your time. This process is really simple and requires you to record how you have
used your time, on a sheet of paper, at the end of each hour during the day. Do
not analyse or question anything at this stage.
seven days explore your seven sheets and see how you have done. Look for
patterns where you may be wasting time or not using your time as effectively as
possible. You will literally astound yourself with how much time you waste each
week, after you have analysed these sheets. You will see that you do not have a
shortage of time at all, what you have is a lack of focus and commitment towards
achieving your goals.
Internalise your Vision and Goals Daily
each day by internalising your vision and goals, by reading them out aloud to
yourself before you start each day.
Feel committed and driven to do what it takes that day, to carry out the
actions you need to perform to achieve your vision and goals. If you can
prioritise and focus your energy on the most important outcomes you want to
achieve each day, you will see incredible results manifest in your life in 2013
and beyond.
Invest each Hour
each hour of your day this year by asking this simple question “Is
the way I intend to use the next hour, the best use of my available time and
will it lead me closer towards achieving my vision and goals”? “If it
is not then how can I improve my actions in the next hour to achieve a better
outcome”? As you keep asking this question hour after hour, you will continually
improve the use of your available time and the goal specific results you will
begin to enjoy will improve too.
Making Decisions
you are required to make any decisions this year, ask yourself this question: “Does
the action, I will take as a result of this decision, help me to achieve my
vision and goals?” This will make it a whole lot easier to make the
right decisions going forward. If anything is not aligned with helping you
achieve your goals, then have the wisdom and courage to avoid it altogether.
Review your Day
you finish each day, invest a few minutes to go through your day. Review
everything that went well and allow yourself to feel the glow of success, for a
job well done. Also explore all the things that did not go according to plan.
Do not beat yourself up over these. Learn the lessons they offer and move on.
Everything you did not manage to complete that day is moved onto your planning
sheet for the next day. If possible all the things you did not manage to
complete, must be completed first thing the following morning.
Plan your Day the Night Before
your daily review, which should take no longer than five minutes each evening,
invest time to plan your next day. Take all the information from your daily
review and fit all the outstanding matters from the current day, onto your
schedule the following day. This planning session should take no longer than 10
– 15 minutes, but when done daily, will save you hours of time the following
day. It will also allow you to prioritise and focus your energy and time on
your goal specific activities each day.
Meet your Future
is time you specifically schedule each day, to focus 100 % on carrying out your
goal specific activities. When you schedule time every day to work on achieving
your goals, it keeps you focused and driven to carry out the actions you need
to do daily to achieve all your goals. The challenge we face is that we get so
wrapped up in doing to survive, that we never seem to have time to carry out
the goal specific actions daily, which will change our lives.
2013 different and this time around make time available to carry out your goal
specific actions and you will change your life. Committing to make time
available to carry out the right goal specific actions, will be the best use of
your available time. When you reach December this year, you will not have
regrets about all the things you should have done, but you will rather be
celebrating your success this year.
Andrew Horton Time Management Course
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