Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Dare to Dream

Best Motivational Speakers South Africa

We all have an unquenchable desire to dream about and create a better life for ourselves and our families. What makes life so incredible is that we have the ability to establish goals that will allow us to live these dreams. It is so amazing that we have the affinity and ability to dream about a better and brighter future. The ability to create goals that will help us pursue these dreams and the cognitive ability to lay out a plan and a strategy to make these dreams real.

Your dreams are simply a visual picture of how you would like your life to be in the future. Everyone has dreams; some people have buried their dreams deep inside themselves because they thought they were unobtainable or foolish. Search deep within yourself and listen to your heart. Allow those wonderful dreams that live deep within you to come to the surface.

You uncover your dreams by learning to listen to that inner voice that you may have trained yourself to ignore. It is an incredibly empowering experience to uncover your inner most desires and dreams and to realize that you have the power to make them real.

The easiest way to uncover your dreams and set yourself on a path to make your dreams real is to:

· Lie or sit in a very comfortable and safe place.

· Relax and concentrate on your breathing.

· Quite your mind and listen to your inner voice. (What inner voice? I hear you ask. That inner voice that just posed the question “What inner voice?)

· Try to remove all the clutter and noise from your mind.

· When you do this you begin to allow your mind and your heart to soar on the wings of your dreams.

· Schedule some quiet time for yourself this week, just you, your dreams and a pad and pencil to record your thoughts.

During your quiet time, focus on the things that really inspire and thrill you. Focus on the things that would make you feel really happy and content.

· What would you do with your life if you were guaranteed to succeed?

· What picture in your future moves you into a state of excitement and joy?

· When you are able to unlock these thoughts and dream about and exciting and inspiring future, you will begin to experience the true essence of dreaming and begin the process of succeeding.

Allow your mind to explore and to go to the most outlandish places. Remember you are dreaming, so your mind is unfettered by anything. Allow your thoughts to fly and your mind to travel wherever it wants. Record your thoughts, without editing or filtering them at all.

Explore all the thoughts and ideas that came into your head and identify those ideas or dreams that are the most important or the most feasible. Keep all your dreams and ideas, simply put them into the order that you want to achieve them. The way to realize any dream is to always be moving toward action.

Once you have uncovered your dreams, have the courage and conviction to create plans and begin taking action to realize them, before the passion dies. These dreams and goals that are born in your heart and mind and are unique and special to you are the catalyst that will allow you to live a full and complete life of substance. Life is not a dress rehearsal, dream big and make every moment count.

When you become enthusiastic and passionate about any new idea and you add a healthy dose of conviction into the mix. You have discovered the formula to ignite your inspiration and the fuel to sustain your efforts.

Author: Andrew Horton Best Motivational Speakers South Africa

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Three New Success Habits to Promote Succes

Meet Your Future, C.P.A and Performance Management System

Inspiration is that fire in your belly that drives you to begin and to keep taking the necessary daily actions that will help you to realize all your dreams. Aligning your values with the success you desire and developing a success habit set are the catalysts that will help you to sustain your efforts and allow you to live a harmonious and balanced life. When you are in alignment with your values and you have created an ingrained success habit set to support you, you have the makings of creating and sustaining what will appear to be effortless success. This new set of daily routines or ingrained habits is what will keep you going even when that initial fire in your belly begins to burn out.

You will be introduced to the three simple concepts or new habits that will encourage success, balance and harmony in your life. You will be guided to gradually introduce these three new routines into your life. Once you have learnt and are applying these tools on a daily basis, you will have introduced three fundamental tools for long term sustainable success. You will carry out new daily routines almost on autopilot and most importantly you will have created daily time slots to work on your future. These activities will be measured regularly and tweaked until they deliver the desired outcomes. Bear in mind that once mastered, this approach can be used to create success in any area of your life.

