The compound effect is remarkable and small
consistent, well directed efforts over time, add up to remarkable results in
our lives and businesses. Unfortunately the compound effect does not only work
in a positive direction. Consistent neglect of your health, career, and
relationships or around building wealth eventually results in disaster.
Failure is seldom the result of a single
cataclysmic event; it is the accumulation over a prolonged period of poor
thinking and choices. Failure is nothing more than a few small errors in
judgment, repeated day after day, for a prolonged period of time. Have you ever
wondered why someone would make errors in judgment or bad choices and just keep
repeating these mistakes, again and again for years and years?
The reason is simple; the negative outcomes, as a result
of the neglect or bad choices are not immediately visible and so people think
that the small compounding errors do not matter. Each little piece of neglect
or lack of discipline does not seem to have any effect on their lives at all.
We seem to escape unscathed and it appears that we have escaped any immediate
The Result of Neglect is Slow and
Our lack of discipline and our total disregard
toward our on-going education and growth seems to have no effect on our lives
at all. Not reading any books for the past ninety days seems insignificant. We
look back over the past ninety days where we have neglected one small, yet very
significant discipline, namely daily reading, and nothing drastic has happened
so we repeat the error in judgment for the next ninety days.
This is where the true danger to our future success
lies. Not only are we not showing any discipline and not reading the all-important
books, which are going to help us to grow and constantly develop, but we are
oblivious to the fact that it even matters. Sitting every night in front of the
television, entertaining ourselves to death brings what feels like instant
gratification and helps us in the moment, escape from the stresses of our day.
Repeated Neglect and Bad Choices
Spells Disaster
Unfortunately repeating this behaviour only keeps us
trapped in the circumstances, which cause us the stress in the first place. We
repeat this cycle every day, we go to work at a place that we hate, do a job we
cannot stand and which causes us unbelievable stress. Then we arrive home in
the evening and collapse in front of the television, so that we can cope with
everything that is wrong in our lives. This cycle repeats for years and years
and we remain trapped.
The pleasure of the moment, watching television,
makes us feel better in the moment, so we neglect to make the changes necessary
to break the negative cycle, which is keeping us trapped. The consequences of a
future, where we remain stuck in circumstances that are making our lives
miserable goes unnoticed.
The consequences of this on-going neglect is seldom,
if ever, instant and the compounding
effect of the neglect and poor choices, compounds and accumulates over time. Unless
you make a conscious effort to change and you finally choose to begin taking
positive daily actions, which will have the opposite effect and will eventually
result in success. The on-going neglect in your life will just keep compounding
into a wasted life in which you never get to realize your full potential.
Failure is subtle and does not shout out immediate warnings about the impending,
inevitable disaster, which is looming, due to your on-going errors in judgment.
Wrestle back control of your life and begin using the compounding effect in a
positive fashion and you can reverse the cycle.
Reverse the Cycle by Making
Better Choices
As you make better choices, you will reverse this negative
cycle and using the same principles, which have resulted in your living an
unfulfilling life, you can create massive success in your life and business. By
reversing the formula for failure and applying a few daily disciplines
consistently in your life, you can create a formula for success.
The way to achieve this change in your philosophy
is to change the way you look at your future. You must make the outcomes you want
to see in the future an integral part of your current thinking and philosophy.
This means that you must look to your future and create a crystal clear picture
of exactly what you want your future to look like. Once you have this vivid
picture in your mind you must identify the new habits you must develop to support
this vision.
The Future you Get to Live is the
Result of Your Actions Today
The success or failures you will see in your future
are both future consequences of the actions you take or fail to take today. As
long as you stay focused on the instant gratification in the moment and you
never look at the potential rewards, which will flow to you in your future,
with the application of a few small daily disciplines. You will remain trapped
in a life of mediocrity.
To break free from the place you are trapped at the
moment, look a little further down the road and visualize the future you
desire. Commit to amend the current errors in judgment, which are holding you
away from that visualized future. Develop and apply a few new success
orientated disciplines, which will move you one small almost insignificant step
at a time; closer and closer to the future you desire.
Positive Results will Show-up in
a Reasonable Length of Time
The wonder of choosing to apply a few success
orientated new disciplines into your life, is that the positive results will be
seen within a reasonable length of time. Stay focused on the future outcome you
see in your future and stay focused and committed to that outcome. Keep
applying yourself to carry out the new daily disciplines and you will begin to
feel a new level of satisfaction and vitality. The positive results will begin
to show in your life and this will give you a new level of self-confidence.
The real magic of the new disciplines you will
introduce into your life, is found in the fact that it will help you to shift
your thinking. Once you begin to reap the rewards of a life of substance, you
will no longer be content to simply live a life of subsistence. Make this the first
day of your new life, try a little harder, and make a conscious effort to
change those deadly dream destroying habits, which are keeping you trapped in
mediocrity. Commit to apply a few new disciplines in your life every day. The
rewards of these few small subtle positive changes will be magical and well
worth the effort.
Andrew Horton Best
Business Motivational Speakers South Africa
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