Saturday, June 18, 2011

Character and Attitude are the bookends of Sustainable Success

Inspirational Speakers

We are all born with a personality, if we want character though. We must decide exactly how we want our character to be projected to the world and then we must go about the task of sculpting ours to meet that need. Building character is a conscious process in which you gradually turn who you are into the person you want to be. This is achieved by continually making hundreds and hundreds of the right choices that are aligned with the person you want to be. Until you build the character you desire.

Character is not something you were born with, it is something you must take full responsibility for creating. As you journey through life. I do not believe that adversity or challenge helps people to build their characters. I most certainly do not believe that success will erode their characters either and cause them to be anything but astounding.

Neither positive nor negative events will have any effect on your character building. Character is built by the way you train yourself to respond to all events in your life. You build character and create the person you want to be by diligently creating and nurturing good qualities in yourself.

The measure of your character is never about whether you win or lose, whether you create wealth or get to deal with hard times. It is about how you choose to respond to anything that comes your way. Every positive result you will enjoy in your life will require you to deal with challenge and difficulty along the way. The measure of your character and the final result you will enjoy in life will be the real measure of your character, commitment and tenacity.

Good character and attitude are the bookends of sustainable success and both must be nurtured and developed every day. You need to constantly look for ways to improve your character and attitude by searching in your gut and in your heart for ways to improve who and what you are.

When you commit to become the person you really want to be. It will become almost effortless to create and strengthen the qualities you need to unlock and create a character that will serve you.

Your character will develop and expand as you put it to work, despite the challenges and tests it will face every day. As long as you stay committed and you are willing to do the work necessary to make it so. Once your character is formed, it will serve as a solid foundation upon which you can build the life of your dreams.

Once you have created and nurtured great character and attitude. You must stand guard at the door of your mind and ensure that you project a consistent message to the world. Always strive to project a consistent message of integrity, passion and commitment.

Always be true to your word and people will be eager to develop long term, sustainable and mutually beneficial relationships with you. These will be the type of relationships that will assist you to effortlessly realize all your dreams and goals. Success is never a one man or women affair. It is the combination of great attitude, a reflection of your true character and the result of consistent effort that must be supported by the people around you.

Author: Andrew Horton Inspirational Speakers

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