Sunday, June 19, 2011

Commit to Daily Inspired Action

Motivational Speakers

When you commit to carry out consistent, inspired effort over a reasonable length of time, you will gradually reap multiple rewards. It is simply one of the great arrangements or laws of living on this beautiful planet of ours. This has been spoken about since ancient times. I am sure that you have heard the saying “Whatever you sow, so shall Ye Reap”. In other words if you commit to sow well, you will most certainly reap well. Our lives are governed by many simple laws that govern and explain our behaviors. When these laws are understood and followed, they allow us to reap great rewards. One of the simplest and probably the one law that will have the most profound effect on the results you will enjoy in your life is the law that states “Every inspired effort, when carried out consistently over time, will allow you to reap multiple rewards”.

What an amazing law and one that you can use to achieve remarkable results in your life. When you commit to carry out daily inspired action that is aligned with your values and dreams and you are patient. You will see all the rewards that accrue to you will be multiplied over time. Due to all the small efforts you consistently take every day. Commit to give more than you expect to receive and as the law states you will most certainly receive more than you expect.

Utilizing this law requires consistent effort over time and for you to commit to apply daily inspired action toward achieving the outcomes you desire. You must ensure that your efforts are always guided by clear thoughts around the outcomes you are trying to achieve. Confused thoughts or unclear activities will only deliver unsatisfactory results. This law is true and applicable to all the actions you take. Reaping multiple rewards requires daily inspired action and commitment.

· Learn and practice the art of using your time as efficiently as possible.

· Writing a card or letter to someone special.

· Paying your bills on time.

· Arriving at appointments on time.

· A commitment to ongoing lifelong learning.

· Strive to help as many people as possible to learn and grow and to get what they want.

When you learn the art of always doing the right thing and you apply daily inspired action to carry out the activities necessary for success. You aspire to help as many people as possible, to get what they need and want. You will have found the key to unlock the law of “Reaping and Sowing” As you apply daily inspired action in your life and you learn to consistently apply focused effort in your life, there will be multiple rewards. When you practice the daily inspired action to read every day, you will grow into the type of person you need to be to attract the success you desire. All the daily inspired action that you take that is aligned with your values and dreams will feel effortless and will deliver amazing results. When you are in alignment with your values and vision for the future, you are better equipped to manage the inevitable challenges that will cross your path. Your efforts will not need any external motivation as you will be driven from within. As you continue down this path of alignment, you will be driven to gain more knowledge and skills and your understanding and determination will effortlessly expand.

When you understand this law and you stay committed and inspired, even the events that you perceive as negative experiences, will provide a positive contribution to your life. A word of caution though, if you neglect to carry out the inspired action consistently, there is always a price to be paid. That price may be failure, divorce, bankruptcy, loss of health, disaster or mediocrity. Stay vigilant and pay daily attention and ensure that you are carrying out the necessary daily inspired action. Complacency is the destroyer of dreams and the thief of your potential. Look at your life, examine the small things, do you just throw your clothing on a chair, rather than hanging them up in the closet. This could suggest a lack of commitment and indicate that you are neglecting to be inspired. The way you do anything is the way you do everything. You cannot expect to clean up the challenges in your life, if your garage, cupboards or house is a mess. You cannot act impatiently with your children or spouse and expect to be patient and understanding with your customers, suppliers, distributors or employees. You can never inspire people around you when your conduct is not consistent in all areas of your life.

Carry out an audit of your life right now. Take a really close look at all areas of your life; really put them under the microscope. Explore and see which areas would benefit from a new level of focus and commitment. The only missing ingredient from your incredible success story is a commitment to take daily inspired action that is aligned with your values. When you are in alignment, all the actions you take will feel effortless and you will try harder and work harder than you ever thought possible.

Don’t wait for things to deteriorate to a point where you feel like there is no way out and someone else is put in a position where, they impose their will on you. Your life can either be a warning to others, showing them what to avoid at all costs. Or it can be an example to others of how to live a life of value and meaning. The choice of how yours will turn out is merely a measure of your commitment to carry out daily inspired action that is aligned with your values.

Author: Andrew Horton motivational Speakers

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