Meetings with Your Future

This is your new success tool that is introduced into your daily routine to equip you with the time needed to carry out your inspired daily actions. This is time that you set aside every day to work on yourself and your future. When you introduce meetings with your future into your daily schedule you are teaching yourself to make time available to carry out the necessary daily activities to create the future that you desire. This is the time you make available every day to carry out the 5 daily activities or codes as described below. These are the almost insignificant daily actions that, compounded over time, allow you to create the future you desire, moment by moment. Real long term sustainable success is not about huge effort carried out over a long period of time. It is about small almost insignificant actions performed indefinitely over the course of your life.

Scheduling meetings with your future is time that you schedule every day to devote to making a meaningful difference to the way your future will turn out. Choose to include this very simple tool into your daily schedule and make it an integral part of your success habit set. This will remove the illusion that there is no time available to work on exploring and exploiting your own potential.

There are endless possibilities and opportunities all around you. Break free from the prison of perpetual ‘busyness’ and stop allowing yourself to be a victim of a perceived lack of time. Choose to introduce this system for time efficiency into your life. You will then have time available to perform those few small daily activities that will add up to massive success.

Code of Personal Achievement (C.P.A.)

This is a unique set of commitments or codes that you set for yourself every day, to carry out five activities that are aligned with the goals, you are trying to achieve. These activities when carried out daily will move you closer to the outcomes you want to achieve. They are the daily actions or tasks you are attempting to develop. These daily activities will over time turn into your success habit set. Initially it will require willpower to carry out these very necessary daily activities. After about 46 – 66 days these activities will become entrenched habits. To ensure that you have the time and inclination to carry out these tasks, we have created the concept of daily Meetings with your Future. (See above). Once you have developed the habit of scheduling Meetings with your Future every day, to ensure that you have time to carry out these actions. You will have created a daily routine that will help you to build any new success habit set you desire.

For example: If your goal was to improve your health.

You would choose five daily activities or “commitments to yourself” that would help you achieve this goal.

· Drink 2 liters of water

· Exercise 30 minutes a day

· Eat 5 fruits and vegetables a day

· Cut down on fat intake

· Take multi vitamin daily

You will consciously carry out these five activities every day for 66 days, until they become entrenched habits. Current research has shown that it should take between 40 to 66 days for these activities to become entrenched habits. It will initially require discipline and willpower to carry out these activities but soon enough they will become ingrained habits and will become an integral part of your new success habit set. This is a tool that allows you to start developing a new daily routine that will ensure your success. This code or commitment you make with yourself, acts as a daily reminder for you to carry out activities that will help you learn new positive habits. Over time as you apply discipline to carry out these carefully chosen daily activities, you instill a new set of behaviors that eventually evolve into your new success habit set.

Performance Management System

It is not enough to merely have forward motion, where you are like a feather blowing in the wind. Yes, you are moving forward toward achieving your dreams, but at the first obstacle you become stuck and lose all impetus. This book will show you how to build momentum in your life as you work to achieve your goals. You must learn to feel and operate like a strong free flowing river, where you become virtually unstoppable. This is only achieved if you constantly measure your performance and you take action to ensure that your activities are delivering the desired results. As long as your daily activities are achieving the outcomes you desire, you bring some of the most powerful forces into play namely momentum and compounding.

Whatever gets measured gets done. The performance measurement system is designed to measure your performance on a daily, weekly, quarterly and annual basis. This system is designed not only to measure performance but it is also a way to celebrate success. When we constantly celebrate our successes, we are better equipped to remain inspired and driven to succeed.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Authors Note

Inspirational Speakers

I often wrestle with the concept of what the mission and purpose of our lives actually is. Of the many different ideas I have discovered, the one that rings true with me, is the ability and willingness to live our full potential. Every virtue, treasure and reward in life is dependent on us uncovering and living according to our potential.

Robert Louis Stevenson had a wonderful way with words. He stated this idea so beautifully over a hundred years ago. “To become what we are capable of becoming is the only end in life

So what is living your potential? Potential simply means possible, as opposed to what is current or actual at the moment. We have the ability to acquire latent excellence and to become more every day of our lives. We have the ability to constantly grow, expand and to create a better version of ourselves day after day. The way to un-wrap this greatness and to begin exploring the extent of your hidden potential, is to first believe in your abilities and to know that you have greatness hidden inside you. Once you unlock this treasure chest of potential and you start the process of exploring the unknown limits of your own possibilities. You have discovered the path to living a full and meaningful life.

