We are fast approaching the end of another
magnificent year. How have you been tracking against those hairy audacious
goals, which you set yourself at the beginning of the year? If you are less
than satisfied with the results you have managed to achieve, then it is time to
examine what may be holding you back.
Who is in your corner?
One of the major factors which may be affecting the
results you are able to enjoy, is the people you choose to surround yourself
with. If you finally want to start to make real progress and actually achieve
your goals going forward. You must examine the people who you spend most of
your time around. Are they on a similar path to the one you want to travel or
are they like an anchor that is weighing you down and holding you away from
carrying out the tasks you need to perform every day to succeed?
You mirror the people around you
Research has shown that we mirror the behaviour of
the people closest to us. We eventually dress like them, speak like them and
even think like they do. As you know what you think about and take action to
achieve, is what will shape the way you future will unfold. So if you continue
to surround yourself with people, who constantly distract you or do not support
you, it is virtually impossible to achieve the outcomes you desire.
Choose people who will support
When you choose to only invest your most valuable
asset, namely, your time, with positive people, who inspire you, it is easier
to stay focused, centred and at peace with your potential. The
correct mix of people will help keep you on track and serve as your support,
during those inevitable difficult times, which you will encounter on the path
of success.
Surround yourself with people who
are an example of the success you desire
Always strive to consciously surround yourself with
the right people, who inspire you and offer a positive example to you. This
will equip you to learn from the mistakes of others, which in turn, will help
you accelerate your own success, yet still allow you to remain authentic,
unique and true to your own excellence.
Invest your time around optimists
Time spent with optimists is time invested wisely,
for the measure of a real optimist is not in the fact that they always see
their glass as half full, but that they also see the abundance that exists all
around them and are therefore willing to share their half full glass with everyone
around them.
Action Idea: There are several ways to
create the positive environment that will help lift you closer to your success.
Seek people who are successful and who have done what you hope to do and work
to include them in your network.
Surround yourself with the right
One of the easiest ways to accelerate your success
and uncover your brilliance is to regularly seek the council of experts and to
surround yourself with a trusted group of advisors and supporters. This support
team will advise, support and assist you when required, in every important
aspect of your life.
Carefully select the right people to include in
your reference group. These people must consistently offer you a positive push,
so that you can reach your full potential. When you envelope yourself in the
perfect circle of excellence, your success will become almost effortless and
anything and everything becomes possible for you.
Find the right mentor
Get a mentor to guide and assist you. Identify what
you want to learn and connect with the expert in that specific area and then immerse
yourself in positive listening, watching, and reading.
Choose a mentor that has succeeded in areas where
you wish to build your future, they must challenge you, hold you accountable
and bring the best out in you. When you invest the time, energy and effort into
discovering the right mentors, who are willing, able, enthusiastic and
compatible with your needs and personality, you will have discovered an
incredibly valuable asset to fast forward your success.
Walk in the footsteps of great
achievers who have gone before
Don’t be afraid to walk in the footsteps of others
- for that is where the most skill and knowledge is acquired. When the time is
right have the confidence to stride out and make your own mark.
As you learn all the lessons that a good mentor has
to offer, apply them in your life, but be certain that you allow the powerful
beacon of light, which is your unique brilliance to shine from within you. It
is this very uniqueness and authenticity that makes you truly memorable, sought
after and a real asset to all you touch.
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