Thomas Edison said it so well when he said: “If we all did the things we are capable of, we would literally astound ourselves”.

Have you ever dreamt about what you are capable of achieving and then committed yourself to the process of growing your skills and abilities as you gradually knead and mold your values to align them with these dreams? Or have you stifled your yearning for great success because you have had a few setbacks in your life? That has then made you flee to the safety of mediocrity and inactivity.

One of the great thought leaders and fathers of the personal development industry Dale Carnegie said “We all have possibilities we don’t know about. We can do things we don’t even dream we can do”.

Are you exploring the limits of your potential every day by striving to learn and expand? Or are you allowing your fear to keep you trapped in an unfulfilling life of routine and average? Have the courage to finally pull the trigger on your potential and begin to explore the unlimited scale of what is possible for you. Tap into your genius and constantly strive to become more and you will attract more into your life:

1) More spiritual connection

2) Better relationships

3) Greater health

4) Financial freedom and choice

5) Career or vocation satisfaction

6) Outstanding family connections

7) Great joy in giving, guiding and assisting others

One of the great Philosophers of the 19 century, Soren Kierkegaard, said it so well when he said: “There is nothing of which every man is so afraid as getting to know how enormously much he is capable of doing and becoming”.

Stop allowing your fear of what you can have, do and be, to prevent you from stretching yourself to realize your full potential. You are magnificent. Start to see it, believe it and become it. Are your beliefs in what you think is possible for you, keeping you trapped in mediocrity? That stops right here and right now. Use this book to explore and uncover what really is possible for you. Now pull the trigger on a fantastic future and begin evolving into the best version of yourself possible.

In the words of Nelson Mandela, “There is no passion found in playing small – settling for a life that is less than the one you are capable of living”.

Not living your potential does not only keep you trapped in a life that is un-fulfilling and empty, it is damaging to your health as well. Psychologists have known for a long time that we create massive internal stress when what we are doing on the outside (Actions and Behaviors) is incongruent with our potential (possibilities) on the inside. Now is the time to start living a congruent life and to accept that possibility and potential are your birth right. Begin living your full potential today, strive to adjust and align your values so that they support those possibilities.

Dr John F. Demartini, one of the great thought leaders of our time, epitomizes the need to unlock your potential. He says that “Deep inside every individual there is a desire or calling to live a truly inspired, purposeful and meaningful life; a life so fulfilled that they feel gratefully empowered in many if not all of the seven key areas of life: spiritual, mental, financial, vocational, family, physical and social”.

You too can live a truly magnificent and inspired life that will allow you to become the best version of you possible. If you are willing to move outside your comfort zone and explore the boundaries of your potential, you can and will find the harmony you are searching for, in all seven areas of your life. No matter where you find yourself right now, you can begin the journey to unlock your potential and live an inspiring life.

After reading this book you will have a set of tools that will allow you to align your hierarchy of values with what is possible for you. These possibilities will become probabilities, and eventually your future reality. This is simply a practical, achievable process of first uncovering what is possible, creating a deep rooted belief that it is possible for you, and then using the tools offered in this book to align your values with these possibilities and to develop a set of success habits that will support exactly that in your life.

Start right now, by believing in your greatness and begin to see the unfathomable strength, courage and ability that has been gifted to you. Once you begin to have undeniable faith in your own potential and you commit yourself to follow the processes offered in this book. You have a toolkit that will allow you to unwrap, begin to explore and use your full potential. Commit to use the tools offered and expand your belief around what is possible for you. There will be real positive changes in your life and you will soon begin to see the difference in your world.

Inspirational Speakers

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Andrew Horton Inspirational Speakers: What do you Value?

Andrew Horton Inspirational Speakers: What do you Value?: "Your values are the primary determent of your decisions and behavior. If your values are aligned with the picture you have about what succes..."

What do you Value?

Your values are the primary determent of your decisions and behavior. If your values are aligned with the picture you have about what success means to you, you will be living a life of inspiration and innovation. When you attempt to live your life out of alignment with your values, you will be living a life of desperation and frustration. Understanding your values and aligning them with the success you desire in your life, will determine whether you live an ordinary or extra-ordinary life.

The values I am referring to can best be explained as follows:

  • Things that you find more desirable or that you feel are more worthy of your esteem are high in your value system.
  • Whilst things that you put little intrinsic worth to, or you rate as lower on your scale of needs are of little value to you.

Your values are your evaluations of what is most or least important to you at any time on your journey through life. They are the drivers of your behavior and determine what you do and determine what you choose to label as good or evil, moral or ethical. On your journey toward the success you are seeking your current values will determine what activities will feel effortless and require very little outside motivation to carry out. They will also make some activities feel tedious and difficult to perform.

The best way to determine what your current values are is to look at your life and see what is reflected back at you. The three areas we will look at are:

  • Where are you spending your money?
  • How do you fill your space?
  • How do you spend your time?

Where are you spending your money?

Use the table below, explore your values and see where are spending most of your money?

Look at your monthly expenditure and list how you are currently spending your money.


  • Income $ 10 000/ Month
  • House $ 2500
  • Food $ 1500
  • Clothing $ 1500
  • Entertainment $ 1200
  • Books $ 1000
  • Education $ 1000
  • Investment $ 500
  • Miscellaneous $ $ 800


Percentage of total

Area of Life

Living Expenses

30 %

Familial & Social


25 %

Familial & Social

Book & Education

20 %

Mental & Vocation


20 %



5 %


This example shows that this person places the highest value on their home, living expenses and lifestyle. Secondly they are driven to educate themselves and lastly they spend a very small percentage of their money on investments. It is important to understand that there is no right or wrong answer when doing this exercise. All that this exercise will show you is where you values are focused at present.

How do you fill your space?

Look around your environment and see the things that stand out most.


There is a big screen TV in your lounge where you love spending all your free time. Your lounge also has a computer where you spend some time writing and researching. Books fill the space next to your bed and you have shelves of books in your study.


What Role does it fill

Area of Life



Social & Familial



Mental & Vocation



Mental & Vocation

How do you spend your time?

Take a look at your life and write down how you spend your time.


  • Work 8 Hours
  • TV 4 Hours
  • Reading 1 Hour
  • Writing computer 1 Hour
  • Exercise 30 minutes



Area of Life


33 %



16 %

Social & Familial

Reading and writing

8 %

Mental & Vocation


2 %


Analysing these results

After doing this exercise you should have an intuitive feeling about where your values lie. To get a clearer picture, you must look at the following seven areas of your life and see how they fit into the tables above.

  • Spiritual
  • Mental
  • Vocation
  • Finances
  • Physical
  • Relationships or Family
  • Social

Using these seven areas of your life go back to the previous tables and see which of these best represents each of your choices.

After analyzing your results, use the table below to highlight where your values are focused

Area of Life






From this example it is clear that this person currently has values that are focused on their social and family. If this person were to set themselves a set of goals to become financially independent in the next two years, they would place themselves under huge stress. Investing and finances are very low on their list of values. When something is low on your value list, it requires massive amounts of motivation and willpower to carry out the activities needed to succeed.

This person would need to first work to change their hierarchy of values before they tackled anything related to finances. If they were to try to achieve any goals that are not aligned with their values they would struggle and lose interest at the first challenge that crosses their path.

When you understand your hierarchy of values and how they affect you and your performance. You equip yourself with an understanding of how to achieve the maximum level of performance, with the least amount of conscious effort. This awareness is extremely empowering and allows you to take only actions that are aligned with your values. When you do this your actions feel effortless and you are inspired to do whatever it takes to succeed.

The challenge we often face is that our values are not aligned with the outcomes we want to achieve. This requires conscious effort on our part.

  • We must first identify our hierarchy of values.
  • Then we must explore and define what success means to us.
  • Set realistic goals that will deliver on our expectations.
  • Re-align our values with the outcome we are attempting to achieve.
  • Develop new habits that will support our daily efforts.